Ye Ze waved his hand one by one, and Huang Tao appeared.

His eyes at this moment were not as ignorant and empty as before, but more filled with hatred and determination.

"Remember?" I asked.

With Ye Zeyi around, he didn't dare to be too presumptuous with me.Even if there is hatred in his heart, his tone of voice when talking to me is much calmer.It seems that no matter what world you are in, it is instinct to bully the weak and fear the strong.

He seemed suppressed and nodded angrily, "I remembered."

"Tell me about it." I sat aside and listened.

Huang Tao started talking.

It turns out that he is the boyfriend of property general manager He Juan. To be precise, he has not been upgraded to the level of boyfriend, but he is just a man who relieves his boredom.And He Juan is the beautiful woman in her 50s that I saw that night.

Huang Tao thought that he had met true love at first, but unexpectedly, He Juan actually stepped on the boat. That day, she was caught by him when she was having sex with others in the third-floor warehouse. In the process of being beaten by several people, he was beaten. Pushed off the freight elevator and died.

In order to avoid responsibility, they put up a sign saying the elevator was under maintenance overnight and buried him in the wall.

But Huang Tao was obsessed with it and would look for He Juan every night, so she found someone to suppress him and marry him.

However, because the wall was not completely dry when the suppression charm was applied, the charm fell off later and he was able to escape.

But because of the effect of the marriage talisman, he automatically thought that Zhang Qing was his wife, so he went to find her every night.

Only then did I understand that all this was caused by that woman He Juan.

This woman has been damaged enough.

It seems that the world is really full of wonders, and I have seen men cheating women.This time I also saw how women deceive men. It seems that in the future, when choosing a spouse, you really need to keep your eyes peeled and look more carefully, otherwise you will really encounter someone unkind and regret it.

Because Huang Tao had hatred, he expressed all his dissatisfaction at once, as well as all the little details he knew.

Through what he recalled, we can find the master who helped her through He Juan.

Using this method, I might be able to help Qin Zhuang. After all, he helped me by destroying the marriage talisman.

So we quickly found He Juan.

As soon as he opened the door to her office, he saw her huddled in the corner, shivering, and her whole body was in a daze.

I stepped forward and took a look at her condition, and found that her three souls and seven souls were seriously damaged, and there seemed to be something wandering around in her body and eating her.

"Gu worm." This thought came to my mind. I couldn't believe it. How could it be a worm?Isn’t he looking for a master from Southeast Asia?
When I was about to step forward to confirm, I was pulled over by Ye Zeyi, "She was bitten back."

I looked at him puzzled, and Ye Zeyi said patiently, "She must have been bewitched without knowing it."

I confirmed my thoughts. He was indeed poisoned. It was incredible.

"What kind of poison is this?" I asked.

"As soon as Ye Ze walked to her side, he gently pressed his fingers on her pulse point, narrowed his eyes slightly, and after a while, said, "It should be a transfer Gu. ""Um? "

"It's just to pass on the backlash." He continued to explain, "The marriage talisman she asked for was against the laws of nature. If it was broken by someone, there would be backlash. So when the master helped her, he naturally had to consider himself. After all, Cultivation is not easy.”

"Then she has committed many unjust acts and will die by herself. It seems that people can't do bad things." I sighed, "It's just a pity that her line is broken."

"That's not necessarily the case. The mother voodoo molecule in He Juan's body should be the child voodoo, and the master who helps her should have the mother voodoo in her hands. There will be some kind of connection between them. I can take a look for you. ." Ye Zeyi rubbed my head lovingly.I found that with him by my side, I really didn’t have to worry about anything.

"Will it hurt your body?" I asked worriedly.

"will not."

Later, Ye Zeyi created a spell in the air. This was the first time I saw him use a spell. I didn't expect that he had also learned Taoism.The virtual spell flickered and penetrated into He Juan's body.

I kept staring at her body. With the blessing of Yin Pu, I saw the Gu worm inside her body twisting under the stimulation of the spell, and then a picture appeared in my mind.

It was a very dark place, with the sound of dripping water around it. It should be a cave. There were many small bugs lying on the dark walls. They were all black and fat, and they looked a bit cute.

I looked inside again and found a man sitting in the center of the cave, motionless, like a statue.

I saw his back, and when I wanted to get close to him again, I wanted to see his face clearly.He suddenly moved and turned his face slightly. In the dark and far away, I couldn't see his face clearly, but the hairs on my body stood up. A sense of danger came over me instantly, followed by a powerful force. Push me back.

I wanted to fight against it, but I couldn't hold on for more than three seconds before I was thrown out.

I opened my eyes suddenly and saw Ye Zeyi choked and took two steps back.

"Are you okay?" I asked quickly.

"It's okay." He replied calmly, "I didn't see his appearance clearly."

"It doesn't matter. I can see the back clearly. I have the back. That's enough. I will recognize it when I see it." I comforted.

Then, I called the police. After all, He Juan couldn't ignore it now.

I don’t know what will happen to her after that, but one thing is for sure, the ending will not be good. Therefore, you must not have the intention of harming others, and you must have the intention of guarding against others. When many people think that they are the smartest When you are that person, in fact, you are just a fish put on the chopping board by others, ready to be slaughtered by others.

Zhang Qing's matter was completely resolved. After Huang Tao knew the cause of his death, he went to Qin Zhuang's house. After all, it was an inn. If the ghost wanted to leave, Qin Zhuang needed to find a way for him.

I just don’t know how Qin Zhuang is doing, whether he is injured or not.

So when I went to check out Wu Bufan's store on the weekend, I went to his house in Qinzhuang.

The opening time of his house is two hours later than others. After all, he is also a human being. After working all night, he also needs a period of rest.

I knocked on the door for a long time before Uncle Qin opened the door. When he saw me, his eyes were full of anger. I felt that he had suppressed himself to the limit, and he slammed the door the moment he didn't see me.With quick eyesight and quick hands, I stopped his hand that was about to close the door and said, "Uncle Qin, I just want to ask you something. Is that kid from Qinzhuang okay?"

"Thanks to you, it's okay." Uncle Qin snorted coldly and closed the door.

I rubbed the nose that was almost hit and turned back to Wu Bufan's shop. After much thought, I planned to call Qinzhuang after 10 o'clock to ask.

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