Chapter 167
I felt a pain in my heart, as if I had been pricked by a needle. I immediately rushed over, squatted on the ground and hugged him, "Old Ye, where are you injured? Who hurt you?"

He opened his mouth slightly, "Bing..." As soon as he uttered one word, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and he fell to the ground, fainting.

"Lao Ye, Lao Ye." I shook him, but he didn't respond. "Ye Zeyi, Ye Zeyi." He still didn't respond to me, and the image of his body became weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared completely on the ground.

I panicked. It was the first time he had done this. The injury was so severe that he couldn't even maintain his body shape.

I immediately sat on the ground and sensed it, but no matter how I sensed it, Ye Zeyi and the immortals didn't respond to me.

At this time, the knock on the door started ringing again, and I heard four more repeated knocks on the door.

There's that thing again.

Ye Zeyi was injured and the Xian family lost contact with me. It was all caused by this thing.

I was filled with rage, and an urge to rush out burst out in my heart.

I endured it again and again, but finally I couldn't hold it in any longer and rushed to the door in one stride.

"What the hell are you talking about? You dare to hurt my man." I opened the door, and suddenly snow poured in, blinding me.

There was no one at the door, but I saw a person in the distance moving quickly towards me.

In just the blink of an eye, he moved in front of me.

I took a closer look and was shocked.

This man was dressed in snow-white, with ice crystals hanging on his clothes. His facial features were very delicate, a bit too delicate. I felt that such an appearance should not exist.

His eyelashes were covered with a layer of frost, and his hair was also rare white, with two horns growing out of it.

"Are you..." I asked.

The man smiled and said, "Sure enough, you can see me."

His voice was cold and deep, like an echo under the ice.

"Are you..." I asked again.

"If you want to know my name, you have to pass the test first." After saying that, he quickly retreated and then disappeared into the blizzard.

Before I could react, a rapidly rotating snowball suddenly appeared in front of me. The snowball suddenly exploded in front of me and fell to the ground.

Then figures climbed up everywhere.

They were covered in snow and walked stiffly, and they all rushed toward me.

My heart sank and I wanted to turn around and go back.

But the door behind me closed by itself, and I pushed it several times but it still didn't open.

The snowman behind me was getting closer and closer to me, and suddenly, a cold hand was attached to my shoulder.

The scene in front of me changed instantly, and I actually came to the top of the snow-capped mountains.

Damn it, are you playing fantasy with me again?

After going through so much, I can't be frightened by just any sight.

I stood on the top of the snow-capped mountains and looked at the scene around me. As the saying goes, if the enemy cannot move, I will not move.It depends on what exactly that thing wants to do?
Sure enough, there was a strange noise around him soon.The snowball on the ground rolled, and then an extremely beautiful woman appeared.

Her eyes are as charming as silk, and her long white gauze dress looks particularly enchanting on this snow-capped mountain.

"Snow Demon!" I remembered the words in my mind just now. It seems that I am going to fight the Snow Demon today?But this woman did not come towards me. Instead, she ran to the edge of the cliff behind me. She knelt on the ground and dug out a man in the ice and snow.

I looked around and saw that this man looked exactly like Ye Zeyi.

What's happening here?
Is he Ye Zeyi?Thinking that it might be Ye Zeyi who was injured.I immediately stepped forward to snatch him from this woman's hands.

But before I could meet them, the scene changed and I came to another place.

This is a dormitory. The dormitory is very big. Going around the screen, I saw a woman sitting in front of the dressing mirror, while a man who looked exactly like Ye Zeyi was helping her draw her eyebrows in front of her.

This scene exploded in my mind instantly. Isn't this the dream I had that time?
Is this woman a snow demon?
The snow demon smiled at me and said to the man, "Husband, I can just draw it myself. You go and do your work first!"

The man smiled, kissed him on the cheek, turned and left.

Seeing that kiss, my heart felt like tens of thousands of ants crawling across my heart, and I had the idea of ​​killing the snow demon.

The snow demon seemed to know this, and said to me, "This was your position, but now it belongs to me. If you want to take it back, you can only kill me. But you can't kill me at all. In the land of snow, If there is deep resentment, a monster will be born. I can’t kill him!"

Her voice was bewitching, lingering in my ears.

I clenched and unclenched my fists, finally controlling the angry impulse in my heart.

I looked firmly and asked, "Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

The Snow Demon probably didn't expect that I would control myself. Her eyes were blank for a moment, and then she raised the corners of her mouth and said seductively, "There's nothing I want you to do. I just want you to look at us."

After that, she stood up with a smile and glanced at me from the corner of her eye, "Remember, if you don't kill me now, you won't have a chance."

I stood there at a loss, but I knew she couldn't believe her words. The more she wanted me to do something, I must not do it, otherwise I would have fallen into a trap.

But I still overestimated my control. In other words, I underestimated my love for Ye Zeyi.

Because the next screen immediately broke my defense.

I saw Ye Zeyi and Snow Demon kissing each other on the bed, lingering.The sight stung my nerves like thousands of needles.

A strong anger burst out, and at some point there was a knife in his hand. Taking advantage of the situation, he stepped forward, grabbed the snow demon, and stabbed it in with a knife.

Instantly, a feeling of coldness swept through my body. Where there was Ye Zeyi, only the snow demon fell into my arms, smiling with satisfaction, "Li Dongdong, you are me, I am you... you are me, I It’s you…”

Her words kept lingering in my ears. My heart sank and I screamed secretly.Suddenly, the surroundings became warm. I opened my eyes and found myself lying by the window.

Ye Ze looked at me with a worried look on his face. I immediately sat up and checked on him. I was relieved when I found that he was okay. "It's okay. It's okay." I murmured.

"What's wrong with Dong Bao?" I leaned in his arms and calmed down a little, then I realized something was wrong.

"Aren't you injured?" I asked.

Ye Ze shook his head, "No."

"Then who did I see just now?" A chill ran down my back and I was completely confused.

I quickly told him everything that happened from when he went out to when I woke up.

He looked solemn and regretful, "It seems that since I left, you have been under the illusion of the snow demon."

"When?" I was also shocked. This was so unaware.

(End of this chapter)

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