I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 179 The Cunning Man

Chapter 179 The Cunning Man

"Why?" Old Man Li rolled his eyes at me, as if I should know, "My little darling, in order to marry you, he memorized all the secret marriage laws. Of course he has a good background! That's it! You are such a heartless little thing, you don’t know anything.”

My face turned red immediately, and my heart was filled with sweetness. Ye Zeyi was like this, he always did a lot of things for me silently, but never said anything.

Thinking of this, I miss him even more.

He told me in the morning that he had something to do and needed to leave. He had been gone for so long and he didn’t know when he would come back.

Just when I was struggling, a deep voice came from not far away, "Find the marriage spell, I can change it."

When I saw it, it was Qinzhuang.How could I forget about this kid? He is a post messenger and very capable.He is also familiar with the work of these ghosts.

"Can you handle this?" I walked over and asked in a low voice.

Qin Zhuang raised the corners of his lips and revealed a sneer. "Of course, it's a small job."

I couldn't help but shudder, why was there a hint of sinisterness in his smile.

But since he said it was a small job, he must have his own method. Zhang Qing seemed to have been tortured to the point of being weak. If he continued like this, someone would be killed. If Qin Zhuang had a way, that would be the best.

Although I believe Wu Bufan can do this, after all, it is not certain when he will come back.

So I introduced Zhang Qing to Qin Zhuang and asked Qin Zhuang to talk to her.

Qin Zhuang spoke very coldly, but the underlying meaning behind his words was that we can solve this problem, which made her relax.

Qin Zhuang roughly asked for the address of the master Zhang Qing was looking for.

But Zhang Qing said that she met this person on QQ and asked about marriage on QQ. He was not a real person and she did not know who the person was.

We both wrote down the QQ number she asked about, and found that the QQ number was actually from H city. We both added him, but the person seemed to have disappeared and did not respond.

"Two masters, how to solve this problem?" Zhang Qing asked.

I didn't know how to answer, but Qin Zhuang said, "Tonight this female master will go home with you to catch ghosts. You give her your home address and your phone number, and she will go to you when she prepares things in the evening." .”

I'm sorry that Qin Zhuang arranged work for me, but Zhang Qing is a girl, so I don't have any objection to his arrangement.

Zhang Qing was obviously very happy after hearing that I would go home to accompany her in the evening.

She said goodbye to me with a lot of gratitude. She came back less than three seconds after leaving the house. She took out a wad of money from her pocket and stuffed it into my hand. "Master, here's the money for you. I'll see you in the evening." .”

After saying that she disappeared.

I looked at the money in my hand and saw that there was a full 2000 yuan. This 2000 yuan was more than half a month's salary for a person.I have mixed feelings in my heart. It seems that she really wants to solve this matter.

In her mind, perhaps she was thinking that as long as she gave me money, I would be responsible for her to the end.

In fact, even if she doesn't give me money first, I will be responsible to the end.After all, they are all women.And it was fate that she could find me.

After Zhang Qing left, Qin Zhuang and I went out to find a restaurant to eat.While walking on the road, Qin Zhuang, who had been silent all this time, said, "I'll see you off after dinner."

"No, I'll just take a taxi there." I answered instinctively.

Without even looking at me, he insisted, "I'll give it to you."

"Okay, you choose what to eat first, and I'll treat you." I didn't refuse anymore. After all, I couldn't solve this problem, so I had to rely on him. He insisted on sending it, so I just listened.

In the end, we chose a mutton chop shop, and I chose this shop. After all, no matter how I asked, this guy always answered casually, it’s all good, you decide.

After entering the mutton chop shop, Qin Zhuang frowned, "You actually like to eat this." Looking at the smoky environment in the house and the sizzling and oily lamb chops, I nodded with satisfaction, "Of course , delicious food on earth.”

I chose a fatter lamb chop, which is more fragrant.Listening to the sizzling sound on the charcoal fire, I was so greedy that my mouth watered.

But I found that, apart from the noise from other tables around me, my table was a bit too quiet.

Because Qin Zhuang didn't say a word while grilling lamb chops.

While eating the mutton chops, he remained silent.

Moreover, his expression was indifferent and he ate very mechanically. It was impossible to tell whether he liked it or not.

Finally, I was so choked by him that I broke the calm first, "Qin Zhuang, do you like this mutton chop?"

"It's just food to satisfy your hunger. It doesn't matter whether it suits your taste or not." He said calmly.

Well, God was so chatty to him.

I gnawed on the mutton chops in silence, and for a while I really didn’t know what topic to talk to him about.

Just when I was at a loss, he suddenly spoke, "When you go at night, don't be in a hurry. I have something to do tonight and I can't follow you all the time."

I didn't expect that this was what he asked, and I was a little stunned for a while. It turned out that he wasn't going at night.

"Then what will happen after I disappear?" I asked.

After all, this is my first time hunting ghosts alone.

"Guard, after you see him appear, find an opportunity and let your Immortal family detain him." Qin Zhuang said, "But this ghost should have some abilities and is very cunning. You may not be able to catch him."

I wasn't happy when he said that. What do you mean I may not be able to catch him?Who are you looking down on?

"I'll definitely catch it." I said firmly.

Qin Zhuang didn't fight me either. "If you catch me, go to the store to find me immediately. If I'm not here, just wait for me. I will tell Uncle Qin. If you don't catch me..."

Before he could finish, I interrupted him, "There's no way I can't catch him. Just wait for me."

Qin Zhuang was too sensible and didn't say anything anymore. After dinner, he sent me downstairs to Zhang Qing's house, "Let's go."

After speaking, he drove away.

When I arrived at Zhang Qing's house, I put on the invisibility charm and hid behind the curtains of her house.

Fortunately, the bay window behind the window sill of his house was wide enough, so she helped me lay out a mat, which made it comfortable for me to lie down on.

I took out my phone and read the novel for a while, then felt a little sleepy.

Lying down on the bay window, the upper eyelids and lower eyelids started fighting.As I was swaying to sleep, a sudden gust of cold wind blew through me, arousing goosebumps all over my body, and I quickly cheered up.Through the gap in the curtains, I saw a dark figure sitting up in the shadow of Zhang Qing who was lying on the bed.

The dark figure lay beside the bed and rested for a while, then its appearance slowly emerged.He is at least [-] or [-]% similar to the man I saw, especially the mole at the corner of his mouth, which is exactly the same.

I am even more certain that this man is Huang Tao, the male ghost I saw who had a secret marriage with Zhang Qing.

Qin Zhuang said he was very cunning, so I didn't dare to take action immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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