I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 180 Terrible Habits

He was also very careful. He stayed hidden in Zhang Qing's shadow, motionless, and seemed to feel the surrounding atmosphere. It wasn't until he felt really safe that he completely broke away from Zhang Qing's shadow, and then leaned over to watch. Zhang Qing was asleep on the bed, licking his lips with his tongue, looking obsessed.

I saw Zhang Qing closing her eyes and twisting her body uncomfortably, and I knew she was very frightened at the moment.

Huang Tao seemed to be enjoying it. He raised Zhang Qing's arms and leaned down.

At this moment, I suddenly called Old Man Li out.

This is also the most wrong thing I did, because I forgot that Old Man Li has been messing up recently for some unknown reason.So after he came out, he didn't enter a state of combat readiness at all. Instead, he was leisurely observing the furnishings in the room, looking like he was carefree.

But Huang Tao was very alert. The moment Old Man Li came out, he immediately got up and disappeared, his whole figure disappearing into the surrounding darkness.

I quickly called him and asked him to chase after me.Only then did he realize that he wanted to chase the person, and the figure quickly disappeared into the darkness.

But after a while, Old Man Li ran back panting alone, looking very embarrassed, "I let him run away, but I didn't catch him."

I didn't bother to reason with him. After all, those were my ancestors, and he wasn't like this before. There must be some reason for his recent behavior. If I reasoned with him about these things in a tone of voice, it would be better to quickly find Huang Tao's lair.

"Where did he go?" I asked.

I have always believed that whether it is a person or a ghost, when encountering danger, he will immediately choose a familiar place to hide. Therefore, the place he went to is probably an area he was familiar with during his lifetime. If we start from here, say Maybe we can find his whereabouts.

Old Man Li thought for a while and said decisively, "A shopping mall, the one not far ahead."

From the location he described, I roughly guessed where it was, but how could Huang Tao end up in the mall?
I was puzzled and decided to go to the mall the next day to ask if there was such a person.

Seeing that Zhang Qing was sleeping peacefully, I was ready to go back to the rental house.

Just in case, I asked Old Man Li to take my wife and stay here to keep watch. If Huang Tao comes back, he will be pressed up to see me. If he doesn't come back, he will stay here until dawn before leaving.

After all, this is my underworld fairy family. Although Old Man Li has been acting a bit badly recently, he knows that he has done something wrong. This time he also issued a military order to ensure that he will complete the task.

Back at the rental house, it was already early in the morning.Tired, I changed into pajamas and lay on the bed. Looking at the empty other side, my heart was also empty. Ye Zeyi hadn't come back yet.

Looking at the bright moonlight outside through the window, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. They say that when you see things, you miss people. I have nothing to see, but I have already begun to miss people.

Touching the empty pillow next to me, I closed my eyes, but I tossed and turned but still couldn't fall asleep. It seemed that I had long been accustomed to the feeling of Ye Zeyi being around. Without him, I felt uneasy.

I don’t know how long it took, but the sky turned white, and I fell asleep unconsciously.But I didn’t sleep peacefully. I woke up before 7 o’clock.

I got up to pack and went to Wu Bufan's shop.

Seeing that the store looked the same as when I left last night, I knew that Wu Bufan had not come back last night.

Now he is really relieved to leave the store to me, and he won't even look back.

It was 9 o'clock in the morning, not long after I opened the door, Zhang Qing came. Her face looked better this morning, and her whole person was full of energy.

She held my hand gratefully and said, "Master, I had a dream last night. As soon as I dreamed about that Huang Tao, he was taken away. Is it you? Master? Do you know? It's been a long time, a long time since I I have never slept so well. Thank you, thank you so much."

She thanked me, but I felt a little guilty, "Actually, I just scared him away last night, and it hasn't been completely solved yet."

"Then what do I need to do? Master, just tell me as usual and I will cooperate." Her trusting eyes kept staring at me. I saw the hope in her eyes, but I didn't know how to help him solve it.I actually asked the leader Hu Tianlong to ask, but the old leader said that it is best to send the underworld immortal, my leader of the Monument King, to coordinate this matter. After all, it is more appropriate for the ghosts and immortals to handle these matters. After all, it involves a ghost marriage. .

If they do it, it's not impossible, but they also need to find someone to clear the relationship. Not only will they spend more money, but the effect may not be good.

Therefore, there are several people in a hall, all doing different jobs, which can be regarded as specializations in the industry.

But Old Man Li said no, he couldn't solve it.I really can't help it, Ye Zeyi has never come back, and Wu Bufan was busy dating and didn't come home yesterday.

So I had to bite the bullet and take Zhang Qing to the store in Qinzhuang.

As a result, as soon as I opened the door, Qin Zhuang appeared at the door.

The moment I looked up and saw him, I felt like I was seeing a savior. But when I thought about how I couldn't catch Huang Tao last night, I felt a little ashamed on my face. I lowered my head and didn't speak for a long time.

He ignored me and said directly to Zhang Qing, "Go back and we will solve it tonight."

Zhang Qing left with great gratitude.

Qin Zhuang and I were left alone.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

Qin Zhuang glanced at me, "You didn't go to me, I knew you didn't get it done."

"I'm sorry, I'm too conceited." I muttered.

"I'll help you tonight, half the money." He didn't listen to what I said at all and said to himself.

"Okay, no problem, but I have something to tell you." I said hesitantly.

"Say." Qin Zhuang said.

"Can you please not take action now? I want to try it myself first." I said quickly.

"Okay." He agreed readily, "See you tonight, I'll pick you up."

There is nothing important to do on this day. At most, I just check my fortune and ask about my marriage.

When the store closed at 5 pm, Wu Bufan hadn't come back yet. It seemed that he really had no choice but to go to Qinzhuang.

When I arrived, he had already packed his things.He was carrying a black schoolbag and looked a bit like a student.

"What do we need to do tonight?" I asked on the way.

"It'll be here soon. Put the invisibility charm on your body and still hide behind the curtain where you were yesterday." Qin Zhuang handed over a charm that was exactly the same as yesterday.

I held it in my hand and suddenly realized a very serious question. How did he know that I was hiding behind the curtain yesterday?I never told him.

"How do you know where I hid yesterday?" I asked alertly.

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