I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 161 The Best Home

As if he sensed my arrival, he opened his eyes, a pair of sharp red phoenix eyes. Instantly, I felt a strange feeling around me rushing toward me, but before he could get close to me, he was blocked by something.

He raised the corners of his lips and said, "I wanted to save you from taking the initiative to explain your intention, but your Immortal Family doesn't allow it, so you can say it yourself."

What he said made me confused. My fairy family didn't allow it, and I didn't need to take the initiative to explain my purpose.

When he saw that I was silent, he coughed lightly and said, "Is there anything you need me to do?"

"Ah, yes, yes." I said quickly, "I want your help to collect a ghost."

"You can do things like collect ghosts." He looked at me carefully.

"It's not that kind of collection, it's your kind of collection." I pointed to the entrance of his room.

The reason why I knew where the entrance to his house was was because I saw a mass of black energy in the house behind him, and there was a dojo in the black energy. I thought that might be where the Tangdan was located.

I found that Qin Zhuang kept staring at me after hearing what I said. I felt a little uncomfortable, "Can't you?"

"Give me his birth date and I'll take a look." Qin Zhuang said.

"I don't." I said, "I can take you to see him. If you can, please take him in."

Qin Zhuang didn't hesitate, nodded and followed me to school.

He was a very silent person, and he didn't say a word to me along the way. Until we got off the bus, he just asked me where I was going.

And his mobile phone is still the original Nokia 1110. It seems that he has no entertainment projects.

Because of Ye Zeyi's warning, I didn't take the initiative to talk to him along the way.

It wasn't until the library that he said his first words to me along the way, "You stay outside and I'll go in and take a look."

I was also very obedient and kept watch outside and did not follow him in.

About ten minutes later, he held a small black wooden sign in his hand with a name written on it. Before I could see it clearly, he put it away, "I've done what you asked me to do. How to repay?”

Hearing what he said, I was stunned for a moment. Do you think I have to pay for this?That's not possible. Giving him a ghost fairy is also a help, okay?
So I made a promise that I never wanted to do, "I'll treat you to dinner another day."

Qin Zhuang frowned and said coldly, "Okay."

He didn't need me to send him to him. He took a taxi and went back.

The matter of Fang Wenxue has been settled, but there is one thing that I still can't figure out, that is, how can the light tube support the weight of a person?Is there something wrong with Fang Wenxue's death?

Just as I was thinking this, Ye Zeyi appeared.

"Lao Ye, you're here just in time. Do you have an answer to what I'm thinking about?" I asked directly.

Ye Ze rubbed the top of my head and said, "Dong Bao, not everything in this world has a reason. Have you heard the story of the man in red?"

I have heard what he said. It is an extremely strange incident that I have not yet been able to solve.

"I have heard that the murderer has not been found yet, saying that he committed suicide."

"Yes, there are many miraculous powers that humans cannot discover. Just like you, my power is beyond the understanding of ordinary people." His explanation made me feel relieved. This may be the reason why the King of Hell asked you to wake up three times. If you die, you won't be able to survive the mysterious power of Wu Geng.Just like some people will fall to their death if they jump from the table.

The next few days were relatively quiet.

The weekend is here again, Wu Bufan is going to take Feng Hua to the surrounding counties for mountain climbing, and he wants me to arrive early in the morning.I looked at the still-dark sky in the morning and murmured in my mind, how would I feel about going hiking after it just snowed?Where can I climb mountains in winter?

But Feng Hua enjoyed it and said that he had never climbed a mountain in winter and it felt very novel.Sure enough, love can make people stupid. What else is there to climb a mountain in the winter besides the cold, the bare leaves and the mountain?

With two panda eyes on my face, I drowsily took a book from the table that I was going to study during the day and moved onto the bus.

There are very few people on the bus in the early morning. After all, it’s around 5 o’clock in the morning in northern winter, and the visibility is about the same as at night.If not those who rush to work for a living, who can bear the coldness of the first train?

I sat swaying in the back row and followed the bus. Ye Zeyi sat next to me and held my head. Half asleep and half awake, I squinted for another hour. When I got off the bus, it was already bright.

When I arrived at Wu Bufan's store, I felt a little uncomfortable.After the decoration and renovation, it really feels like a fairy.

As soon as you enter the house, you can smell the faint scent of sandalwood. It turns out that the row of paper figures facing the left hand side of the house has been taken away and replaced with Taoist and natural banners, and a solid wood bookshelf in front of the bookshelf. There is a solid rosewood table, and on the wall on the right is a Bagua picture and several rows of chairs.The middle aisle is a display cabinet selling various bracelets, beads and Buddha statues.

Wu Bufan was sitting on the imperial chair and came over to greet me immediately when he saw me coming.

I looked around and praised, "Brother, your decoration is really good. It will be different immediately."

"Look, don't I have to think about my future and Feng Hua's?" he said.

I'm very happy with his attitude. It's not like before. It seems that love gives people courage.

"Aren't you afraid of a romantic marriage?" I asked.

Wu Bufan's eyes wandered, "Sister, it's true that we had a casual marriage, but she is my only marriage."

I was stunned and didn't react for a while.By the time I reacted, he had already left.

I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart. In fact, as a Celestial Immortal, I cannot always receive prompts from the Immortal Family. Especially when I meet a colleague, I will not intentionally pry into each other's privacy.

Wu Bufan's words made me curious. I chatted with Ye Zeyi, "What's going on with him?"

"It's the situation he said." Ye Zeyi replied.

"Is he destined to die alone?" I couldn't believe it.

"Maybe he has his mission." Ye Zeyi replied calmly, but did not answer me directly.

"That's too miserable. He doesn't even have a companion." I felt sad for him. In fact, it would be quite painful to have everyone accompany him throughout his life.

Ye Zeyi looked at me with a smirk on his face. I was confused and touched my face, but there was nothing strange.Then he said, "Actually, you have always been miserable."

I raised my eyebrows, what do you mean?Have I never had a companion?I'm so cute, how could I never have a companion?

Ye Zeyi's voice continued, "I have always been miserable."

I pursed my lips and said with a smile, "Then in this life, we can make do with each other? What's bad is what's good, if you make me worse, then we'll be happy, right?"

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