I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 183 Changes in the Body

If no one is using it, why does it suddenly make noise?

I communicated my thoughts with Hu Tianhong, and then I discovered that Huang Tao was missing.

I asked softly, "Where did Huang Tao go?"

Hu Tianhong also spread his hands, "It was such a good show just now, how can I care about a dead ghost."

Okay, forget the ghost.

Not caring about him now, I quickly walked to the elevator door and checked it carefully.

Suddenly, there was a sound of metal friction in the elevator shaft, like the sound of something sharp scratching metal.

I immediately put my ear against the door and listened carefully. Finally, I found the location of the sound.

It's the bottom of the elevator shaft, which should be the third floor.

I immediately ran down from the security door and ran to the third floor.

Because it was night, the mall was closed, there were no customers, and the security guards were not doing their best, so my journey was smooth and I didn’t meet anyone.

As soon as I walked to the door of the third floor, I bumped into someone.

I lowered my head and was about to turn around and run, still thinking about how to explain, when I was grabbed.

I shook my arm in surprise, turned around, and saw a familiar figure.

"Qin Zhuang, why are you here?" I breathed a sigh of relief.

I found that Qin Zhuang's behavior was very calm, and he didn't seem surprised that I appeared in the mall.

"I'll do the work."

"How did you get here?" I asked.

"My friend is the manager here, and I will be on duty for him tonight." He said calmly.

I couldn't help but sigh, it turned out that someone was easy to do. I hid in the warehouse on the third floor all afternoon, and he came in openly.

Now that we have met, I told him what I just saw and heard.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, he glanced at me and said, "Aren't you ashamed?"


"I just listen to the corner, but you still listen to this kind of thing. You really refreshed my understanding of girls." He smiled coldly.

"It was a misunderstanding after all." I explained. "I can't rush out immediately. After all, I will be arrested as a thief."

Qin Zhuang looked at me and said, "Let's go, I will take you to find the body."

"Corpse?" I asked blankly.

"Huang Tao should have died here." He said while strolling around the third floor.

"By the way, Huang Tao has disappeared. Is he going to find Zhang Qing again? Are you sending your Xianjia to have a look?" I asked.

Qin Zhuang nodded, "Okay."

Then I saw two small black figures emerge from his side and disappeared in a flash.

"How many ghosts and fairies do you carry with you?" I asked curiously.

Qin Zhuang pretended to be mysterious and smiled, "It's a secret that can't be told unless..."

"Unless what?" I asked.

"Unless you are my wife from now on."

I almost choked on my own spit and coughed violently, "Ahem, cough, cough, are you playing with me? With your status, don't you think you can't find a partner?" "After all, I need someone with inheritance. For this, they I also need to have descendants." Qin Zhuang replied seriously.

I nodded, "What you said makes sense, but I'm not interested in the question I just asked you, so you don't need to answer it."

"Is it so difficult to be my wife?"

"It's not that it's difficult, it's that it's simply impossible." I answered directly, how did Qin Zhuang's brain circuit develop?Are we familiar?We have only met four times, and I dare to say that I want to return my wife.

"Why? I saw it and you are destined to me." He asked. "You and I are destined to be husband and wife."

"Stop." I quickly stopped and looked at him seriously, "Qin Zhuang, I tell you very seriously, I don't like you and I will not marry you. What you want is inheritance, what I want is love. .We have no fate."

Qin Zhuang did not deny it, "Yes, I really don't like you either, but you can help me give birth to a child, which is enough."

"Stop, stop, I won't have children. I don't like children." I refused bluntly. I didn't know what was going on. One was Gu Shenyan and the other was Qin Zhuang. They all had it. Sick?You don’t like me, but you still want to marry me, just kidding.

"Let's not talk about this matter today. Let's talk about it another day." Qin Zhuang and I don't want to get along with each other by temperament, so we became a little tense before we even said a few words. Fortunately, we all have a common purpose at the moment, which is to find Huang Tao. corpse.

When I calmed down, a voice appeared in my heart. This voice told me that he was in the elevator.

So I followed my inner voice and walked to another freight elevator.

This freight elevator is indeed different from other freight elevators and passenger elevators. The door is covered with yellow charms, and there are red handprints that look like blood on them.

Hu Tianhong left just now because of a quarrel with Qin Zhuang.

I didn't realize this, thinking she was around, so I boldly started to study the elevator by myself.

I stretched my hand over and attached it, and the door that was originally closed suddenly opened.

Then a cold and rancid smell came. I walked in and the elevator door slowly closed.

Darkness swept over me, and the resentment dormant in the darkness rushed towards me like a spider web.

I was thinking about Hu Tianhong silently in my heart, only to realize that she was not there and could not appear.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of eyes staring at me from behind. I turned around and saw the face of a man, Huang Tao.

His soul is here!

It's just that he is completely different at this moment than when he was caught before. His eyes were dull and sinister, and he seemed to be on the verge of turning into a vicious ghost.

I quickly stared at him, and his past flashed through my mind.

If you know his past, you will know the reason for his death and what he hates.

But there seems to be some kind of energy blocking my thoughts, so the fragments I see are intermittent.

I raised my head, and in the darkness, I seemed to see the gleaming yellow talisman above the elevator.

what is that?I thought to myself, raising my hand to take it off.

At this moment, something magical happened.

In this closed space, everything around me seemed to become wavy, and the solid iron walls in the elevator rippled like water waves.

The top of the elevator, which was originally more than two meters high, seemed not that far away from me.

I stretched out my hand, stepped on my feet, and thought about catching the yellow talisman. I got the talisman without any hindrance.

I was stunned for a moment, what kind of skill is this?

I got the talisman, opened it and took a look.There are two little people drawn on it, as well as some winding arcs, in which are written the names and birthdays of the two people. These all glow faintly on the paper.

When I took a look, weren’t these the ones belonging to Zhang Qing and Huang Tao?
It was so effortless. I was so excited that I completely forgot that I was in a dark elevator.

Suddenly, the elevator door opened with a bang.

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