I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 184 The red line also divides things into things

Chapter 184 The red line also divides things into things
I saw a bright light coming towards me, and I instinctively covered my eyes with my hands.

"How are you?" This is Qin Zhuang's voice. .

He has always had a cold temperament, and has never expressed his emotions or anger. I don't know if it was my imagination, but the moment I saw him, I seemed to hear different emotions in his voice.

But I didn't care about that, and quickly handed him the charm I got in my hand, and asked excitedly, "Do you think it's this?"

He took the charm and returned it to its previous appearance. He looked at it carefully and said, "Yes."

"Then let's go back and finish this matter." I walked out of the elevator and suddenly felt a force pulling me from behind, and I couldn't help but choke at my feet.

I turned around and saw that the elevator had changed into a wave shape again, and behind it was something that seemed to be buried in the wall.

I have some ideas in my mind, but at the moment it is best to help Zhang Qing solve this problem first. After all, if we delay for a while, even the Great Luo Immortal will be unable to save her.

Along the way, Qin Zhuang followed me without saying a word.

Because of the quarrel just now, I had nothing to say to him.

Qinzhuang knew the employee passage out of the mall, and we walked out quickly.After leaving the mall, fresh air poured into my lungs, and I breathed freely.

Under the moonlight, Qin Zhuang, who had been behind me, suddenly walked up to me and walked side by side with me, "What did you just do? Why did you appear in the elevator?"

I knew he must have something to tell me, but I was stunned by this question. Didn't I just stay in the elevator the whole time?

"What do you mean? We just finished arguing, and I went to the elevator to look for it. Then I went in and stayed in it. I never left." I said with a firm tone.

Qin Zhuang became silent again, and I didn't bother to pay attention. I just thought he was talking nonsense. Unexpectedly, another three to five minutes later, he spoke again, "I opened the elevator just now and saw that there was no one in it. But three minutes later, when I opened it again, you were there."

Listening to what he said, I suddenly thought of everything I experienced in the elevator.Maybe when he opened the elevator, that's when I found myself surrounded by the same thing?It seems that the situation just now is a bit strange. I should talk to Ye Ze about it and ask him what happened after he comes back.

But I wasn’t familiar with Qin Zhuang, so I didn’t tell him the truth.

I just told him for sure that I was always there, and I didn’t know what was going on.

When he arrived at his home, he took out the sum.

I looked at the ghost-like drawing method on it, which seemed different from what I had seen in books before.However, the soup does not change the medicine. Each painting method has different approaches but the same effect. Otherwise, I would not have known at a glance that this was what I was looking for and matched.

Qin Zhuang looked at it for a while and said, "This Hehefu is not the Taoist painting method here, but more like the evil magic from Southeast Asia."

When it comes to Southeast Asia, many people may think of GumanThong, Buddhist amulets and the like.In fact, most of the magic techniques in the world lead to the same goal through different paths, but the right path is to persuade people to do good.

"Can this Southeast Asian evil still lead to our red thread?" I asked.

Qin Zhuang smiled surprisingly. He was very serious when he didn't smile, and he looked sinister and cunning.But his smile was more sinister.My scalp couldn't help but tingle, "Why are you smiling at me? Am I asking the wrong question?"

"Yes or no." Qin Zhuang said, "Based on the ancient Chinese myths and Western myths circulated, we can see that the myths and stories in Asia are generally similar, so the magic techniques in Southeast Asia are only different from ours in terms of operation methods, but the effects are similar. .After all, the bloodlines are very similar."

Qin Zhuang's explanation opened my eyes again. It turns out that our gods can work well with them.

"Then the west is Cupid's sword?"

Qin Zhuang was stunned for a moment and nodded, "It should be that their red thread may be bows and arrows. After all, they are not the same world. There may be some differences." I understood, nodded unconsciously, and then returned to the topic and asked , "Then how do you interpret Zhang Qing's harmony?"

"It's easy to say, I just need to break this harmony." Qin Zhuang said easily, turned around and entered the inner room.

Each family has its own way. His way is different from ours, so naturally I can’t get too close.

In about ten minutes, Qin Zhuang came out and said, "I broke this spell, but this person should know soon that I will be in trouble."

He said it very seriously, but there was a hint of relaxation in his tone.

Of course I understood what he meant, so I smiled and said, "What do you need me to do? To be honest, do you want to give you more money? Or do you need me to help you occupy the space?"

Qin Zhuang replied expressionlessly, "I need you not to appear around me starting from tomorrow."

After saying that, he returned to the house and Uncle Qin came out, "Please, Miss Li."

The eviction order has been issued, I must leave.

But when I walked to the door, Uncle Qin got angry and scolded me again, "Don't come here again. If you come again, I will break your legs."

After that, he closed the door heavily.

Looking at the locked door, I felt a little uncomfortable.I am not an ungrateful person. Although Qin Zhuang was a bit inexplicable, he chose to protect me in a dangerous moment.This alone is enough for me to occupy the team and occupy the space for him. When something happens, I have to step in.

So I decided to wait for Ye Ze to come back, tell him about this, and ask for his opinion.

I just don't know where he went and when he will come back.

I went back to the rental house alone, lay on the spacious bed, looked at the moonlight outside, and missed him in my heart.

Suddenly, the temperature around me dropped a few degrees, and the familiar cold fragrance came, and I knew he was back.

Turning around, I happened to face his handsome face.

"Miss me?" he asked softly in my ear.

My nose felt a little sour, so I nodded and snuggled into his arms again, "Something happened to you in the past two days since you were gone."

"What's the matter?" Ye Ze hugged me and stroked my head with his hands, as if to comfort me.

I gradually felt at ease and told him what happened in the past two days in his arms.

Ye Zeyi listened quietly. It was not until the end that I felt the temperature in the room drop a few degrees and realized that he might be angry.

I quickly pretended not to know and acted coquettishly.This method was very effective in dealing with him. He quickly lost his temper. Seeing him helplessly shaking his head, I knew that I didn’t have to endure the scolding today.

"Lao Ye, what happened in the elevator?" I asked.

(End of this chapter)

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