I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 182 Finding the Truth

"Tell me who this person is? I can consider letting you go through reincarnation." Qin Zhuang's tone was calm, but full of temptation.

Huang Tao's psychological defense had completely collapsed this time.He thought for a moment and said, "I really don't know who this person is. I just remember that the person who helped me get married was an old man, probably in his 60s, with a kind face and always smiling. I really don't know who he is." I no longer know."

"He also told you that that was your girlfriend?" I asked.

Huang Tao shook his head, "It's not him, it's another woman. But who that woman is, I can't remember. I really have no memory of what happened during my lifetime. Basically I can't remember."

What he said this time must be the truth.

Regardless of whether they are humans or ghosts, they all have things they care about.He was afraid of death, so the deterrence and intimidation of these ghosts and immortals would be enough for him.

Finally, Qin Zhuang also said that his matter might be more difficult.Because normal people will not lose their memory after death, at least they will not lose so much memory.

But he couldn't remember anything other than his name and a few scattered things about meeting Zhang Qing. There must be a demon.

Therefore, we must first remind him of the ins and outs of the matter before we can completely solve this problem.If you can't find a suitable person, you can find someone who can do it for you.

So the next morning I finished my class and ran to the shopping mall.Although he couldn't remember where he lived, this mall definitely meant something to him.

I still remember that when I saw him, he was wearing blue overalls.

When I arrived at the mall, I discovered that the people wearing this kind of overalls were all the handling staff in the mall.

I followed them to the warehouse on the third negative floor of the shopping mall.

As soon as I entered here, I felt very cold.This kind of coldness not only contains the darkness of the three underground floors without sunlight, but also contains the ghostly atmosphere in the air.

It's just that this ghostly energy seems to be non-existent. If I didn't have the Yin Pupil in my body and my sensitivity, I would never be able to feel it.

"Who are you? Come on, come on. This is our warehouse, not open to the public." Suddenly a voice came, and I took a quick look. It was a boy wearing blue overalls. He was about 20 years old, and he should be about the same age as me. .

He is very tall, about 1.8 meters tall, and his body is very strong because he has been doing hard work all year round. As for his appearance, he has a childish handsomeness, and he can be regarded as a handsome boy.

They are peers, so it shouldn't be difficult to communicate, "I'm here to find someone, handsome guy."

He glanced at me up and down, "Who are you looking for?"

"Huang Tao." After I said the name, I kept observing the boy's expression.

I saw his pupils shrink, his eyes dodge, and his facial muscles twitched unnaturally.

It is expected that he knows Huang Tao and is very familiar with it. He should also know a lot of things about Huang Tao.

But the boy's answer was a flat no, "I don't know him. There's no such person here. Let's go quickly. Don't delay our work." As he spoke, he pushed me out. "If you don't go, we will be killed." Call the police. Sneaking around in front of the warehouse, either stealing or stealing."

The more he covers it up, the more unusual I feel about Huang Tao's affairs.However, he was very strong and I staggered when he pushed me.

At this moment, an older man walked over from a distance and asked the boy, "Who is he?"

The boy pulled the man away and muttered something in a low voice.

The man's expression became serious and he turned around and came over, "Who are you Huang Tao?"

"He's my brother, my cousin."

The man laughed loudly, "I don't know what your purpose is in pretending to be his cousin, but I can tell you clearly that he is no longer here."

"Is he dead?" I said directly.

At this moment, I have confirmed that Huang Tao is here, and a lot of things happened here.The two people were shocked when they heard the word dead, and then they cleared me out.

Seeing their panic, I was even more sure that there was something fishy about Huang Tao and it was related to the shopping mall.

After I was kicked out, I just walked around the mall. Because the place was so popular, I couldn't feel the atmosphere at all.

I thought about it and hid it in the warehouse on the third floor.

Because the warehouse on the third floor is filled with useless sundries, few people come there.

After I arrived in the warehouse, I felt something was wrong, but I couldn't put it into words.

As a result, it was too dark here and the time was a bit long, so I fell asleep without realizing it.

When I woke up again, the mall was closed.Seeing that there were now few people and the Yang Qi was weakening, he asked Hu Tianhong to bring Huang Tao over.This situation shouldn't hurt him now.

My original intention is also to let him recall this place.

But when he arrived at the warehouse on the third floor, his eyes were filled with fear.It was a fear that shook my heart.

"What's wrong?" I asked quickly.

Huang Tao shook his head, "I don't know, I just think it's scary here. I'm scared of it."

fear?Fear?So what happened here?For a ghost to have such a big shadow deep in his heart?
I got up to look for what was in the warehouse on the third floor, but as soon as I turned over a box, there was a noise at the door.

That was the sound of a body hitting the door panel.

I hurriedly hid behind the glove box again, listening to the unspoken sounds coming from outside the door.

Soon, the door was pushed open by them, and a man and a woman walked in, hugging and kissing passionately.

This woman is not too young, she looks to be in her 50s, but she is well maintained and wears very fashionable clothes.This man was very young. When I saw it, wasn't he the boy who looked about 20 years old?

What combination is this?
Don't want to put in the effort to combine?

"Am I beautiful?" a woman asks when she is deeply in love.

The boy pushed her down on the box, leaned over and kissed her, "Beautiful, I have never seen a more beautiful woman than you."

Damn it, my hair stood on end when I heard this. There really are all kinds of people here.

I hid in a dark corner and listened for more than 20 minutes.My face turned red when I heard it, as if I had a fever.

Suddenly, a cold wind came.

I couldn't help shivering.

I looked at the door warily, but no ghost entered.

At this time, the freight elevator next to him suddenly moved.

The two people who were deeply in love also heard this voice and seemed to be frightened. They didn't even bother to tidy up their makeup and ran out of the door shouting in fear.

I realized that things were not that simple, because all afternoon, I didn't realize there was a freight elevator behind me.This shows that no one is using this freight elevator. (End of chapter)

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