Chapter 181

He glanced at me and said, "Basic skills."

My scalp was numb, and I found that there were too many secrets about him that I didn't know. No wonder Ye Zeyi told me to stay away from him.

I stopped talking along the way, and he didn't take the initiative to stir up the topic. He just told me when we got there that everything was just like last night, and he would take care of the aftermath for me.

I didn’t know what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd, but his words warmed my heart, and my attitude towards him softened a lot.

Because Old Man Li's behavior yesterday made me lose a few layers of trust in him, so I called in Hu Tianhong today. Hu Tianhong is my protector, and her ability is needless to say. In addition, she is reliable and smart, so today I asked her to She protected Zhang Qing and caught Huang Tao, so there was no problem.

Hu Tianhong was indeed reassuring. After coming out, she concealed her presence and hid beside Zhang Qing.

Time passed slowly, and soon it was about 11 o'clock in the middle of the night.A person slowly climbed up in Zhang Qing's shadow. He lay quietly beside the bed and looked around. After about five or six minutes, he finally separated from the shadow with confidence.

With the lessons learned yesterday, I am a lot more careful today.

Hu Tianhong was also playful. When Huang Taoqi came on her, she controlled Zhang Qingyao/Rao to change her position.

Huang Tao jumped in the air, but when he saw Zhang Qing's posture, he couldn't help but licked his lips, rubbed his palms, and immediately rushed forward again with an eager look.

Hu Tianhong changed Zhang Qing's position again, which not only caused Huang Tao to miss again, but also accidentally pressed his leg with her leg.

Huang Tao was distracted by this sudden touch. He was not in the mood to observe his surroundings at all. He just wanted to deal with Zhang Qing quickly.

So, when he pounced for the third time, Hu Tianhong controlled Zhang Qing to lie down.

But his legs were still pressed against Huang Tao's legs.

Huang Tao leaned down eagerly, but Hu Tianhong pushed Zhang Qing away and took Huang Tao's hand. She hooked her fingers around his neck.

Huang Tao saw something was wrong and wanted to run away, but his legs were pinned down. No matter how hard he struggled, he could not escape Hu Tianhong's shackles.

Hu Tianhong smiled charmingly, pulled hard with her jade hand, turned around, and pressed Huang Tao on the bed, "Brother, are you in such a hurry? It's not good to run away in a hurry!"

Huang Tao was so shocked that his eyes widened and he could not speak. Although his face was already white, I could tell that Huang Tao's whiteness at this moment was caused by fear.

At this time, I got out from behind the window and gave Hu Tianhong a thumbs up, "Great job."

Hu Tianhong raised her eyebrows, raised her lips and smiled, and said shyly, "It's funny, let's go."

Then I followed her and went to Qinzhuang's store behind Huang Tao.

Qin Zhuang was also waiting for me in the store early.

This is the first time I have truly entered a store in Qinzhuang at night.

The old man he met for the first time was Uncle Qin in Qin Zhuang's mouth.This time he didn't stop me, but politely led me in.

When he was at the door, he asked in an old and deep voice, "After entering, don't say hello to the guests who are eating."

Sure enough, after entering his shop, there were tables in the living room and several rooms of various sizes. Some of the tables were incense burners, some were incense candles, and some were the bowls and chopsticks we used to eat.I looked carefully and there were ghosts around these tables.

"Don't look, you will get sick if they find out." Uncle Qin ordered.

I quickly withdrew my gaze, fixed it on the back of Uncle Qin's head, and followed him into the house.

When I finally reached the last room, I felt a cold air.

But this kind of breath is different from ordinary ghosts. There is a sense of righteousness and order in this breath.Although it is cold, it is not alarming.

"Go in, he's waiting for you." Uncle Qin left after saying that.

I knocked on the door three times before pushing it open.

Qin Zhuang was standing in the house, having just finished lighting incense.

As the cigarettes lingered around, some vague figures began to appear around them.First transparent, then it becomes a visible entity.

They were wearing all kinds of clothes, and some were even wearing Japanese costumes, which puzzled me a lot and even made them a little agitated.Why do foreigners appear in the halls of our country?
Before I could think more, Qin Zhuang's voice sounded, "Let him go."

When we arrived at someone else's territory, and with the presence of so many immortals, Hu Tianhong couldn't care about Huang Tao at all, so he threw him out and stayed by my side.

Qin Zhuang glanced at Huang Tao who was kneeling in the center of the room, looked at me, and praised, "You are very promising today, and there is no need for my people to take action."

I replied as a matter of course, "Of course, after all, a person cannot fall twice in the same position."

"Yes." Qin Zhuang replied indifferently. His red phoenix eyes squinted at Qin Zhuang. He leaned lazily on the mahogany Taishi chair behind him. He naturally had a majestic aura about him, like a government official. Interrogating prisoners is normal.

The moment he sat down, Huang Tao seemed to be frightened and kowtowed, "Please let me go. I didn't do anything but get close to my wife. Please let me go." Get over me."

No wonder he was afraid. Qin Zhuang himself had this identity, and now he was surrounded by immortals from his family. If anyone was pulled out, they would tear this Huang Tao to pieces. It would be strange for him not to be afraid.

"How did you and Zhang Qing get married in secret?" I asked Qin Zhuang after saying hello.

Huang Tao howled like a ghost fox wolf, "I was wronged, really wronged, I am, I, I don't know why I married her. I just remember that there was a woman during my lifetime, and later someone told me, The woman I met was my girlfriend during my lifetime. Then she helped us arrange a secret marriage so that we could be lovers and get married."

"Who is this person?" I continued to ask.

"I, I don't remember either." Huang Tao cried so hard that the pear blossoms were filled with rain.He just kept saying that he was wronged and didn't know anything.

When I saw that I couldn't ask anything, Qin Zhuang's voice sounded slowly. His tone was always so calm, which was very similar to Ye Zeyi.They are people with few emotions, but what they say is full of oppression.

Huang Tao trembled for a moment, his eyes wandering around as he said, "This, this wife...daughter-in-law..."

"If you still don't tell the truth, I can't save you." Qin Zhuang said calmly. As soon as he finished speaking, all the ghosts and immortals around him looked at him angrily, as if they wanted to eat him alive.

Huang Tao was so frightened that his whole body piled on the ground, and he spoke tremblingly, "This, my lord, I know that you are the messenger of the underworld, but, but I did have someone tell me that she is my woman. "

(End of this chapter)

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