I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 173 The Revenge of the Wolf Immortal

In the end, Wan Lin couldn't resist me and muttered, "We are playing mahjong. Four are missing one, and you don't know how to play. The mahjong table has been set up, and she is the only one left in the back room. Please do me a favor, sister." , just go and ask for me. If she really doesn’t come, we’ll just stop playing. Okay? Go and ask for me.”

Seeing him acting coquettishly, I thought for a moment that it wouldn't hurt to ask.If Qian Jinyu comes to play by herself, it is her own choice. I will just pass on a message.

So I put on my down jacket and left the house.

My grandma’s family still lives in a suburban rural house, a typical rural bungalow. There is a dry toilet built by the family in the yard, which needs to be cleaned from time to time.There is a yard as big as a football field outside, where you can grow vegetables in the spring.

The courtyards of the two houses are built with brick walls about 1.5 meters high. For those who are more flexible, it is no problem to jump over.

So I found a good place to stand and prepared to jump over. Before I could exert any force, a familiar voice came to my ears, "Be careful on the left side."

I took a look, and sure enough, there was an ice skate on the left side with a sharp point standing upright. I didn't pay attention at all just now.

I was just about to slap it with my hand. If I hadn't noticed it, I would definitely be bleeding.

"Thank you." I looked at Ye Zeyi gratefully, and he stayed by my side silently.He also stretched out his hand to help me. If I had divine help, I jumped over with a quick step.

The moment I stepped on his yard, I got goosebumps all over my body, and the scene in front of me changed.

Black air lingered around, and on the trees and roofs outside the house, there were several wolf fairies lying in fighting postures.One of the leaders also warned me not to meddle in other people's business.

The Wolf Immortal has five elements, but is extremely powerful in combat.

They are so dormant, I feel like something is wrong, something is likely to happen to her family today.

Sure enough, screams of pain came from the room.

At this time, Qian Jinyu also ran out in a panic. When she saw me, her face was filled with tears, "Jinyu, what happened?"

"Auntie couldn't give birth and was in coma several times." She cried.

"Then why don't you send them to the hospital?" I don't understand. In this era, how can you not go to the hospital to give birth to a baby? Although this place is located in the suburbs, it is normal to go to the city to give birth to a baby. It takes more than 40 minutes to take a taxi. almost there.

"I can't get out of this house." Qian Jinyu said, "As long as Auntie carries Auntie out of this house, something will happen. First, Grandpa fell to the ground and sprained his ankle, and then my uncle, when he walked to the door, he suddenly fell unconscious and... I threw my aunt to the ground and almost killed two people."

She said the situation was serious, and I guess it had something to do with these wolf fairies, who were trying to prevent her aunt from leaving.

"Then what are you going to do now?" I asked.

Qian Jinyu said anxiously, "Go find the midwife. Grandma said that there is a very powerful midwife in our area and asked me to invite her."

After she said this, I saw the wolf immortals around me roaring a few times and making aggressive looks, as if they were not ready to let her go out.

I know there may be cause and effect, but after all, two lives are involved.So I thought of it and invited my two female Dharma protectors to come out.

Hu Tianhong, python smallpox. .

They were still a little drunk when they came out, their faces were flushed, and they were still walking a little unsteadily. They supported each other and held copper wine glasses in their hands, so happy. "Why did you two drink so much?" I went up to help him.I thought about asking them to come out to help, but I didn't expect to drink like this. I don't know what those wolf fairies would think when they saw it. This would not be a deterrent at all!

"I'm happy to celebrate the New Year, so naturally I want to drink two more drinks." Hu Tianhong leaned on me and said, then her blurred eyes glanced around, "Hey, why are there so many wolf immortals, and a wolf spirit with a cub."

"A wolf spirit with cubs?" My heart skipped a beat, as if I had grasped something. "Does it have anything to do with the fact that babies cannot be born in the house?"

Mang Tianhua was still a little confused after drinking, and said unsteadily, "It doesn't matter if he doesn't care, drink, drink..."

I think this is really a lot of drinking. It seems that the bottles of liquor I provided them were not wasted at all.

Seeing the two of them like this, there was nothing they could do, so they were simply sent back.

I wanted to think of another way to get Qian Jinyu out of the house, but I didn't expect that those wolf immortals suddenly stopped their momentum and made way for him.

When I saw this, I walked a few steps quickly and grabbed Qian Jinyu who had been wandering at the entrance of the courtyard.She was suddenly startled at this moment and said, "Dongdong, why can't you get out?"

"Why don't you go out? The door is right here." I pushed hard and pushed her out of the door.

After this incident, I did not go back to my home, but waited outside her room.Because there was a certain degree of danger around me, Ye Zeyi always stayed by my side.

About 20 minutes later, I saw Qian Jinyu running in quickly with an old lady.

I took a closer look, and this old lady seemed familiar. Isn't this Aunt Wang?
I haven’t seen her for a long time, but I can still recognize her at a glance. I wonder if she is coming back here to celebrate the New Year?
Aunt Wang was also stunned when she saw me, and glanced at my side again, "Why are you here?"

"I'm coming to my grandma's house to celebrate the New Year, it's right next door." I pointed to the yard of grandma's house, and then told her what I was thinking.

Aunt Wang nodded, "You're right. The girl from Xiaoqian's family learned this from me on the way. I felt that this was something wrong and it was difficult to handle. I'll go in and take a look first."

"Aunt Wang, can I follow and observe?" I was just curious how she would solve it.

"Okay, you can come in, but you're still a girl, aren't you afraid of any psychological shadow?" She hesitated, then looked at my side, "The person next to you can't come in."

"Okay, Aunt Wang, I have a strong mind and don't have any psychological shadow." With that, I gave Ye Ze a few instructions and entered the room.

As soon as I entered the house, the smell of blood hit my nostrils. The fishy smell made me gag.The sharp screams were disturbing.

The woman lying on the kang was pale, and her eyes were staring straight at the roof, as if she had lost her soul.

I was shocked when I looked at the blood stains all over the floor.Moreover, the woman's legs were still bleeding.

They say that when a woman gives birth to a child, she has one foot in the door of hell, and that is absolutely true.

Today's medical level is very advanced, but there are still many pregnant women who cannot be saved from postpartum hemorrhage, let alone before.Giving birth to a child can save you half your life, but if you encounter a difficult delivery, it is basically impossible to save it.

Moreover, the pain of childbirth cannot be described in words, but as a mother, although she has experienced painful torture, her love for her child will not diminish at all.So mother is really great.I am even more hopeful now that Qian Jinyu's aunt can survive. (End of chapter)

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