Chapter 172 Dowry
After coming back from the mountain, Aunt Zhang's whole state was different. She looked refreshed and not as crazy and depressed as before.

After Aunt Zhang recovered, my mother always asked me many questions, and I didn't know how to answer them.

Finally, I suddenly thought about Ye Zeyi, so I said, "Mom, there is something I need to tell you."

Mom put down what she was doing and looked at me seriously, "What's the matter? Dongdong?"

"Mom, there is something I need to prepare you mentally for. I..." I hesitated for a moment, but I was ready to say it, "I may have to be a bachelor for the rest of my life."

My mother was stunned for a moment, and I could see the complexity in her eyes. She hesitated several times when she wanted to speak. She might want to say a lot, but she didn't know how to start.

"Mom, actually, I am not destined to be married. Maybe, I said maybe this is why I need to grow up in a temple since I was a child." I said.

Mom opened her mouth again, "You, what happened when you were 22 years old..."

It turns out that this is what my mother was worried about. She might have thought that when I said I would be a bachelor for the rest of my life, I meant that I could only live until the age of 22, so I had no fate.

"It's solved, Mom, it's all solved. Not only can I live until the age of 22, I can live until the age of 82, 92, or until the end of my life." I said mischievously.

My mother's complexion suddenly improved. She raised her hand and rubbed my head. This action was really similar to Ye Zeyi's.

"Dongdong, as long as you live a healthy life and live to a very old age, your mother will support you in any decision you make. Your father and I will also work hard to live to a very old age and do our best to accompany you. If you are in the future When you meet someone you like, don't think too much about it, just go for it." My mother's words warmed my heart, and I leaned into her arms.

"Mom, I will. I will live well and stay with you all the time. With you, I will not be lonely."

With my mother's support, a big stone in my heart was placed on the ground.I looked at Ye Zeyi who was flashing aside, winked mischievously, and talked to him in my mind, "It's okay this time, you don't have to show up. My family probably won't press me to get married."

The corners of Ye Ze's mouth couldn't help but turn up when he smiled, and I heard the joy in his voice, "Although I don't have to see my father-in-law and mother-in-law anymore, I still have to give the betrothal gift. Don't worry, it will be delivered before the year."

After saying that, he disappeared. I was still curious, what was his betrothal gift?As long as it's not a bunch of ghost coins, it's fine, otherwise it won't be used at all.

The next few days are about preparing for the New Year. Because there is no longer a deadline of 22 years old, and the immortals have also taken a break from isolation, I spent the New Year this year very happily.

Just the day before New Year's Eve, Ye Zeyi showed up and secretly told me that the betrothal gift was ready and I would know it soon. I was looking forward to it because I didn't know what his betrothal gift was.

As a result, on the [-]th day, my father didn't know why he was so angry. He had never bothered to buy lottery tickets, thinking it was opportunism, so he suddenly bought a lottery ticket for the first time.I even said a few words to him about this, but he rubbed his hands and said to me, "Dongdong, you may not believe me when I tell you. Go to the lottery station. If I don't go in, I will feel uncomfortable and upset."

When he said this, I felt a little baffled. My father seemed a little abnormal.

But the Chinese New Year is approaching, so no one pays attention to it.

This year is the happiest year I have ever lived. I have my favorite family, the immortals who have always been with me, and Ye Zeyi.

Until the second day of junior high school, when I went to my grandma’s house to celebrate the Chinese New Year, my father, who was drinking at the dinner table, suddenly shouted, “I won the prize, I won the prize.”

When he shouted, we were all startled.But seeing his blushing face and eyes full of surprise and excitement, I hurried over and took the lottery ticket out of his hand. After correcting the numbers, boy, I really won. 20 for one bet, he bought 5 bets.

"Dad, you are lucky to have stepped on shit." I was also surprised, but more of a surprise.This sudden bonus made me feel like I was dreaming.The whole family was laughing from ear to ear because of this win. During the lunch, everyone drank a lot more.

After I was happy, I calmed down and realized how weird this thing was.

I ran to the west room and asked Ye Zeyi, who was sitting on the kang, "Did you do this?"

Ye Zeyi admitted quickly, "Of course, this betrothal gift is okay, right?"

"How do you do that?" I asked.

Ye Ze touched my head and said, "I converted the silver in my mansion and deposited it in the Bank of Heaven and Earth. I converted it into the currency of the underworld and transferred it to Dad."

I thought it was incredible, "How can this thing be so neat?"

"Of course." Ye Zeyi said, "Otherwise if you are one of those who replenish the treasury, why would you accumulate your own wealth in this world?"

I pursed my lips and forced myself not to laugh. It felt really good to be pampered by him. "Thank you, we have accepted your betrothal gift."

After saying that, I raised my feet and kissed Ye Ze while no one was paying attention.

"Sister, why are you blushing?" came a voice, and I was startled. When I looked up, it was my cousin, Wan Lin, who is one and a half years younger than me and is taking the college entrance examination this year.

"Ah, the kang in this room is too hot. I'm so hot." I tucked up my clothes and got up and walked out.

Before I even got to the door, Wan Lin walked over, touched the kang with his hand, turned around and grabbed me, "Sister, are you kidding me? This kang is not burning at all, it's cold."

The lie was exposed, and I felt guilty, so I quickly changed the subject, "Oh, look at you kid, why are you so serious? I'm kidding you, I'm going to the east room for dinner, don't follow me."

"Hey, sister, don't leave. Can you help me call my neighbor Qian over to play?" Wan Lin grabbed me and begged, "Please, sister, I'm too bored here."

"Then why don't you go by yourself?" I asked.

"It's not easy for me, a young man, to go." He tightened his nose, "Her aunt seems to be giving birth to a baby."

"Brother, if someone is having a baby and you still worry about playing with it, you are a scumbag." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Tsk, sister, you can really make trouble. When an adult gives birth to a child, it has nothing to do with whether I am a scumbag or not. Besides, I'm not looking for her, and I'm not her aunt. Please do me a favor. If the old man hadn't said that a man can't do it when a woman gives birth to a child. If you get close, I'll go by myself." Wan Lin pushed me again and said, "Sister, please help me. I'll help you anyway. It's an appointment."

I raised my eyebrows, feeling something was wrong, "What are you planning to do?"

"Look, sister, you are just suspicious and seriously ill. What can you do?" Wan Lin looked at me carelessly. I felt something was wrong and continued to ask. "Speak quickly, or I will tell your parents about this."

(End of this chapter)

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