Chapter 178

Her pulse was a little strange. To be more accurate, I touched her palms and fingers again, and then confirmed, "This fate master, you divine the ghost pulse. Have you encountered something unclean recently?"

The woman nodded quickly and grabbed me hard, "Yes, master, that's it."

I closed my eyes and felt for a while, and then the appearance of a man appeared in my mind, and I described it, "This man should not be very tall, about 1.7 meters and a half, with slightly curly hair and a square face." , there is a black mole on the right side of the mouth, and the skin is slightly darker."

After hearing this, the woman's eyes lit up and she nodded desperately, "Yes, yes, master, it's this man.

"Tell me, what's going on? If I'm right, something should have happened between you two, right?" I said it very vaguely. After all, these things are a woman's privacy, especially with the man Qin Zhuang sitting next to her. .

The woman hesitated for a moment, glanced at Qin Zhuang, and then at me, as if she was making some kind of decision.

I said softly, "It's okay. Please tell me the situation clearly and I can help you find a solution."

I saw the woman take a deep breath and close her eyes.As if making some kind of decision.When she re-opened her eyes, there was a hint of firmness in her eyes.She told me about her own experience.

Her name is Zhang Qing, a 32-year-old unmarried young woman.Because she had never been married and she was older, her family dragged many people to find a partner for her.

At her craziest time, she met three blind dates a day. Until January, she went to meet a man introduced by a friend.

This man's name is Huang Tao, the man I just described.

When she met Huang Tao, she felt very strange. He spoke in a sinister manner throughout the whole process, and his behavior was also a little strange, so she decided not to contact him again after only meeting him once.

Who knew that on the third day after meeting, she would dream about Huang Tao when she went to bed at night.

In the dream, Huang Tao was not as cold as when they met, but was extremely gentle, telling her his love and obsession for her every day.

Gradually, she actually felt that Huang Tao was not a bad man.

Until she dreamed of Huang Tao on the fifth day. That day he was not as gentle and considerate as before, but instead aggressive.

He even proposed to take the relationship further with her.

Zhang Qing naturally refused, but Huang Tao became angry and said that he was her husband and it was necessary for the relationship to go further.

So that night in her dream, Zhang Qing was with him in a daze. After all, it was just a dream, and she didn't take it seriously.

Unexpectedly, when I woke up the next morning, I found some bruises on my body, and my body felt particularly tired.

From that day on, Huang Tao would come every night

It continues like this until now.

For Zhang Qing, who has not had a boyfriend for 32 years, everything in the dream was like a release and relief. Huang Tao did understand her very well in this regard. She no longer resisted, but now she feels, That was a reminder.

Because just five days ago, she noticed changes in herself. She had a sallow complexion, a thin body, a lot of hair loss, and she lost a lot of weight.

That’s why I asked someone to find an effective master and found Wu Bufan and me.After listening to her story, I generally knew what was wrong with Zhang Qing.

In fact, she is a typical ghost. As the saying goes, if you further communicate with a ghost, the yin and yang will be out of harmony. This is the reason why Ye Zeyi has always maintained a pure relationship with me. Ghosts can gain energy from people and make themselves It is more powerful, but people can only have evil spirits invade their bodies, eventually leading to their death.

But why did this man find her?I asked doubtfully, "Have you met him before we went on a blind date?"

Zhang Qing thought for a moment and shook her head, "No, I have never met him. It was the first time we met the person we introduced that day."

"Have you done anything else recently?" I hesitated and said, "For example, going to certain places to tell fortunes? Or writing your birth date somewhere?"

Zhang Qing thought for a while and nodded quickly, "Yes, yes. I'm in my 30s and haven't found a partner yet? So last month I went to see a marriage master."

After saying this, she suddenly realized, "Yes, just two or three days after I found the master to see the marriage, I received a call from a friend, saying that he wanted to introduce me to a partner."

When I heard this, my heart sank. This was probably the crux.But I'm not sure yet. After all, I only saw him once, and I'm not sure what I saw was a ghost.

So I asked Old Man Li to help me check. I didn’t know what was wrong with him recently, so I was reluctant to ask him to help me check something.

Before leaving, he was still muttering next to me, "Why don't you let Ye Ze go do this kind of thing? I have to let your ancestors do it. It may not be easy for me to check, you said my old arms and legs That’s right, I’ll be tormenting with you every day.”

Of course I understand what he means, but it would be unjust and unfair to always ask Ye Zeyi, a ghost who has not attended the court, to help with matters such as court affairs.And he is capable, so he can't just do whatever he wants just because he is capable. That's not the way he can do this.

In the end, Lao Litou couldn't stand my teasing and abuse, so he went to the underworld for a while.

When he came back, he whispered in my ear secretly, "She had a secret marriage, and that male ghost is indeed her husband. We can't control this matter."

"Can't you control it?" I was a little surprised, "Why can't you control it?"

Old Man Li said meaningfully, "I can't control this matter. She went through the formalities for her shady marriage. In the words of the human world, she went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to wait for a demerit. Naturally, I can't rectify it."

"Then there's nothing we can do about this?" I continued to ask, feeling a little panicked. If that's the case, then I know there's a problem but can't solve it. It's so frustrating.

Old Man Li thought for a while and curled his lips, "First of all, you need to find their Yin marriage certificate. This certificate is equivalent to the marriage certificate in the human world. Only by getting that certificate can you get a divorce or change your marriage."

"Where am I going to find this? This eldest sister obviously doesn't know that she has been married in secret, let alone find the certificate." I complained.

Old Man Li nodded and agreed, "You are right, so I can't handle this matter. I don't have the ability to help people divorce without finding something."

Seeing him like this, I was really speechless. If he hadn't been my ancestor, I would have definitely scolded him for his inaction.

"Then what should I do? Tell me, I will do it if you tell me." I was also a little angry.

Old Man Li clicked his lips and smiled, "Go find Ye Zeyi, he must be familiar with this business."

I raised my eyebrows, "Why must he be familiar with this business?"

(End of this chapter)

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