They originally wanted to run back, but they were afraid of accelerating the ice's breaking speed. Finally, someone shouted to reduce the pressure and crawl forward. Then they all lay down on the ice and climbed back carefully.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer people in the middle, even the squad leader Hu Jian came back. Xu Chao still stood in the middle, laughing at the ice cave. He took out a bucket and sent it down the ice cave. The person's upper body stepped into the ice.

It made me worried. Everyone kept calling him, but he seemed not to hear, still waiting for the fish to bite with a look of enjoyment.

In fact, he really couldn't hear. I saw that the water ghost had wrapped itself around him and covered his ears with my hands.

In an instant, there was a loud bang as if something hit under the ice. The ice around the ice cave immediately shattered, and Xu Chao fell into the river with two clicks.

It was at this moment that his expression changed, and he slapped the surroundings in horror.He wanted to grab something, but the surrounding ice had broken into pieces. Even if he grabbed the broken ice, there was no way to support his body.

In addition, everyone wears down jackets in winter, and when the down soaks in water, it becomes like a natural stone.Moreover, it is winter and the water temperature is very cold. For those who have no experience in winter swimming, they will get cold cramps in an instant.

Xu Chao struggled a few times and then his whole body began to sink. In fact, others couldn't see it, but I could still see it. Another reason for Xu Chao's sinking was that there were five or six water ghosts under his feet. After dragging him, he finally found a substitute, and everyone wanted to use him to reincarnate and support him.

The students who arrived at the shore were very anxious, especially Hu Jian. He was the squad leader. He must be responsible for such things.

"How about fixing it, Li Dongdong, how about fixing it." Hu Jian looked at me with a pleading look, not as contemptuous as before.

I consoled him, "Don't worry, I called the police and the ambulance 10 minutes ago. It should be here soon."

The reason why I did this was actually a gamble. After all, it was a bit risky to just rely on my own feelings for something like this that didn't happen.But human life cannot afford to lose.

Sure enough, within two or three minutes after I finished speaking, a group of people, including firefighters and doctors, ran over from the path beside the river bank.

They protected us behind us, set up a cordon and started search and rescue.

But because it was ice, the rescue encountered some difficulties. After all, it was impossible to use a boat in this situation, and it was impossible to treat the ice as land.

In the end, it was only possible to hang a human ice cave from the bridge for underwater rescue.

After about five or six minutes, Xu Chao was pulled up.

But when he was pulled up, he was no longer breathing.

His body was frozen hard by the river water, and he stood upright with a look of horror on his face.

Perhaps he saw the underwater scene before losing consciousness.

After a day and night of rescue, Xu Chao still failed to escape the clutches of death.

I didn't expect that this time I went out to play, it would end like this.

The whole class was in a heavy mood, especially Hu Jian, who kept blaming himself for why he proposed to go fishing in the winter.

But there is no medicine for regret in this world.

We all say that those who cannot swim will not drown, and those who do not swim will not die.

That's because we are inherently afraid of things we don't know and won't get close to them.

But the real situation is that if the King of Hell asks you to die at the third watch, you will not survive until the fifth watch.Human destiny is destined by God. The only way you can compete with God is to have good thoughts, be a good person, and do good deeds to accumulate merit. Only then will you be rewarded.

When I left school, I was not in a very good mood. Maybe after a good Chinese New Year, it was originally a day of reunion, but it was hard to accept that a friend left forever.When I went to see Master Bai Yuzhen and Brother Bu Fan, they also saw the depression in my heart. Master did not say too much. Instead, he told me that although we can sometimes peek into the secrets of heaven, life and death are important matters. Change It's hard.

Wu Bufan looked carefree. As long as nothing happened to Feng Hua, he didn't care.

On the train, I lay on the berth without saying a word, and Ye Zeyi sat quietly beside me and stayed with me until late at night.

"Dong Bao, don't be sad." He advised, "He has reached the end of his life, so I asked you to leave him alone. You can't save this kind of person."

"Yeah." I sighed heavily, "I'm just a little sentimental, after all, it's a human life."

"You have done a good job. In fact, if it were not for your persistence, although your classmates would have survived, they would not be able to survive this year. All of them would be seriously ill." Ye Zeyi said .

I knew he was comforting me, "Thank you."

"Thank you, Dong Bao. Don't forget. I'm going to propose marriage during the Chinese New Year this year. After your birthday next year, we'll get married."

I was still a little sad at first, but after hearing what he said, I immediately came out of my sadness, "What do you mean? Are you really going to show up?"

"Otherwise?" He replied matter-of-factly, "How can your parents safely marry you to me if I don't show up?"

"Anyway, this shady marriage doesn't require a register or ID card. Let's just get married through the whole ceremony. Why do we need our parents' consent?" I continued to talk.

Ye Zeyi raised the corners of his lips, "Dong Bao, if I don't see your parents, do you think you can stop in another four years?"

"That will happen in the future. I won't allow it and you won't be able to see it." I refused, leaving no room for bargaining.

No matter how much Ye Zeyi tried to persuade me, I didn't let go.

He hugged his shoulders and was angry, but I ignored him. After all, it was a matter of principle.

When I got home, my parents still prepared my favorite stewed pork ribs with green beans, which I never tire of eating. It had only been two days since I got home, and I thought I could have a peaceful winter vacation, but something happened.

Something happened to my mother's colleague Aunt Zhang, who said she was crazy.

Aunt Zhang is my mother’s best friend in the workplace. She was very kind to me when I was a child. She often bought me delicious and fun things. Anyway, she was an aunt I liked very much.

My mother told me that Aunt Zhang went crazy suddenly. Her family took her to see several hospitals and even the provincial capital, but they couldn't find any problem. Finally, the doctor asked her to go and check for hysteria.

What doctors call hysteria is actually what we call an external disease, a deficiency disease.

I had some thoughts as soon as I heard it. Because Aunt Zhang is good to me, I have to take this matter seriously.

So I followed my mother to Aunt Zhang's house on the pretext of seeing a doctor.

Aunt Zhang's house is not far from my house, just across a main road. She lives on the first floor, which is easy to find.

When we arrived at Aunt Zhang's house, it was Uncle Zhang who opened the door.

The moment he opened the door, a cold air hit him.

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