Finally, he told me the specific characteristics of the two people except Sun Jiaqi.Let me ask Sun Tao to tell them their birthdays and horoscopes.

In fact, the preparation is more difficult for me.After all, I am not familiar with this industry, but the Sun family still believes in this. As long as I tell them what they need to prepare, they will definitely be able to buy it.

On this day, because it was snowing heavily outside, no one came.

I looked at the snowy scene outside through the window, but I felt very uneasy. I always felt like there was something dormant in the snow, and the feeling of being watched closely was very strong.

Ye Zeyi stood beside me and looked outside, "What are you thinking about? Dong Bao."

"I was born in a snowy winter, so I was named Li Dongdong." I murmured for some reason, "It seems like it snowed heavily the day I was born. I don't know if it snowed more or less than it does today."

Ye Zeyi stood beside me in front of the window, "It will be bigger that day."

I smiled, "Yes, I had forgotten that you were there that day." Then I leaned on his shoulder, feeling very moved in my heart, "Thank you, for protecting me from then on."

"Dong Bao, there shouldn't be anyone here today. Go read a book. I'll cook you some food. The hotel won't send it to you," Ye Zeyi said.

I immediately stopped, he was cooking, and his cooking was easy to order at Wu Bufan's house, "I'll go ask, it's not that far away, maybe I can deliver it."

So I called and luckily the hotel said they could make it and deliver it, but they had to add an extra 10 yuan for the snow.

I wanted to bargain with him, after all, the hotel was only 200 meters away from us, but after looking at the heavy snow outside, I gritted my teeth and agreed.

At around 12 o'clock at noon, my stomach began to growl, and the restaurant still didn't deliver the food to me. I called the hotel, but the restaurant said that the waiter who delivered the food had been out for more than half an hour, and they were still wondering why. Didn't go back.

At first I thought they were trying to shirk responsibility from me, but then I heard their anxious tone and realized that what they said was true.

After hanging up the phone, I felt uneasy and said to Ye Zeyi, "Is something going to happen just 200 meters away? Let's go out and take a look."

Ye Zeyi looked outside with a solemn expression and said calmly, "I'll go, you wait in the house, remember, wait for me in the house, don't open the door if anyone knocks, don't open the door if anyone knocks. "

"What about you?" I asked seriously.

Ye Ze smiled and rubbed the top of my head, "Young fool, I don't need to knock on the door when I come back. I can just walk through the door."

I also laughed at myself. Ye Zeyi was a ghost, and he was allowed to enter the house by the owner of the house. He didn't need to knock on the door at all, or even open the door.

Maybe he is always with me and I can touch him, so in my heart he is no different from a human being.

"Okay, don't worry, I will remember your words and I will ensure that the task is completed." I said coquettishly with a slight embarrassment.

I saw him smiling and shaking his head, and his figure gradually faded and disappeared.

But I was restless and worried, so I moved my chair to the door and sat there, looking out the window.

Although the goose-feather heavy snow made it impossible for me to see what was going on outside, I could only hold back my inner anxiety by staring out the window.

Time passed by, and I didn’t know how many times I looked at my watch.Half an hour passed, but Ye Zeyi still hadn't come back.

I got up and walked around, feeling confused.

Looking at the unclear environment outside the window, I even had the urge to rush out to find him.

My hand is already on the door handle.However, the words Ye Zeyi specifically told me before leaving rang in my mind.

I want to be obedient, I want to be obedient.I kept mumbling, controlling my impulse.

I turned around and walked back.Suddenly, a violent and rapid knock on the door startled me. The sound was particularly clear in the quiet room.

bang bang bang bang...

The knock on the door made people anxious, and a sense of fear arose spontaneously.How long has it been since you felt this?

I gasped, and the hairs all over my body stood up. This was a sign of danger.

I carefully moved to the door and asked, "Who?"

"Food delivery!" came a female voice, but at such a quiet moment, the voice sounded a little weird.

"Put it at the door!" I said.

But the woman outside the door said, "You haven't paid yet, open the door."

At that time, there was no such convenient electronic payment. Even though there was a takeout system, it was not popular. Payment for food delivery was face to face.

Therefore, it is unrealistic for me to ask people to leave their things at the door and let them leave. I also realize this.

Just when I was hesitating, she kept knocking on the door, and the knocking became more and more urgent and hysterical. "Open the door. I'm going to deliver food to you in the cold weather. Open the door quickly. Open the door quickly."

I felt anxious after hearing this, and opened the window with my heart pounding.Thinking that if the door doesn't open, the window can always be opened, right?I stuck my head out and looked at the door.

In an instant, my blood ran cold from my head to the soles of my feet.

At the door, where are the people?
It was a ghost covered in white, or rather, it wasn't a ghost at all.

Because he had no specific form, he was just like a rolling snowball, constantly beating at the door.

It seemed to have sensed my gaze, and stopped knocking on the door, instead spinning and flying to the window.

The moment they looked at each other made me suffocate. In the middle of the snowball, I saw a pair of eyes, a pair of eyes as white as ice crystals. I felt a trace of amusement in their eyes.

It slammed a few times, trying to rush in, but there was a barrier in front of the open window, and no matter how hard it hit, it couldn't break through.

I quickly closed the window and leaned against it, feeling the warmth in the room surround me.I took a few deep breaths before calming down.

What did you just see?
I was muttering in my heart, and at this moment, a voice flashed in my mind - Snow Demon.

It was my fairy family. This was the first time they communicated with me after leaving the Rest Hall, but it was just this one voice, and then there was no sound again.

It seems that it is very dangerous outside, will something happen to Ye Zeyi?
I was restless, more and more worried, and even a little bit disgusted with myself for being useless now.Because I can't go out, if I go out I will only be held back.

So I sat back at the table, forced myself to pick up the book, and read hard.

Another half hour passed, and the snow outside the window became heavier and heavier. Nothing could be seen clearly except white.

Ye Zeyi, come back quickly!

I bit my fingers nervously and thought silently in my mind. Suddenly, a burst of cold air came in and circled around me.

I lowered my head and saw Ye Ze half kneeling on the ground, wearing the black knight uniform he wore for the first time when I saw him, with blood bleeding from the corner of his mouth, obviously injured.

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