Chapter 164
Master Hei and Master Bai have arrived, so this man must be dying soon.

I smiled slightly towards the corner of the room, and Ye Zeyi acted as my mouthpiece.

I heard it from the conversation between Ye Zeyi and the two of them.Sun Dian had to leave when he was rich.That is, from [-]pm to [-]am the next morning.

The time now is 11:55 midnight, and there is no problem.It would be nice to reunite these relatives together, but why do Hei Ye and Bai Ye look a little wrong, and they seem to be struggling with something.

I was just about to ask Ye Zeyi to ask what was going on, when I heard Sun Tao say, "Little Master, look, what does my family have to say? Why did Master Wu say that as long as grandpa starts to channel Qi, he must go Looking for him?"

I was actually very puzzled. When I glanced casually, I suddenly found a ghost standing next to a little girl in his house. The ghost kept looking at the little girl, always wandering around her, and sometimes lying on her body. On the neck, he kept hitting her head.

Moreover, this little girl's soul is extremely unstable, her hall is darkened, her face is gloomy, and she looks like she has suffered a bloody disaster.

I communicated with Ye Ze in my mind.

Ye Zeyi also noticed this. He sank slightly and said, "After Sun Dianfu leaves, this family will probably not be in peace."

I don't understand.

Just after midnight, Master Hei and Master Bai began to take action.

They held an iron chain and shook it twice. The impact of the iron chain sounded. Sun Dianfu, who was lying on the bed and was constantly breathing, suddenly took a deep breath, and then saw him sitting up on the bed.

Seeing this situation, I was really shocked.

Although I have seen dead people and ghosts, this is the first time I have seen this kind of scene of a dying person passing away.

I saw him looking left and right, then followed Master Hei and Master Bai away with no expression on his face.

Only then did I realize that it was his soul that was sitting up, not his body.

Because they were on official business, they didn't say anything to me and Ye Zeyi, and disappeared at the door with Sun Dianfu.

At this moment, I saw a stream of black gas spit out from the old man's mouth.

As soon as the black air came out, it rushed towards the northwest. It was so fast that it penetrated into the body of the girl I just saw in the blink of an eye.

I was very puzzled and asked Ye Zeyi in my mind, "That black energy is..."

Ye Zeyi seemed to have expected that I would ask him. Before I could say anything, he explained, "The black air that screams disaster in the north is actually the air of death."

When I heard the word woe, my heart sank. I had heard an old man at home say that woe is the last breath a person exhales.

Whoever the tone hits will be unlucky at best, or killed at worst.Therefore, I would look for Yin Yang Master to calculate the location of the collision, and then prepare in advance.

I learned about this from an uncle of mine. He is a very devout Buddhist and a layman.

At that time, one of his relatives was sick and dying. He was originally helping to put on shoes at the feet of this relative. Who knew that the moment the relative passed away, he suddenly sat up and looked across from him.

At this moment, the breath of disaster came out.

He felt his body go cold at that time, and there was no further follow-up.

Unexpectedly, from that day on, he, who was originally fearless, would always feel like there was someone at home when he was sleeping alone at home. He would have to turn on the light when sleeping at night, otherwise he would feel his hairs stand up and feel sharp.Moreover, the whole person was often in a trance, and his heart began to feel uncomfortable.As a result, he went to the hospital for a checkup and was told that he had heart failure.

Later, he found a great master in the temple and somehow solved the problem.

Miraculously, after he came out of the temple, his heart no longer felt uncomfortable and his head felt cool.I went to the hospital for a check-up and my heart failure suddenly improved.

Later, my uncle told us that if he had not always believed in Buddhism and carried the power of telepathy with him, that breath of disaster would have been enough to kill him.

So I know how dangerous this calamity is.

I quickly calculated and finally figured out why Wu Bufan had to come.

That bad breath was just foreplay, and the time of his old man's death was not revealed.The day of his death is called Fenghu in the northern jargon, and the day of heavy mourning in the south.

In other words, if one person in the family just dies, it will lead to strange events in which several people die in succession.Even if it means calling, it can also be said to be a heavy mourning.

According to the classification of the accompanying undead, they are divided into external calls and internal calls.

Out-calling means that the person who dies is someone outside the family, and in-call means that the person who dies is a close relative, flesh and blood relative. The result of calling out is that no more than three people will die in a row within a year.

Therefore, anyone who dies on the day of mourning must keep an eye on his body and avoid being exposed to the mouth of the deceased by cats, dogs, chickens, birds and other creatures, so as not to absorb the vitality and turn into zombies, causing harm to their loved ones.There is also a saying in Feng Shui of Yin Zhai, "If someone dies during a heavy funeral, double coffins will be erected in front of the hall." This means that if a person dies on the day of heavy mourning, then one of the people around him will inevitably die within a year.

Therefore, the date of death and the date of funeral and burial must be carefully considered to avoid having a heavy mourning day and causing unnecessary trouble for the family.

It seems that Wu Bufan said that he must find him because he wanted to take this job and help his family solve this problem.

After Sun Dianfu left, all the ghosts around his bed disappeared.Only those descendants were left crying beside the bed.

Sun Tao also sobbed with red eyes.

"My condolences, Sun Tao." I comforted.

Sun Tao wiped a few tears, held back his tears and said, "Little Master, do you see what's wrong?"

I nodded.

Sun Tao stared at me expectantly, but I pointed at the girl just now, "Tell me first, who is that girl? What is her relationship with old man Sun Dianfu?"

Sun Tao looked at my hand and said, "That's my niece, my sister's daughter, named Sun Jiaqi."

"Is your surname also Sun?"

"Yes, my sister got divorced and changed her daughter's surname. Now she has the same surname as my family." Sun Tao answered.

"Okay, I understand. The time of old man Sun Dianfu's death was not very good, but fortunately he was discovered in time and was not buried before it was too late. You must keep an eye on the old man these days and send someone to guard the body. Don't let cats or dogs When the creatures collide, remember to pay attention. On the day of burial, Master Wu will come to help you deal with it." I said.

After listening to my instructions, Sun Tao wrote it down seriously.

The reason why I didn't handle it immediately was because I didn't know how to do it. Wu Bufan used to run a funeral parlor, so he must know all about Mr. Yin Yang's work. He must have his reasons for wanting to take this order. I just need to help him stabilize the situation. , to ensure that nothing happens to the family before he comes back.

(End of this chapter)

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