"I have nowhere to go, how about you take me in for a while." He hurriedly took a few steps over, as if I would definitely agree.

Before I could say anything, Ye Zeyi stretched out his hand and pointed into the distance, "Get out."

"Why are you so overbearing? I'm just going to stay at your house for a few days. I can't live without this three-mile radius. Your house is just right." Fang Wenxue walked up to me with a flattering look on his face, "Okay?"

"Not good." Ye Zeyi yelled.

When he was angry, I could feel the surrounding woods shaking, and the birds in the woods flapped their wings and flew out.

I shrank my neck and stood between the two of them.I looked at Fang Wenxue, "Why don't you go to the library and stay for two days?"

"There are many people there, so I won't go there." Fang Wenxue looked disgusted. "I am suitable for studying academics in a quiet place. Even if I become a ghost, I must have a goal. I can use this to do research. , the difference between the human world and the ghost world..."

I waved my hand, "Stop, brother, my house is not quiet. There are hundreds of people living in my house."

Fang Wenxu's eyes stood up and his protruding tongue twitched, "What do you mean? Aren't you the only two in your family?"

"There are hundreds of people in my family, and they won't welcome you. If you go there, you will be abused." I said sincerely, "I really didn't lie to you. I don't lie to anyone."

Fang Wenxue thought for a while, "Okay, I'll go to the library to borrow it for two days. Well, when you have time, help me check someone out."

It seems that he still has something to ask for.

"Who?" I asked.

Fang Wenxue whispered a name in my ear, "This person is the person who slandered me back then. If you can help me, help me take off the amulet from his neck when he was in school. Among other things, I can do it myself.”

"What do you want to do?" I asked.

Fang Wenxue didn't answer, "I have my own way."

"It's your choice what to do, but I hope you won't ruin your reincarnation for such a scumbag." I advised.

Fang Wenxue nodded and his figure gradually disappeared.

As soon as Ye Ze and I returned to the rental house, he still held me quietly, and I leaned in his arms with peace of mind. That's it, I didn't speak, and he didn't speak either.

"Lao Ye."

"I'm here."

"Should I take the amulet?" I asked.

"It depends on God's will." He hugged me tightly again.

I fell asleep quietly in his arms.

The next day, I went to the School of Physics.Fang Wenxue is a senior in the Department of Physics, and the teacher he was talking about is now the deputy dean of the School of Physics.He has won many awards, is humble and affable, and is recognized as one of the most ethical teachers in the school.

I really don't want to believe that such a highly respected professor can be such a person.Today he gave an open class, and I went to listen to it. He was very humorous during the class. Even if he is not a student in the physics department, he can analyze the advanced physics lectures into easy-to-understand knowledge points. He is indeed very powerful. professor.

"Dean Gao." After class, I walked to the podium and called him.He was about to leave when he heard my cry and stopped.

"Classmate, what's the matter?" he asked with a smile, looking like an approachable uncle next door.

"Dean Gao, I have something to ask you. I wonder if you have time to answer it for me." I said politely.

He looked at his watch and said, "Okay, I have 10 minutes."

I looked him up and down, trying to see what was different about him.

Sure enough, there was an amulet hanging on his chest, and I saw a faint golden light emitting from his chest. The golden light was very soft, but it was extremely harmful to ghosts. This may be the reason why Fang Wenxu couldn't get close to him.

I thought about it and asked the reason. After all, I couldn't just listen to Fang Wenxue's words. "Dean Gao, do you still remember Fang Wenxue?"

Dean Gao's smile gradually became serious, "Sorry, I have something urgent. Let's talk later."

He didn't give me a chance to ask more questions. While he was packing his briefcase, I asked, "Dean Gao, I want to verify something with you. Can you tell me about the plagiarism of his paper back then?" Details? He is my brother. My aunt and uncle from my hometown shed tears every day because of his period. I want to know the truth."

I found that I was with Feng Hua, and these words came out of my mouth.

Dean Gao glanced at me, and there was a strange look in his eyes. It was only for a moment. Before I could figure out what this emotion was, I heard him say, "These things are all in the past. Literature is One of my best students, I don’t believe he plagiarized his paper, and I hope you can believe him.”

His answer surprised me. He defends Fang Literature so much?
So why does Fang Wenxue hate him so much? Is there a misunderstanding in this?
I asked a few more questions, but Dean Gao blocked them all.In the end, his expression was very ferocious, and he said he would sue me if I continued to ask questions, which gave me some sense of discernment.

I was really overwhelmed by his reaction.

Ye Zeyi was always by my side, and I was the only one left in the huge classroom.

He put his arm around my shoulders and rubbed my head, "Let's go back."

"I'm a little confused." I looked at him confused, "He defends Fang Wenxue so much, why does Fang Wenxu still hate him so much? Does he really have a plagiarism relationship?"

Ye Zeyi was silent, "You need to dig out these by yourself. It is impossible to rely on the Xian family and me for everything. You need to have your own judgment. This is the first step for you to lead the Xian family to practice, the ability to distinguish right from wrong."

I suddenly felt that Ye Zeyi was very different today. Is he cultivating me?
I swept away the haze just now and looked at him with a smile, "Are you teaching me how to do something?"

"I am cultivating you to have a correct outlook on life and values. This is very important for a successful person. If you are too dependent, you will achieve nothing. I will protect you from wind and rain and remove obstacles for you, but you must have Don't let any of us influence your own thinking. Learn to look at the world with your heart, and you will have your own considerations."

Ye Zeyi is right. Since I got the Xianjia, I have indeed found that I rely on this feeling very much. I like to ask them when I encounter problems, without any judgment of my own.

The so-called leading the immortals actually means to walk upright and sit upright, and to use your own integrity to lead the immortals to practice on the right path.

So I ran to the library and found the paper that Dean Gao had published. I also found Fang Wenxu’s best friend in college and got his computer.

I compared the time and content, and found some problems. (End of chapter)

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