I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 163 A life of death in the middle of the night

Chapter 163 A life of death in the middle of the night

This is one of the four calculations. If the calculation is done when the fetus is too young, it can easily cause the fetus to be aborted, commit evil, and become inactive early.

So I shook my head and said, "You can take the money back. I can't bear to do this."

"Little Master, you are so amazing, you must be able to see it." She continued to pray.

I still shook my head, "I really can't see this. If you really want to see it, find someone else. But Zhou Yuan, every child will choose their own parents in heaven before they are reincarnated. They come to this world with full expectations. , whether you are a boy or a girl, it is your fate, and you should accept it. If you insist on changing, you will hurt others and yourself. Why don't you give birth and see for yourself? Maybe there will be surprises."

Zhou Yuan seemed to be moved by what I said. She sighed and stroked her belly. Looking at her expression full of motherly love, I actually felt a little moved.

"You are right, little master. Now that he is here, I will accept it. As long as he is healthy, I will never give up on him." After saying that, Zhou Yuan still put the 100 yuan she took out for the second time in my hand. left on the table.

But she didn't drive anymore, but took a taxi. I think she should get rid of the car.

As soon as he left, Ye Zeyi appeared and said, "Actually, she is pregnant with a boy."

"Yes. I know." I nodded and smiled lightly, "I just hope that she will love and cherish her child from the bottom of her heart, not just because he is a boy."

"You like children very much?" Ye Zeyi asked.

I knew what he meant, smiled and shook my head, "I don't like it, after all, I'm still a child." Looking at his handsome face, I tilted my chin and said, "Sometimes I think, you are so handsome, your child Isn’t he also very cute and handsome! Lao Ye.”


"Have you ever had children? Are they beautiful?" I asked.

It's impossible for him to have no woman for so many years, right?Although I will be upset and jealous when I think about it, it is all his past. I love him and I should accept it all. After all, I didn't show up at that time.

Ye Ze shook his head, "No."

I opened my eyes in surprise, "Just tell the truth, I won't be too jealous."

Ye Zeyi said solemnly, "Really not, I, ahem, I am actually a hundreds-of-year-old virgin!"

I laughed out loud and almost shed tears, but my heart suddenly became enlightened and I was indescribably happy, "You are so talented! It seems that I saved you, a single dog."

He raised his eyebrows, put one hand around my waist, hugged me hard, and whispered in my ear, "So, what are you laughing at? You have to bear my desires for hundreds of years." ! Very happy?”

I blushed and pushed him away, "You are not serious, you are outside."

"Then you don't have to be serious when you go home." He nodded and said with great certainty.

I glared at him with shame and anger, "If you do this again, I won't let you accompany me at night from now on."

Ye Ze surrendered with both hands, "I was wrong, Dong Bao, I was wrong. I'm used to sleeping with you in my arms."

"I'm worried because you're so dishonest." I said, pretending to be angry.

"Dongbao." Ye Zeyi said coquettishly.

"It depends on your performance." I said while suppressing a smile.

In fact, Ye Zeyi is really honest. He just hugs me every night and doesn't do anything excessive.Thinking about what he said, I will not have children of my own. Maybe for the two of us, one person and one ghost, it is destined to be a platonic love!

After teasing him, I continued to read and study seriously, and found that it was really useful to learn these techniques well.

It was very cold outside, and the ground was covered with snow. At the end of the day, only two or three people came into the house, and they were doing some minor things.

The harvest in one day is only three hundred. After all, not everyone will give that much money.

Seeing that it was getting dark outside, I closed the door of the shop.Because Wu Bufan didn't come back at night, I stayed in the store that night.

His immortals are also familiar with me, so they don’t exclude me.

But I didn't expect that someone would knock on the door in the middle of the night.

He also gave me a big job.

I was sleeping soundly in bed when I heard an urgent knock on the door.

I was a little annoyed when I woke up, and I didn't want to pay attention to it, but the man kept knocking and had no intention of leaving.

I reluctantly got out of bed, put on thicker clothes and went to open the door.

As soon as I opened the door, a cold wind blew through, and a few snowflakes drifted in, making me shiver from the cold.

I looked at the person knocking on the door, and it seemed that he was a young man in his 30s.

When he saw me, he was stunned for a moment, then glanced into the room a few times.

"What are you doing knocking on the door in the middle of the night?" I asked angrily.

The man seemed really anxious and said, "Is Master Wu here? My old man seems to be dying at home. He said that if anything happens in the past two days, no matter day or night, you must come to him."

When this person said this, my anger disappeared. After all, compared with life and death, everything else is trivial.

I let him into the room and said, "Master Wu has been out for the past two days. I'll help him see if he has something to do. You wait here while I put on my coat."

The man was probably really anxious, and he was pacing back and forth while standing in the room.

I didn't dare to delay, so I immediately went into the house and put on my cotton clothes and trousers, while telling Ye Zeyi.

Ye Zeyi naturally went with me. With him here, I am not worried.

This man came by car, otherwise it would be really difficult to take a taxi in the middle of the night in winter.

His home is only seven or eight kilometers away from Wu Bufan's store. There is no traffic jam at night, but it is quite fast. It can be reached in less than 10 minutes.

In the car, he briefly introduced his family to me. His name was Sun Tao. The person who picked me up to see me was his grandfather, named Sun Dianfu.

As soon as I got off the car, I saw a small high-rise building, which was magnificent and in a good location. It seemed that this was a wealthy owner.

His family lived on the tenth floor. As soon as I entered the house, a warm current hit me, dispelling the coldness on my body.

I glanced around. The house was very big, at least more than 100 square meters, and the decoration was a relatively luxurious European style.

"In this room." Sun Tao led me to the innermost bedroom. In the bedroom was a camp bed with a dying old man lying on it. It seemed that he was the grandfather Sun Tao mentioned, Sun Dianfu.

Sun Dianfu is indeed dying now. He is obviously breathing out more than he is taking in. He has reached the stage where he is beginning to channel his energy.

And I saw a group of people and a group of ghosts beside his bed.

The people are probably the children and grandchildren of the old man, and the ghosts can't tell their age, but judging from their clothes, they probably don't belong to the same period.

At the same time, I also saw two acquaintances.

(End of this chapter)

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