I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 185 Breakthrough Realm

Chapter 185 Breakthrough Realm
Ye Zeyi was silent for a long time before speaking, "You must have broken through some kind of shackles."

His voice is very nice, as deep as a cello, which is pleasing to the ear and makes me feel at ease.

"What shackles?" I didn't understand.

Ye Ze thought for a while and said, "Remember what I explained to you before. In fact, breaking through a certain shackle means that you should break through the limits of human beings."

I digested his words for a while, and then said through my own understanding, "Do you think I am right to say this? Human beings originally lived in a three-dimensional space with the shackles of time and space, but when I was in the elevator, I made a breakthrough. The shackles of space, so the so-called matter around me cannot restrict me."

"You can understand it this way." Ye Ze nodded and expressed his appreciation to me, "You are right."

"Then if you put it like this, wouldn't I have reached a certain level?" I was a little excited, "Is this kind of skill very good?"

Ye Ze nodded, "It's really awesome. Many eminent monks can't really break through this shackles until they sit down and pass away. But you are able to break through with your physical body. It's really rare."

I thought carefully about what happened around me recently, but I couldn't find the cause of this change in myself.But thinking that I might be able to reach somewhere instantly in the future, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep. "Do you think I can continue to break through time in the future? Lao Ye, if I break through time, can I go back to the past? Or the future?" "

Ye Zeyi kept looking at me, and I could see the doting in his eyes, "Dong Bao, if you really break through time, then there will be no past and future for you. Because your past is not If it’s you again, your future will no longer include you.”

His words were very profound and I couldn't quite understand them, so I simply stopped thinking about them. I couldn't bear the thought of Qin Zhuang being retaliated against. After all, it was because of me that he got involved in this matter.

I told Ye Ze my thoughts, but he had a cold face and sharp eyes, "Dong Bao, lying in my arms and feeling sorry for another man, you are very capable. And this man actually I still want to marry you."

After saying that, I felt like my body was out of control, and I was pushed down by him. When our eyes met, I saw the fear and uneasiness in his eyes, and even a little hurt.

Ye Zeyi, Ye Zeyi, you are still not as strong as you look.

I picked up his neck, hugged him tightly, and murmured, "I was wrong, Lao Ye, I was wrong, don't be angry, I just don't want to owe other men anything, after all, the relationship is not good. Still. But you are different. The day I celebrate my 20th birthday is the day I get married to you. You will be my husband immediately. I am not afraid of owing you. We are destined to be unclear in this life. "

It seemed that my words had an effect. Instead of being like that just now, he calmed down and said, "I understand. I will follow up on this matter."

As soon as I finished speaking, the cold lips kissed me. The long-lost lingering, coupled with the long period of lack of sleep, made me drowsy and unconscious.

When I woke up again, it was already early the next morning.

Ye Zeyi was not around, so he was probably busy.

I packed up the things I would use during the day and went to class. After all, learning is the most important thing.

When I was taking elective courses in the afternoon, I met Gu Shenyan again.

He is still high-spirited and surrounded by little girls. He should graduate this year.This is also his last semester here.

When I met him, I nodded politely, and my interactions with him were basically limited to that.

But he sat next to me.

"Li Dongdong." He greeted me.I didn't look at him or answer, I just pretended not to hear and looked towards the podium in front of me.

"After such a long time, I miss you so much, I..." As soon as he said these words, I got goosebumps all over my body, and I felt like something was wrong.I just drove away Qin Zhuang and killed Gu Shenyan back. What does this mean?
I even feel that God has chosen this person specially for me, specifically to help me get through my relationship.

Why don't you say you like me without even meeting me?How can there be so much love at first sight in this world?In my eyes, all love at first sight has a purpose.

Or perhaps, these are all to prevent me from being together with Ye Zeyi. After all, many people would not tolerate me being with him.And from what Ye Ze said, he had been waiting for me for a long, long time, which meant that it was difficult for me to be with him in the past.

Thinking of this, I was in a bad mood. I didn't have a good impression of Gu Shenyan, but now my tone towards him was even worse. I said coldly, "Gu Shenyan, are you sick? I know you very well. ?"

He probably didn't expect me to be so aggressive, so he was stunned for a moment.

Before he could continue speaking, I added, "I have a boyfriend. We love each other very much and will get married after graduation."

Gu Shenyan opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word. Then he shook his head with a smile and sat down some distance away from me.

The moment he stood up, I saw the woman flashing past him on his back.

Who is that woman?Why are you always by his side?
I was very puzzled, and then Ye Zeyi suddenly appeared next to me, with a cold face, "Dong Bao, I will leave for a while, and you will cause trouble for me again."

I immediately called out to Qu, "Lao Ye, this has nothing to do with me. I'm lying on my back. I made it clear to him, you believe me."

Ye Ze glanced at me and kissed me on the cheek, "I will accompany you during the lecture."

After that, he sat next to me and stayed with me in class.But I always felt that there was a pair of eyes behind me staring at me. I turned around and found that it was Gu Shenyan.

In his eyes, I seemed to have an illusion that he could see Ye Zeyi!

So I told Ye Zeyi about this feeling, and at the same time told him about the woman Gu Shenyan was with.

Ye Zeyi directly told me the identity of this woman this time, and I was actually shocked.

This woman is Gu Shenyan’s biological mother!
But why is his biological mother always with him?
Ye Zeyi's answer was that I would soon know the ins and outs of this matter.

At the same time, the next day, I also saw the news on the news that a body was dug up from the wall of the elevator shaft of XX Mall. This mall is the mall where Huang Tao works.

When I saw it, this was Ye Zeyi's method.He always makes things come to light in a very reasonable way.

Perhaps this is what a capable god would do, to let all the truth come out without disturbing the order of the world.

"His body has been found, but where is his soul?" I asked.

(End of this chapter)

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