I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 171 The Last Regret

I couldn't help but shudder, and my hair stood up instantly, and Ye Zeyi appeared.

I scanned around the houses in her house and found that there were indeed some problems, especially the house where Aunt Zhang lived. There was a black air lingering around, and it looked like a ghost was still there.

"Mom, did someone in Aunt Zhang's family just die?" I asked.

My mother rarely tells me about the family affairs of my colleagues, so I don’t know what the situation is like in her family.

"Yes, your Aunt Zhang's mother just passed away, less than a month ago." My mother told me in a low voice.

When I heard this, I understood and asked again, "You lived in this house before?"

But my mother shook her head, "I don't know the details, and I didn't always come to the house before."

So I took a chance and wandered around the house. When I walked to the kitchen, I saw an old lady with short hair standing there. She looked blankly at the kettle burning in front of her, wondering what she was thinking. What.

She seemed to feel my gaze and disappeared in a flash.

The old lady looks a bit like Aunt Zhang, so I guess she is the Zhang family’s grandma?

I quickly ran to Aunt Zhang and stared at her.

Aunt Zhang seemed a little scared when she saw me. Her eyes kept wandering and she didn't dare to look at me.

"Aunt Zhang, how are you feeling now?" I asked.

Aunt Zhang smiled, "Very good, Dongdong, when did you come back?"

OK, get to know me.

Probably after hearing our conversation, Uncle Zhang quickly ran over and hugged Aunt Zhang, "Tui'er, do you know me? I..."

But Aunt Zhang pushed him away with a look of disgust on her face, "Go, go, stay away from me."

At this moment, I saw the extra figure on Aunt Zhang, the old lady I just met.

She hid very well. If it weren't for Ye Zeyi's blessing, Yin Tong might have missed her.

it is as expected.

Knowing what the problem was, I left the house, chatted with Uncle Zhang, and learned about the situation.

It was in the afternoon when Aunt Zhang's mother passed away. I heard that Aunt Zhang originally promised to go to the hospital to accompany her in the morning, but was delayed because of something at work. By the time she arrived in the afternoon, Aunt Zhang's mother had already left.

Because of this incident, Aunt Zhang cried for a long time, saying that it was all her fault, and then there were three days for the funeral.

Aunt Zhang's hometown is in the countryside. In the countryside, people still had their own land at that time, so sometimes they were buried according to the previous custom instead of cremation. After all, the land belonged to the same village, and no one talked about it.

But something happened three days later on the day of the funeral. When the old lady's coffin was being pulled up the mountain, the car wouldn't start. The driver got out of the car and checked several times. The car was OK, but it couldn't start.

There was no other way, so several strong men in the family carried the coffin up the mountain together. As a result, when they reached the middle of the mountain, a thick fog came. In the thick fog, several people were confused and couldn't see the road at all. , which wasted time again.

By the time of the burial, the auspicious time had already passed, but Mr. Yin Yang said that although the time of burial was not the most auspicious, it was not bad, so there was no need to panic.

And what’s even more strange is that when we were going down the mountain after the funeral, the broken car suddenly started to work again, and the journey back was smooth.But within two days, Aunt Zhang collapsed.

"What was Aunt Zhang doing when the coffin was carried up the mountain?" I asked.

Uncle Zhang sighed, "The zodiac signs conflicted, so she wasn't allowed to go up."

I nodded, "I know why Aunt Zhang is like this."

Uncle Zhang was startled and looked at my mother. My mother smiled politely and did not speak for me or refuse me to continue speaking. Perhaps in my mother's heart, she did not agree or agree with my taking action. be opposed to.

"Why?" Uncle Zhang asked.

I said it directly, "Aunt Zhang's mother has not left. She is with Aunt Zhang. Because she has an unfulfilled wish."

"What is your wish?" Uncle Zhang continued to ask.

I didn't answer, but led them to Aunt Zhang, "Grandma Zhang, it's me Dongdong." I said it directly, "I believe you can see me now, and you can also see what I want you to see. Something." I am referring to Ye Zeyi. I believe she will know what I am capable of after seeing Ye Zeyi.

Sure enough, as soon as I finished speaking, Aunt Zhang spoke, but her tone was a little old-fashioned and a little strange, "Yes, child, you say it."

"I generally know what you are thinking, and I can tell Aunt Zhang. I know you have regrets and resentments in your heart, but it is not easy for Aunt Zhang. You know it is difficult for her to take leave from her job. She has seniors and juniors. , The financial pressure is great. If she doesn’t finish her job, her boss will severely deduct her money.

She also regrets it. If you see her crying every day, you will know that she loves you.Look, can you please forgive her if I let her kneel all the way to your grave? "I was chatting with her.

Neither my mother nor Uncle Zhang dared to speak out, as if the person I was talking about really existed.

"Okay." Aunt Zhang's eyes were slightly red, and she nodded oldly, "I just, just wanted to see her one last time, but I never got to see her, so I am a little bit resentful. I, I did too much."

As soon as she finished speaking, Aunt Zhang's body trembled involuntarily, and her eyes suddenly became clear.

"Dongdong, you guys, why are you here?" Aunt Zhang has no memory of what happened before.

So Uncle Zhang gave him a general outline, and it was only when he came up with the solution that I spoke.

After I finished saying everything, Aunt Zhang burst into tears. In fact, she also had regrets and complaints.

"Dongdong, you don't know, from that day on, I told myself that nothing is more important than family."

"Aunt Zhang, I understand, you don't want this either." I comforted, "Aunt Zhang, besides this, there is one more thing you need to do. Does your mother still have any clothes with you?"

Aunt Zhang nodded quickly, "Yes, yes, I just bought it for her, but I haven't worn it yet."

"Take it with you. After all, she can wear it there. It's better not to leave too many things in this world. When you leave, you leave." I advised.In fact, if she kept that piece of clothing, her mother might come back from time to time due to the attraction of telepathy.After all, people and ghosts are different. If a person is always affected by ghosts, he will be unlucky or even die. It will also affect the reincarnation of ghosts.

Aunt Zhang took out the dress from the cabinet beside her, held it in her arms and cried, "Thank you, Dongdong, I will ask your uncle to take something back later."

Before leaving, my uncle gave me 500 yuan.My mother didn't want me to ask for it, but I accepted it. After all, this matter does require money.

I heard that Aunt Zhang got up very early the next day, and when she got to the foot of the mountain, she worshiped her all the way up the mountain.

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