I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 174 civet cat for prince

No wonder Aunt Wang said that I would have psychological shadows. The environment was full of blood, the smell of blood in the room, and the heart-wrenching cries. With such a scene, anyone would be shadowed, especially especially A girl who is unmarried and has no children may fear pregnancy and childbirth.

Aunt Wang quickly glanced around the room and said to Qian Jinyu's uncle, "Qian Gang, tell me what you have done recently. If you don't tell me, I won't be able to solve it for you. Your wife and children will You can only die in hell."

In fact, Aunt Wang generally knows some of these things, but for some bad things, if the person involved talks about it, it will be similar to atonement, and the effect will be better, just like letting the person involved review it themselves.

Qian Gang was a bloody man at first. This child, who was only in his thirties, was very precious. He gritted his teeth and said, "I went to play in the wild mountains behind Beishan a while ago. I encountered a pack of wolves and killed them. A few."

"That's it? Does the wolf you killed have any characteristics?" Aunt Wang asked again.

Qian Gang thought for a moment and said, "My belly, my belly seems to be quite big."

"That's right, you killed a Taoist Wolf Immortal who was pregnant with a cub. If you kill someone, they will naturally come to take revenge. That's why the child in your wife's belly cannot come out. If this matter is not resolved, , will kill two people with one corpse, just like that she-wolf."

After Aunt Wang finished speaking, Qian Gang immediately panicked, "What should we do? I really didn't know at the time. If I had known, I wouldn't have been able to hunt. We who like hunting all know that if we encounter someone with a cub, we must give him a way to survive, otherwise There will be retribution.”

"You really don't know?" Aunt Wang asked again.

Qian Gang answered firmly, "I really don't know, I swear."

"Okay, I will take care of this for you, but whether it can happen or not depends on God's will." After Aunt Wang finished speaking, she took out a small figure with the birthday of Qian Gang's wife written on it, "I will give it to you later. Your wife will undergo acupuncture. After the acupuncture, your wife will fall into a coma for a period of time, but don't worry, the coma during this period will definitely protect the lives of their mother and son. Whether it succeeds or not depends on whether those wolf immortals will leave after 9 o'clock tonight. Not leaving. If you leave, this matter will be over temporarily. After your wife gives birth successfully, we will discuss with them how to solve it. If they don't leave, then your wife's fate will be like this. "

As soon as Aunt Wang finished speaking, she took out three silver needles in her hand and pierced Qian Gang's wife's body respectively. She suddenly seemed to have fallen asleep while she was screaming fiercely.

Now that I have yin and yang eyes, I can naturally see the scene after the acupuncture is performed.Miraculously, Qian Gang's wife was surrounded by a faint halo of light, and the child in her belly seemed to be sleeping sweetly after being irradiated by the sun.

Then Aunt Wang dipped the straw man into the blood of Qian Gang's wife, muttered a few words, and drew a talisman on it.

"I'll start to deal with it after dark. Don't rush." ​​After saying that, Aunt Wang sat in the room and fell into meditation.

I watched the sky outside getting darker little by little, and it was completely dark before 6 o'clock.

Aunt Wang took the straw man and put it into a basket, and then sent it out. She didn't let me follow. I saw her outside talking to a few wolf fairies who came up from around. Then those wolf fairies put the basket away. The bloody straw man took it away.

Seeing this, I originally wanted to wait, but my parents came over and said they would take me home.

I was reluctant, but I had no choice but to obey.

After leaving, I specifically told Hu Tianhong, who had sobered up, to keep an eye on me and tell me what happened when she came back.

For a girl, the gossip will never stop.

When it was around 10 o'clock in the evening, Hu Tianhong suddenly came back.

I was lying on the bed and was drowsy. I suddenly woke up, "How are you?" "It's a boy." Hu Tianhong said, "Both mother and child are in the hospital now. After you leave, Aunt Wang will ask them to take the adult and the child together." She was sent to the hospital, but this time there was no obstruction, and she arrived very quickly. When she arrived at the hospital, the woman woke up and gave birth, just like that quickly."

"What about Aunt Wang? What will Aunt Wang do next?" I asked.

Hu Tianhong yawned, "How should we deal with this later? Just ask me about this kind of thing."

I looked at her helplessly, "Ah, what should I do?"

"Let's talk to those wolf immortals, set up a ranking, and make offerings to them."

"Do you agree?" I asked.

"Otherwise?" Hu Tianhong shrugged, "What can we do if we don't agree? Dao Xing, who sacrificed his life, is dead in the net? They have tried hard once, but failed, which proves that God does not allow them to kill the mother and son, so they can only Accept your fate, after all, the life of the human species is still very valuable."

Hu Tianhong's words reminded me of my previous experience. In fact, there are many spaces in this universe, and each space has its own rules.But in all rules, humans belong to the upper three realms and are superior to many living creatures. This indicates the status of humans.

It is this kind of status that allows humans to control the entire human world and also dominate the animal world.So, if you want to say that this is unfair, in fact, another way of thinking is, why can humans be born into the human realm, while animals can only be born into the animal realm?These are determined by one's own cultivation and blessings before reincarnation.

After this incident passed, I have been thinking about the result, so before going back to school, I went to visit Aunt Wang. The situation Aunt Wang told me was similar to what Hu Tianhong said. Basically, she was a guardian of the family, and then Help the wolf spirit to transcend.

However, just as I was leaving, Aunt Wang suddenly stopped me.

I looked at her in confusion. She looked at me for a few minutes and then suddenly said something meaningless, "Why two?"

"What?" I asked doubtfully.

Aunt Wang blinked and shook her head, "It's okay, I saw it wrong. Dongdong, haven't you encountered anything recently?"

I immediately thought of the secret marriage, immediately became vigilant, and answered covertly, "It's okay, Aunt Wang, I can do anything."

Aunt Wang turned her head and stopped talking, and I hurriedly slipped out. Aunt Wang was still capable. I was afraid that she would notice something if I stayed for a long time. After all, marrying a ghost in secret is not understood by others. thing.

When the first day of school arrived, I returned to school.

When I returned to the rental house, I immediately cleaned the hall and placed offerings for the old immortals to eat.

Wu Bufan also called me promptly and asked me to continue visiting his store on weekends to earn some pocket money and increase my abilities.

Of course I agreed. My fairy family has returned, and Ye Zeyi has always been by my side. What do I have to be afraid of?

So I went to Xianyuan Hall on the weekend of the first week of school.

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