I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 162 Death License Plate

"Of course." Ye Ze hugged me, and we sat in the room to rest together.

I lay down on the table and slept for a while. When I opened my eyes again, it was already 9 o'clock in the morning.

I stretched my waist, yawned, and looked at the people coming and going at the door.

When there were no customers, a woman wearing a white mink coat walked in. She was dressed voluptuously and had some beauty, but the smell of perfume on her body was a bit strong.

She sat across from me, frowning.He looked me up and down and said, "Where's your master? I'll take care of things."

"I'm just, what do you want to see? Just tell me."

She frowned, "Look? How old are you?"

"This Destiny Lord, the so-called heroes don't ask where they come from. All you have to do is judge things accurately. What does it have to do with my age?" I said, pretending to be profound, "I have a habit of judging things first. "Give it to me, I'll show you two things that happened. If it's accurate, you give me money to continue reading. If it's not accurate, you go out and leave without any money."

Then she told her birth date and name. Her name was Zhou Yuan.

I took a brief look at it and said, "You were born in 82, and the horoscope layout shows that you are destined to have two official positions. If you marry late, you can escape the disaster. But if you have Yuan in your name, you are destined to marry early, so if I am not wrong, Your first marriage has been divorced, and your second husband has just been married for less than two months."

After I finished speaking, Zhou Yuan's eyes changed when she looked at me.She kept nodding, "Yes, yes, that's the situation. My husband and I have only been married for less than two months."

"Do you want to continue watching?" I asked.

What I mean is actually very simple. If you want to take money, I don’t just look at things casually.There are three things that are not needed in fortune telling, but four are not counted.

In fact, in some areas, if a person goes to a fortune teller to tell his fortune, if after the fortune teller does not want his fortune teller, the person will burst into tears!
If some people think this is a good thing, it is pie in the sky, but in fact, it is not like this.Because in this industry, some money cannot be collected casually, and some money must be collected.

Wealthy people should be charged more, because charging less would not be consistent with their status.The so-called fortune will inevitably have a certain impact on society. Every hexagram you calculate for him will have an impact on his decision-making, and this impact can affect many people.For example, a business owner may make many people lose their jobs or find jobs because of one of your hexagrams.Then the influence of this hexagram is huge, and the harm to leaking the secrets of heaven will be great.

On the contrary, it is common sense for poor people to receive less.

At the same time, as a fortune teller, you have to accept it. If you don't accept it, it will be detrimental to the fortune teller and the person who leaked the secret.Therefore, fortune tellers charging money is actually a good thing for both of them.

There are also opinions on not collecting money. The first is that money will not be collected from those who are about to expire, and money from the dead will not be collected from living people.The second is that no one will accept the inevitable disaster.The catastrophe here refers to the possibility of death, injury, or the death of the whole family.The third is that in the future, no one will not accept good luck. A person has fallen into the dust and has no chance to turn around. It is unethical to ask for his money.

Therefore, many people are taboo about not charging money for fortune telling.I think this is a denial of myself and the future.

At the same time, four does not count. We will talk about it later when we have the opportunity.

Every time I say something like this before I look at something, it's just to make them trust me. One of the four things that doesn't count is being dishonest.For example, I calculate that you will break your leg on Street A in a few days.You don’t believe it, but you didn’t go to Street A that day. In fact, my words helped you avoid disaster and receive karma, but you said behind your back that my calculations were inaccurate because you didn’t go to Street A. Some fortune-telling is actually about fortune-telling. Good luck and avoid bad luck.Zhou Yuan understood what I meant and gave me the money.I took a look and pressed it under the inkstone on the table, "Tell me what you want to see, and I'll continue to help you see it."

Zhou Yuan said sincerely, "This is a simple matter. I just want to see one thing. I always have accidents while driving recently. I feel like I'm in a trance as soon as I get in the car, as if my head can't turn. My legs and feet are not very sensitive either. I've been having troubles several times. I almost hit someone else's car. The scariest thing today was that I went out to drive after dinner. There was someone in front of me, but I didn't seem to see it. I stepped on the accelerator and stepped on it. Fortunately, I had just started the car and the speed was not fast, so the person was fine. , otherwise, I will have a shadow in my heart. I am wondering, Master, can you help me see if I have attracted something?"

As soon as she finished speaking, I looked at her carefully for a while, but I didn't see any ghosts or evil spirits on her body.

At this time, a feeling flashed through my mind.

"What's the license plate number of your car?"

"0226." Zhou Yuan said.

I picked up the pen and sketched on the paper, preparing to use the plum blossom number to solve this game.Because it is extremely simple to get started with the easy number of plum blossoms. Just like this license plate number, the easy number of plum blossoms can be calculated like this. Adding the first two digits is 0 plus 2 equals 2, which is the hexagram Dui. The sum of the last two digits is 2 plus 6 equals 8. Kun hexagram is earth, and the moving line is 2 plus 2 plus 6, which equals 10. Divided by 6, the remainder is 4, and 4 is the moving line.

Therefore, the main key of this hexagram is the water and the earth, and the change of the hexagram is the water and the earth.

According to the hexagrams, Kun represents earth, is a carriage, and ridge represents water, which is the color of blood, which also represents studying abroad.It is the hexagram of a taxi colliding with a car and bleeding, and the earth and the earth overcome the water, which is very bad.

After reading this hexagram, I said, "Your license plate is not very good. It is a very dangerous license plate and is prone to car accidents. However, you have no external disease. If you want to solve it, just change the license plate. It will be solved once and for all."

After Zhou Yuan heard this, she slapped her thigh and said, "That's right, little master. Less than a month after I picked up this car, accidents happened frequently. You are so accurate, so accurate."

"Well, is there anything else you want to see?" I asked.

She struggled for a moment and asked, "I think..."

I thought about it and felt that it might be related to that incident, so I said, "Do you want to know the gender of your pregnancy?"

"How did you know I was pregnant?" She was shocked. "You are really amazing."

After that, she handed me another 100 yuan and said, "Little Master, please help me find out whether it is a boy or a girl. My husband is a single son of the third generation. If this first child is not a boy, I will have no status in his family."

In fact, many people are very obsessed with boys because of the old ideas of the older generation. There is a boy among my classmates. He has three children in his family, including two sisters. He didn't stop until he was born.

He said that his sister told him that if he was not a boy yet, his parents would give birth to a fourth child.

This obsession is very terrifying, so I cannot satisfy her request.

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