The woman looked at me gratefully, nodded politely, and said nothing.

I called out my ancestor, Old Man Li. After all, he is currently the leader of my family's Monument King.It would be more appropriate to leave it to him to run around in the underworld.

As a result, after hearing this, Old Man Li turned his eyes to Ye Zeyi as if asking for help.

Ye Ze didn't even look at him. Finally, Old Man Li stamped his feet angrily, sighed and told me and left.

When he came back, he brought back some strange news.

That means there is no such person in the underworld at all.

What does it mean that there is no such person?Reincarnated?Or didn’t go to the underworld at all?
I asked Old Man Li again, but he told me with certainty that there was indeed no such person.Either this person never came to the underworld at all, or he was reincarnated, or for some other reason.

However, due to identity restrictions, Old Man Li could not find out more information.Because of his status, the people he has access to are not high-ranking, so the files he can see are very low-level, let alone such highly confidential matters as his reincarnation destination.

Old Man Li has no choice, so I can only count on Ye Zeyi. I know it's not good to bother him all the time, but I have no other choice.I looked at him pitifully and muttered silently in my heart, "Old Ye, please help me. I will choose a couple outfit for you later."

Ye Ze replied with a faint "Yes" and disappeared.

I know he went to help me investigate the matter. Hey, Ye Zeyi is better. He always responds to requests. He is so quick in the underworld. He really has a clear mind.It would be great if he were my Monument King leader.

Somehow this idea came into my mind.

I quickly calmed down and focused on the woman in front of me.

During this time, I chatted with her.

This woman also opened her heart and told me a lot.

She is a university teacher. She used to be a typical atheist. It was not until her daughter died that she believed in the diversity of the world.

As a mother, how much she hopes her daughter is still alive.She thought about it every day and every night, and her tears were almost dry.Finally one night, she saw the face she still missed in her dream.

Her daughter was still as cheerful and bright as before. In the dream, they held each other's arms and cried, telling each other how much they missed each other.

From that day on, she could dream of her daughter almost every night.Their relationship was just like before, her mental state was much better, and she would talk about her daughter when meeting people.

At that time, many people thought she was crazy and suffered from hysteria because she missed her daughter too much.

In fact, she herself had doubts at the time, but after experiencing one of the incidents, she finally realized that all of this was true and that her daughter had really come back in some form.

That is, one day in a dream, she met her daughter and told her that she was going to travel.

But her daughter tried her best to stop her and asked her to return the purchased tickets.

In the dream, they had a very fierce quarrel, but as a teacher, she was born with the aura that no one could object to.So after waking up, she did not refund the ticket, and even got angry and had to leave.

As a result, on her way to the airport to catch a plane, she fell down the stairs due to a trance and sprained her foot. She had to miss the flight and go home to recuperate.

On the third day when she was recuperating at home, she saw the news that a huge earthquake had occurred where she was going. The scenic spot was closed and many tourists were stranded. The casualties were unknown.Only then did she realize that she had not seen her daughter for several days.And my daughter objected to her traveling because something would happen there.

It was also from this moment that she knew that all her interactions with her daughter were real.

Fortunately, ten days later, she saw her daughter again in her dream.

But her daughter had lost a lot of weight. She hugged her daughter and asked her distressedly where she had been these days.

My daughter simply replied that she was going to work. She had many tasks and was working overtime.

"Then what? Has she disappeared again now?" After hearing the woman's story, I felt a little emotional and couldn't help but ask, "How long has it been since she disappeared?"

The woman recalled for a moment and continued, "It's been 34 days. I haven't seen her for 34 days. So I was a little flustered and didn't know if something had happened to her."

"Don't worry, we are investigating. I will tell you the results as soon as possible." After hearing what she said, I had a bad feeling in my heart.

Just then Ye Zeyi came back and told me about her daughter's situation.

It turned out that her daughter was not a mortal. After her death, she found a job in the underworld and became a higher-level underworld agent.

That's why my old man Li didn't ask about her situation. After all, for ordinary underworld immortals, if they don't have an official position, they need to use money to do things.

Today, we did not send any money to the Lord, so he was unable to do anything.

But Ye Zeyi was different. He was a high-ranking official in the underworld. As long as he wanted to investigate, no one would dare to say no just by looking at him.

But what Ye Zeyi brought was not good news, and I felt uncomfortable hearing it.

I closed my eyes, calmed down, and said, "Auntie, I have found out the whereabouts of your daughter."

This woman was sitting there, looking calm and calm, and her emotions were well controlled.But after hearing my words, his body shook suddenly, and all the eagerness was written on his face.

I know how nervous and anxious she is.

"Of course, Master, please let me know." She said as she put the money for the hall on the table, "Master, please accept it."

I nodded and said, "She has become a shady because she has accumulated good fortune."

After hearing this, a circle of tears lingered in the woman's eyes. She raised the corners of her mouth and seemed to be smiling, "Okay, good, I feel relieved. Is it because she is busy that she can't come to see me?"

I was stunned for a moment, wondering whether I should tell her the truth, but after seeing her look, I made up my mind, "Yes, Yin Chai is very busy, and she probably won't have time to talk to you in the future. Besides, Yin Chai She must abide by the requirements of Cha Youyin Cha, which is not to have too much contact with her family to avoid leaking the secret. Therefore, the contact with the living people at home will be reduced in the future, but you have to believe that she is living a good life. "

"Okay, as long as she has a good life. Thank you, Master, thank you! Please tell her, Master, that I will burn paper for her after the New Year and the holidays, so that she doesn't have to waste flowers there. If you need it, ask someone to tell me, and I will do it. It was purchased for her." After the woman finished speaking, she left with great gratitude.

After she left, I stared blankly at the door and murmured, in fact, this is how real problems are solved for people, neither big nor small, no ups and downs of the plot, and some only have real emotions. (End of chapter)

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