I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 165 A Ghostly Man

Chapter 165 A Ghostly Man
Sun Tao was very grateful for my request and personally sent me back to the store.

Before getting off the bus, he even asked me, "Are you Master Wu's girlfriend?"

I was stunned for a moment and quickly shook my head, "No, no, you misunderstood."

But he smiled and said, "Master Wu is a good man, you should cherish him."

After saying that, he closed the car door and left.

I felt the coldness behind my back, so I quickly stepped forward and opened the car door, "You misunderstood, brother. Wu Bufan is my brother, my brother. Our skills are inherited from our families, so don't worry, as long as the money is in place, , it’s easy to say anything.”

Sun Tao was stunned for a moment, probably because he didn't expect me to care so much about this matter. He nodded dully, "Okay, then, little Master Wu, I'll leave it to you to handle this at home. I'll prepare the money and deliver it during the day tomorrow."

After saying that, he stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

I turned around and saw Ye Zeyi with a solemn face and jealousy in his eyes.

I stepped forward and took his arm, and smiled, "Lao Ye, it's already past one in the morning. Should we go back and have a rest? We don't have to get up early tomorrow morning. I want to sleep a little longer."

As soon as Ye Ze was pulled into the house by me, and the moment I was about to close the door, I always felt like there was a pair of eyes staring at me from behind, which made me feel very uncomfortable.

I turned around and looked around for a while.

"What are you looking at?" Ye Zeyi asked coldly.

I shook my head and closed the door, "It's okay, I just feel like someone is staring at me."

Ye Ze stared at me without blinking.

I shrank my neck, stepped forward, stepped forward and kissed him, "Old Ye, don't be jealous. You see, Wu Bufan and Feng Hua are a couple, and you and I are a couple. That's because others think it's wrong. Wu Bufan and I are My heart is absolutely pure.”

Maybe it was my initiative that made him smile at his anger, but I felt that the temperature around me seemed to have increased a bit.

But he was still very strong, and he picked me up roughly, walked into the bedroom, threw me on the bed, and pressed me up.

I didn't hide, but took the initiative to hug his neck. After all, nothing could happen between me and him.

"Lao Ye, don't be angry." I said coquettishly.

"Do you know what you are doing?" Ye Ze asked through gritted teeth.

"I know, I'm trying to seduce you." I smiled evilly.

"Are you so sure I can bear it?" He sneered, his tone full of aggression.

I twisted my body and said in his ear, "Of course, nothing will happen to one person and one ghost. What should I be afraid of?"

Ye Zeyi suddenly smiled evilly, and there was a dangerous desire in his eyes. I was a little puzzled.

Then I felt a pair of cold hands reaching into my clothes.

I shivered from the ice.

"Who told you that nothing can happen to humans and ghosts? Do you think the story of A Chinese Ghost Story in a Chinese Studio is fake?" Ye Zeyi's words seemed to be bewitching, and his hands moved dishonestly.

My heart was in my throat, and I was horrified when I thought of his words.But when his hands brushed over every inch of my skin, my body had an inexplicable reaction. This reaction was strange, yet fascinating.

I was afraid to take back the hand around his neck, moved back a few times, and pushed his hand out, "It's very late, go to bed. This, this is at someone else's house."

"What are you hiding from?" Ye Ze pulled my ankle and pulled me back. His lips were close to my ear and he teased me gently, "Don't you want to give it a try?"

The cold and soft touch gave me goosebumps, and you knew without looking that my face must be as red as a monkey’s butt.

I covered his face with my hand, "Don't make a fuss, Lao Ye, don't make a fuss, this is Wu Bufan's house, don't go too far."

"What? We can just go back to our own home, right? Let's try tomorrow, tomorrow night?" Ye Zeyi's voice was full of confusion.

I blushed and immediately begged for mercy, "I was wrong. I was really wrong. Please forgive me. For the sake of me not being old enough to get married, please spare me."


"Ye Zeyi, you've gone too far." I kicked him in shame and anger.

But he pulled my ankle and looked at me seriously, his eyes full of tenderness, "Dong Bao, don't worry, I won't touch you like this. Touching you like this will hurt you."

I looked at him puzzled.

He continued, "Ghosts are even yin and evil things, and I have been a ghost for a long time, so the yin and evil energy is deeper. Your body needs the balance of yin and yang to stay healthy. Although you have Yin Pupil to protect your body, you can avoid the yin energy. It’s intrusive, but, but this kind of...yin pupil can’t absorb it, so you will get sick.”

I understood what he meant, but when I heard him talk about those things, I still lowered my head shyly.

"I understand, thank you." I buried my head under the quilt, and Ye Zeyi hugged me behind me. Feeling his cold body made me feel a little more at ease.

Before I knew it, I fell asleep and didn't get up until 9 o'clock the next day.

I looked at the time, quickly got dressed and opened the store door.In an instant, the thick snow outside rushed towards my face, and my eyes were confused, "Such heavy snow!"

I lamented that even though I have always lived in the Northeast, such heavy snow is rare.The visibility outside was extremely low, and accompanied by strong winds and haze, it was all white outside.

Only then did I remember a very serious question and quickly called Wu Bufan. Fortunately, he answered the call quickly. "Brother, is it snowing there? With the weather today, I'm afraid I won't be able to come back, right?"

Wu Bufan was very quiet on the other end. He seemed to be in the house. He sighed, "No, I originally decided to return at noon today, but according to the weather forecast, it will snow all day."

After chatting with him for a few words, I got down to the topic and told him about the old man Sun Dianfu of Sun Tao's family.

Wu Bufan told me about this matter. Sun Tao was his friend, so he agreed to do it at that time.He also calculated that Sun Dianfu's time was approaching, but he was only focused on falling in love and forgot about it.

With the weather like this, there is a high probability that he won't be able to come back tomorrow morning, so I have to help him solve the problem of burial.

But he promised that once the matter is done, all the money collected will belong to me and he will not take any of it.

I calculated the price, and Sun Tao promised him 5000 at that time. If I accepted it, he would be completely free of debt if he paid back the money.

I was so moved.

Then Wu Bufan told me the method to crack it and asked me to prepare in advance.At the same time, he also calculated the descendants that might be affected. After all, this was his ability to make a living.

(End of this chapter)

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