I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 175 Wu Bufan’s Life Experience

As soon as I entered, I smelled the scent of sandalwood, which was very pleasant.Wu Bufan was meditating in front of the hall and got up when he saw me coming.

"Here we come, girl."

"Well, brother, Happy New Year. Are you happy this year?" I asked.

Wu Bufan smiled, but the smile was very stiff, "It's still the same as before, there's nothing to be unhappy about."

Only then did I realize that Wu Bufan seldom told me about his family affairs. It seemed that he had never met his family or heard anything from him.

So I asked cautiously, "Brother, where did you spend the Chinese New Year?"

"It's in the store." Wu Bufan replied matter-of-factly, "Where else could we go?"

"Didn't you go back to your hometown?" I asked suspiciously.

"Why go back to my hometown? There is no hometown anymore." Wu Bufan seemed calm and calm, but there was an indescribable sadness in his eyes.

"Tell me about it?" I asked softly, generally knowing that he was a man with stories.

Wu Bufan showed his signature smile, his dimples looked very innocent, "If you have anything to say, it's nothing. If you want to hear it, I'll tell you another day."

"Just today." I insisted, "Tell me, I finally have a brother, and I want to get to know you."

"Yes." Wu Bufan agreed softly and closed his mouth.I didn't ask any more questions, and just waited for him quietly. After an unknown amount of time, his voice broke the calmness, "I should be considered an unlucky person, right? When I was five or six years old, my parents died in a car accident. At that time, I just remembered, so I didn’t have a deep impression of my parents. Later, it was my aunt who raised me. But when I was 17 years old, my aunt also passed away due to illness. At that time, I found a master, He said that my fate was too harsh and I was destined to live alone, so no one I came close to had a good end, except for one person who had a previous marriage with me, but this person and I couldn't last long."

"Is this person Feng Hua?" I said.

Wu Bufan nodded, "Yes, it's her, so I didn't want to delay her at first. I didn't want her to be too close to me to prevent me from overpowering her or hurting her. Facts have proved that nothing bad happened to her when you were with her. . At first, I thought that what happened to her was related to me. Later, Master Bai Yuzhen talked to me. Everything that happened to Feng Hua was caused by cause and effect and had nothing to do with me. Let me cherish this fate. If it brings blessings, Maybe I can go away for a lifetime, so I am brave enough to be with her."

Seeing his shy look, I felt not only distressed but also relieved. It was a kind of self-salvation for him to step out of the gloom and accept a sincere relationship.

"Actually, there are other reasons for me to be with her. The accident she had in your school's wasteland made me know how important she is to me, and I would be so afraid of her being in danger. So, why not stay with her? Protect her, even for one day." Wu Bufan continued.

The air in the house is also filled with a depressing smell. For many people who have taken action, life and relationships are not smooth, and there are many disasters.The purpose is to enable us to find the truth in adversity and cultivate a righteous mind, so that we can lead the immortals to correct the way, become famous all over the world, and achieve righteous results.

It's just that Wu Bufan's experience is even more heartbreaking. No wonder he always looks careless about everything.After all, in this world, the people he wanted to cherish are gone and he is alone.

Looking at his declining and sad eyes, I patted his shoulder and said jokingly, "Okay, Wu Bufan, you don't have good intentions in accepting me as your sister. You want to kill me."

He was stunned for a moment, then quickly shook his head, smiled, revealed his signature dimples, and returned to his carefree look, saying, "Hey, sister, don't say this nonsense, I have seen your destiny, you are not afraid of me. "K, it's good if you can't control me. Ask yourself, am I the one who has been unlucky since I got together with you, okay?" I stuck out my tongue, and it seemed that it was true. Ever since I met Wu Bufan, he has helped me a lot. Take the blame for me and pay for it.

"I won't tease you anymore, brother. Remember, no matter whether you and Feng Hua can live together for a long time, I will always be your sister. I will always be with you. I will be your relative from now on." I said it very seriously, Wu Bufan also listened very seriously. Seeing his eyes turning red, I turned my head away and stopped looking at his face. I understand, after all, men care about face.

After chatting for a while, Wu Bufan left. I knew that he went to school to find Feng Hua. I continued to take out the book and read it by myself.

After a while, a woman walked in. This woman was probably in her 50s. She looked very intellectual in her dress. She should be a well-educated and senior intellectual.

She sat in front of me and said, "I heard that Master Wu's vision is very accurate. I came here just to see something."

"Master Wu is out for something, so he comes to me as well. I am his sister, and we are together as masters." What I said is absolutely correct. Bai Yuzhen is our master, and we both follow the path of Chu Ma Xian.

"Actually, I just want to ask, how is my daughter doing now?" she said softly.

"Give me the date, month, day, and hour of your daughter's birth, and I'll take a look." After I finished speaking, I handed her a piece of paper.

After she finished writing, I arranged a plate on the paper.

Now I can only calculate the horoscope knowledge, but the calculation is still not accurate, so I called Hu Tianhong and Ye Zeyi to come out.

Hu Tianhong is good at calculations, and Ye Ze is very familiar with the underworld and is a good hand at helping to check things out.

After they came out and took a look, Hu Tianhong spread his hands and pointed at Ye Zeyi who was standing aside, "Ask him, he is more familiar with these horoscopes than me."

I was stunned by what she said, and turned to look at Ye Zeyi. He really didn't dodge this time, and took the initiative to say, "This person with horoscopes is dead."

I was stunned for a moment. Is this woman looking at the horoscope of a dead person?Do you think this woman is testing me?Then I repeated Ye Zeyi's words, "This person is no longer here."

The woman nodded calmly, not too surprised.There was just a hint of pain in his soft eyes, "Yes, she is no longer here."

"Death is like a lamp going out. When she is gone, everything will return to dust. I am sorry." I advised.

"Master, I know that after a person dies, he or she is not really dead. Just help me see how she is doing. No matter where she is, help me see if she is doing well, okay?" The woman said with a slightly pleading tone.

Listening to her words, I knew she was someone who had been through some things.After all, in her mind, regret after death takes another form of life.

I sighed and said, "Then wait for me for a while. I need to ask my fairy family to help you take a look." (End of Chapter)

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