I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 160 Raising your head 3 feet, there is a god

"Well, I'm here. I want to chat with you for a while." After I said that, I found a chair and sat down, and he sat opposite me.

"I have a question, can you answer me first?" I continued to ask.

Fang Wenxue agreed without even thinking.

I adjusted my language and said, "Did Teacher Gao give you the prototype of your thesis?"

Fang Wenxue was stunned for a moment, obviously reminiscing, and then he nodded, "When you said that, I seemed to have an impression. At that time, he gave me the prototype of the general idea of ​​a paper."

I thought they were generally correct, so I told Fang Wenwen what Dean Gao told me.

His expression was stable at first, but then he became more excited and angrier as he listened. His hair was a reflection of his anger.I originally wanted to consider not saying anything more, but the truth is sometimes cruel.

"It's impossible for you to lie to me." Fang Wenxue refused to believe it. "It's impossible for him to betray me."

I thought it was impossible for him to say that it was impossible for Dean Gao not to plagiarize his paper, but what he cared about was that someone betrayed him.

"It's impossible for him to betray me, he has no reason." Fang Wenxue kept mumbling to himself, pacing back and forth in the library, not noticing that his hair was getting longer and longer, and it had begun to drag on the floor.

I felt something was wrong, and I was thinking about Ye Zeyi anxiously.

He appeared instantly, holding the magic whip in his hand, and whipped Fang Wenxue several times.

But this time Fang Wenxue's reaction was different from the previous ghosts. He seemed unaware of the pain, and did not struggle or scream at all. It was as if he was trapped in his own world.

But as the magic whip fell, it was obvious that his hair growth was slowing down or even regressing.

"Fang Wenxue." I called him softly, "Is there anything you need me to do?"

He turned back in confusion and looked at me, "Who are you? What are you doing here? How can you see me?"

He, he lost his memory?

I was shocked, can ghosts still lose their memory?

"Selective amnesia." Ye Ze said.

Good guy, what about ghosts and selective amnesia?What a great experience.

"What now?" I asked.

"There's no way." Ye Zeyi said, "He doesn't want to face it himself, so what can he do? Forget it."

I'm not stubborn, that's the fact. The person involved is escaping, so what can we do?
But I roughly guessed who he was, so I found that person simply because I wanted to know the reason and told him about Fang Wenxue.

That person is Save Fang Literary Computer, his best friend.

When I found him, he was very surprised, "What's wrong? Classmate Li Dongdong, what else do you need from me?"

"Brother, there are some things that I don't understand, and I want to ask my brother for help." I said.

He pushed up his glasses and said, "Say."

"How is the relationship between senior brother and Fang Wenxue?" I asked.

"Very good," he replied.

"Then why did you change the name of the paper written by Fang Wenxue to the teacher's and spread the rumor that he plagiarized it?"

I asked directly and I believe he understood.

Sure enough, he fell silent.I don't know how long I waited before he slowly said, "How do you know this?"

"Not only I know, many people know it. Senior brother, have you ever thought about what Fang Wenxue would look like now if he really published that paper? What achievements would he have? Why would he become a dead body? You have refused for a long time. Leave." I said.

As expected, my friend Fang Wenxue was startled for a moment. When he heard the dead body and couldn't leave for a long time, I clearly felt his fear. I stared at him for a minute, and then I realized that he actually had an amulet on him, but I I also discovered that something was wrong with his body.

If I read it correctly, he is actually terminally ill!

"Senior brother, there is a god who is always at the top of his head. The wrong things you have done will eventually be punished. Sooner or later, you will have to pay back if you go out to hang out." I left without waiting for his answer.

Just when I had reached the first floor, the senior brother ran down. He leaned against the door panting and said, "At that time, I was just jealous that he was so good. I didn't expect that he would die."

I didn't say anything, turned around and left.

I think his body may be God's punishment for him.We always feel that if we occasionally do something bad, it is nothing wrong. Little do we know that it may be a harm to others, and this harm may be life.

After leaving, I went to Wu Bufan's shop. He was decorating the shop with great fanfare.He was very surprised to see me, and I was also surprised that he suddenly started decorating.

I didn't know why until I saw the name on the plaque.

The name on the plaque is Xianyuan Pavilion.

Wu Bufan held a toothpick in his mouth and moved it up to the upper left to direct.

I asked in shock, "Brother, you don't want to do funerals anymore?"

"Sister, why are you here?" He turned around and said, "Wait a minute, I'll read the plaque first."

Then he went back to work.

It wasn't until an hour later that he had time to talk to me, but he didn't take me into the store. He said it was being renovated inside and was a bit messy, so he casually found a restaurant nearby and sat there for a while.

"What's the matter, sister? What are you doing with me?"

I told him what happened recently, and Wu Bufan praised him very appreciatively, "Your ghost fairy is really good. He really leads you to the right path. You handled this matter very well, so why are you still not satisfied?" ?”

"I just feel that Fang Wenxue is very pitiful." I blurted out, and this was indeed my true thought.In fact, there is nothing wrong with Fang Wenxue except for his vulnerability and narrow-mindedness.

"Sister, there are some things that we can handle, and there are some things that we can't handle. As a Celestial Being, what you have done now is enough. This degree is just right. The rest depends on his own destiny. You can never wake him up. He doesn't dare to face a person who is pretending to be asleep, and it's useless no matter how hard you try." Wu Bufan said.

"The thing is, I'm afraid that one day he will turn into a ghost. What if he is too stubborn." I expressed my worries.

Wu Bufan was also worried about his character, and finally he thought of a way, which was to give him to someone.


I thought of Ye Zeyi's words and thought about asking Wu Bufan to go find him and tell him about it.

But Wu Bufan said that they had a feud, and if he went to talk about it, the result would definitely be a scam.

I had no choice but to bite the bullet and say it.

I summoned Ye Zeyi and told him my idea. Although he didn't agree, he didn't stop me. After all, he is the best solution now.

So I found the store in Qinzhuang. Because it was daytime, they opened their doors for business.

Qin Zhuang was sitting on the futon in the center of the shop, with his legs crossed and his eyes closed, looking like an immortal.

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