I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 177 I am a promise-keeper

Ye Zeyi said calmly, "Everyone has their own choice, and her daughter's choice deserves to be respected."

"She's never coming back?" I asked.

Ye Ze nodded, "Well, this is equivalent to one life being worth one life."

Her story reminded me of myself, a baby who was sentenced to death at birth and how lucky I am to be alive now.Because I have immortals behind me, I have Ye Zeyi, and relatives who love me.

Without them, I wouldn't be where I am now.

My nose felt a little sore and I said, "Lao Ye, thank you."

In fact, Ye Zeyi went to the underworld to find the judge and read the book of life and death.It clearly describes what happened to this woman's daughter before and after her death.

During the earthquake at that time, this woman was also going to be seriously injured.But because of an action of her daughter, she escaped, but only injured her foot and changed her fate.

Originally this was a major matter and required trial.But because of her daughter's filial piety, she was spared the suffering of the eighteenth hell.But it also reduced her level and gave her a punishment decision.At the same time, he warned her that if she interfered with human affairs again, her soul would be driven away.

However, by chance, she saw the confidential documents about her mother again, and knew that her mother was about to be seriously ill and her death was approaching.

So she used her own methods to help the woman escape the disaster, but this time, instead of showing mercy, she used her soul to repay the consequences of this action.So this is considered a life worth a life.She will no longer exist.

This incident made me very sad and touching.

Parents love their children and will have far-reaching plans for them.Children love their parents without sacrificing themselves.

Such a story is also told in Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva’s Original Vow Sutra.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was a woman named Guangmu in a certain life.She was very filial, but because her mother did not believe in cause and effect, she committed sin and fell into hell to suffer after her death.

After Guangmu learned about it, in order to save her mother from the sea of ​​hell, she gave up her beloved baby to accumulate merit for her mother, and made a solemn oath in front of the Buddha: If her mother could be freed from the three evil realms forever, she would save everyone in the three evil realms. Suffering beings in the lower realms until they are all liberated.Her mother also quickly gained liberation because of her meritorious deeds and great aspirations, and eventually achieved Buddhahood.

However, it is impossible for this girl to get good results after all.

Because of her incident, I felt a little depressed.

Fortunately, not many people came that day, so it was pretty peaceful.

I thought the day would just go by, but at around 4 p.m., an uninvited guest came to the store.


I met this kid Qin Zhuang once when he took Fang Wenxue away years ago, but never again.What does he mean by coming here today?
"You are a man of your word." He came in and sat down on the chair opposite me naturally.

"That's natural...what's going on?" I was stunned by what he said and answered instinctively.I didn't realize there was anything wrong with this sentence at all.

"You said you wanted to treat me to dinner." He narrated in a low voice without any emotion.It suddenly dawned on me that I had forgotten this matter. No, I probably didn't want to remember it at that time.

Unexpectedly, he still remembered.

"Yes, there is such a thing, I remember it. Didn't I just come back after the New Year?" I looked like I knew it well, without showing any signs of forgetting it, and said politely, "Originally I thought I was looking for you just these few days, so it’s my fault that I didn’t inform you in advance.”

Qin Zhuang's gloomy eyes stared at me. I was a little numb from his stare. It took him a long while before he spoke again, "Your lying skills are really poor."

My face turned red when he said that, and I quickly covered up my embarrassment, "Look, what are you lying about? I really want to find a time to find you in the next few days. Since you said so, then you set a date, which day do you set? , I’ll invite you someday.”

"It's better to choose a different day than to hit it. Today is the day." He was rude and looked at me provocatively, with a half-smile that was really annoying.

But I was wrong about this, so I smiled and nodded, "Okay, wait until my brother comes back, or wait until after closing at five o'clock."

"It doesn't matter, I happen to have nothing to do. I'm waiting for you here." After saying that, he sat down by the window unceremoniously, picked up a book and looked at himself.

Time passed by, and it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon. Looking at the sparse crowd outside, I guessed that no one was coming, so I thought about closing the door early and inviting him to dinner, eating early and eating early, so as to strive for 7 p.m. Can go home.After all, Ye Zeyi doesn't like me getting too close to him, and his identity is also very mysterious, so it's better to have less contact with him.

I informed him and went to the door to close the window. As soon as the window was closed, there were rustling footsteps behind me.I looked back and saw a woman wearing navy blue cotton clothes running over.She panted and waved her hands.

Are you looking for me?
I looked her up and down. She looked about 30 years old, with a sallow complexion and thin skin. Even wearing a cotton coat and trousers, she looked very thin. To describe her as thin as a telephone pole is not an exaggeration at all.

Moreover, her face was extremely ugly, her eyes were darkened, and her eye sockets were sunken. It was obvious that something bad had happened to her.

At the same time, when she ran toward me, I noticed something was wrong with her.There seemed to be something hidden in her shadow, but I just glanced at it and then disappeared.No matter how carefully I looked, the thing never appeared again, and there was nothing strange in the shadow!
"Master, can you still watch?" she asked breathlessly. Even though she ran less than 30 meters, she felt as if she was about to collapse, and her voice was a little weak.

"Yes." Seeing her like this, I really couldn't bear to refuse.In addition, I have discovered some strange things about her body, especially the things that suddenly appear and disappear in her shadow, which interest me very much. I want to find out, what is it?How did she become like this?

So I invited her in.

As soon as she entered the room, she shivered all over.

I saw it in my eyes, and then Qin Zhuang, who had been lowering his head to read, also raised his head.

He looked at the woman in front of him inquiringly, said nothing, and then lowered his head again.

Although he didn't say a word, I knew he must have discovered something. After all, he is also a Chuma Immortal, and he is a ghost immortal in the whole hall. Coupled with his status in the world of the world and the underworld, his ability to sense some evil objects must be extraordinary. Almost ordinary people.

I sat on the main seat and made a gesture of invitation.

The woman was sitting on the chair, but she obviously felt like she couldn't stop sitting, and she was in a trance.I motioned for her to reach out and put my hand on her pulse to feel it.

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