I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 168 Winter Fishing

Chapter 168 Winter Fishing
"Knock on the door." Ye Ze answered.

After hearing the answer, I rolled my eyes. If I really fell under the illusion from now on, I admit it. Even if I was given another chance, I probably wouldn't be able to prevent it.

"Then what does the snow demon mean by saying you are me and I am you." I asked.

Ye Ze shook his head, "I've only known you for a few hundred years." He looked at me worriedly, threatened me and turned around, "Are you uncomfortable in any way?"

I felt it carefully and said, "No, it's like I just had a dream."

From Ye Zeyi's answer, I grasped a key point, that is, this snow demon may have some connection with me, but not after he became a ghost fairy, but before.

Seeing that no one was hurt, I didn't worry about it anymore. Looking at the sunny sky outside, I was in a good mood, which meant that Wu Bufan was coming back soon.

But there was no movement from him until midnight, so I had to take action early the next morning.

Nowadays, cremation is carried out, and funerals are done as early as possible rather than late. The Sun family is also a bit capable and has scheduled a time of 6:08 in the morning, which is considered a good time.

After all the procedures were completed, it was only around seven o'clock, and just when they were about to bury the ashes, I brought over the three small urns and the little people with straw that I had asked them to prepare early in the morning, and wrote on them The birthdays and horoscopes of Sun Jiaqi and two other compatible people were placed in the urns respectively.

"Put these three boxes in together with your grandfather's ashes, and your family's affairs will be settled." I said.

Sun Tao's family also obeyed and put three additional urns in during the burial.

In fact, this is where I say it is difficult. Normally, the places where urns are stored in cemeteries are all the same size, and it will be very crowded to put down urns that are one large and three small.

But the Sun family finally found a large cemetery that could perfectly place these four urns.

At the moment when the tomb was sealed, I saw that the black energy on Sun Jiaqi's body disappeared, her whole body became energetic, and the black energy in the hall between her eyebrows also dissipated.

I breathed a sigh of relief. It was done. Before I left, I asked again, "The small urn cannot be taken out within three years. It can be taken away after three years, otherwise something will happen."

Sun Tao and the others thanked me repeatedly and gave me the money for the work. His family was also generous and gave me an extra 1000 yuan. I refused in every possible way before pushing the money away.

If you don't get paid for your merits, you should get whatever you want. After all, this is making money from dead people, so you have to be moderate.

I don’t know if Wu Bufan did it on purpose or not. After I finished the work on the front foot, he came back on the back foot.

I handed him the money I received, chatted with him for a few more words, and left.Now that Sun Tao's matter has been settled, I'll pay Wu Bufan almost $[-].

When he saw that I was about to take my final exam, he exempted me from working as a helper on weekends.

In fact, I know that Feng Hua wants more time to review and doesn't have much time to play with him.

The final exams are over in a flash. For universities in City H, the winter vacation will be longer. First, the winter vacation includes a Chinese New Year, and second, the winter is indeed very cold.

However, in the afternoon after the last subject examination, the whole class decided to go to the river for winter fishing at the suggestion of the monitor.

There were many southern students in the class who were very interested in winter fishing. They all raised their hands in agreement and were full of expectations.

I am also looking forward to it. After all, I have known about winter fishing since I was a child, but I have never been there before and I want to experience it. I heard from the old man that the fish caught during winter fishing are very fat and delicious.

That afternoon, a dozen of us took a few buckets and some fishing equipment to the riverside closest to the school.Usually at this time of year, the ice on the river is at least [-] to [-] centimeters thick, which is very safe.

But I was restless along the way, and it wasn't until I reached the river that I realized that martial law had been imposed.

There are still people patrolling in twos and threes around.

When I saw the black air lingering on the river, I knew something was going on around here.

"Hurry up and don't linger around here." A patrolling security guard happened to come over and yelled, "No fishing is allowed this winter."

"There were people fishing yesterday, why didn't we let them go today?" The person who spoke was our squad leader, named Hu Jian.He is about 1.8 meters tall, wears black-rimmed glasses, and looks gentle.

The man pointed to a big hole in the middle of the river. Because there was a small layer of thin ice on the water surface, when he looked at it, he could no longer see the fluctuations of the water. "The ice surface was not solid. Someone fell in and drowned yesterday. The Chinese New Year is coming soon, you students should go home quickly and don’t do these dangerous things.”

"Alarmist." Hu Jian and a few boys said it reluctantly.

But I knew what the patrolling security guard said was true, because I also saw the man's soul wandering in the water. "Is he a man in his 30s?" I asked.

The patrolling security guard was stunned for a moment, "Yes, how did you know?"

"Did you wear a red down jacket yesterday?" I asked again.

The patrolling security guard nodded, "Did you come and see it yesterday? It was miserable, wasn't it? It was particularly miserable. I heard that he was good at water, but as soon as he fell, he froze and was embedded in the ice."

"It's quite miserable." I agreed.

"Go back, there are dead fish caught in the river every winter, especially this year. When it freezes, this is the fifth time." The security guard said earnestly.

Of course I was obedient, because just as he was talking, I saw a few Ah Piao in the river looking for substitutes, and their eyes were obviously focused on our group of people.

People who die in water are actually more miserable. Water is yin and can communicate yin and yang. At the same time, people who drown in water will not be able to reincarnate smoothly. They can only be reincarnated by finding a substitute, the so-called scapegoat. This is why there are always Something happened about a water ghost catching a substitute.

I pulled Feng Hua and gave her a warm look, and she understood what I meant and said, "It's under martial law, let's go. There's a train tomorrow, so we might as well go back and pack up."

I also said, "Yeah, go back, it's quite scary."

Hu Jian and other boys began to laugh and sarcastically said, "A little girl is a little girl. She gets scared when someone scares her. Okay, let's go."

After that, he took us away.

We thought they would take us back to school, but we turned down a small road halfway and turned left and right to an empty riverside.

This should be a fork of the river. The river is not very wide and the trees are withered. It looks like a dilapidated scene. I feel uncomfortable all over when I see this. "Aren't we going back to school?" I asked.

"I've brought everything with me. It won't be easy if I don't go fishing in the winter." The speaker was another boy in the class named Mou Wen.He is tall and thin, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. He studies well and is an adventurous guy.

He took out his winter fishing tools and started walking up and down the ice.

(End of this chapter)

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