I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 254 Got on the wrong ship

Ao Zhan lowered his eyes, his eyelashes inlaid with ice crystals moved, "I don't know him."

"Oh, how credible is the man's words?" I turned to Ye Zeyi and asked.

"The River Styx is indeed the life gate here." Ye Zeyi replied, "You can give it a try. It's just that the River Styx is full of unknown dangers, so we need to be extra careful."

I smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will pay extra attention."

After that, we turned around and walked towards the River Styx, ready to step into this mysterious place.

We walked along the river for a long time, but we didn't find the Netherworld ferry. What's even more strange is that I looked at the Styx River at close range. Although it is called a river, except for the ice sheets that have been flowing, there is no sign of any flow in the water.

"Old Ye, the water is not flowing! Then how does the ice row flow?" I couldn't help but ask.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew, mixed with ice and snow, which made me unable to open my eyes.I looked up and saw a huge black ferry approaching from a distance.

"Ship, ship!" I said in surprise.

But for the sake of safety, I didn't run over immediately, but asked for their opinions.

This time, the two of them were surprisingly consistent and stood still.After waiting for the ferry to arrive, I really understood why the water flow was not moving, but the ice rows were moving.

This Netherworld Ferry was actually pushed and pulled by thousands of little ghosts below, so the water did not flow, but the boat and the ice sheets could move.

And the thousands of little ghosts in the river may also be ghosts that cannot be supported in this ice hell.Each of them was soaked in the ice water with their skin and flesh torn apart, and their bodies were white and cracked by the cold.Because they have been frozen and immersed in water all year round, and need to move the ice rows and ferries in the River Styx, their hands are extremely thick and their arms are also extremely thick.

The boatman stood at the bow of the boat, wearing a black robe with an expressionless face. He lowered his head and looked at us, and said in a loud voice like a bell, "Who is coming and where are you going?"

I was stunned for a moment, not expecting him to be so straightforward, and then quickly replied: "I want to leave this ice hell and go to the Netherworld Palace."

He looked at me, said nothing, turned around and walked into the cabin.Then a ladder came down from the boat, and I climbed up with difficulty. When I got to the boat, I was as tired as if I had run ten kilometers.

I leaned on the plywood and watched how relaxed Ye Zeyi and Ao Zhan were, as if they were flying up with a slight pull on the ladder.

I gasped and got up, "Why are you so relaxed? I'm going to be exhausted after just a few steps."

Ao Zhan rolled his eyes at me and said, "We are not living people."

I suddenly realized that what I was asking was indeed an idiot. Then I awkwardly pushed myself up and followed the black-robed boatman into the cabin. It was pitch dark inside.

Suddenly, I felt the boat shake. I was a little unsteady and quickly held on to the pillar next to me.

The boatman suddenly said: "Do you know the rules of Netherworld?"

I shook my head.

He sneered, "Then you dare to come up?"

I was a little confused and panicked, but after hearing his sneer, I said stubbornly: "I am a living soul. I must leave here. Someone told me that I can leave on the Netherworld Ferry."

The boatman in black robe turned around and looked at me with cold eyes, "Do you have a grudge against that man?" My heart suddenly sank to the bottom of my heart. Could it be that the man in white robe was a bad person?

The black-robed boatman looked at me again, sat on a wooden chair nearby, and said, "Seeing that you have the aura of an acquaintance, let me tell you the secret of the Styx. In this netherworld, the Styx can Connecting every space, there are three types of ships that can pass through, one is the death ship, the second is the life ship, and the third is the netherworld ferry. The death ship is for the living, the life ship is for the dead, and the netherworld ferry is for the souls of the dead. Yes. Do you understand now?"

These three types of ships, except for the death ship, all sound scary. If people were given a choice, no one would choose the death ship, but is the death ship the real door to life?Can this black-robed boatman’s words be trusted?Are the words of the man in white robe really false?
"What will happen if that person gets on the Netherworld Ferry?" I asked.

"The wronged souls have boarded the ferry. They have two choices. One is to go to the Nether Palace for trial, and the other is to be sent to the Reincarnation Office for reincarnation." The black-robed boatman said, "The place we are going to now is the Reincarnation Office."

As soon as I heard that I was going to reincarnate, I immediately quit, "I can't go, I want to go to the Netherworld Palace."

"Netherworld Palace?" The black-robed boatman laughed suddenly, "It seems that he really has a problem with you. If Netherworld Palace arrives, he may not even have a chance to be reincarnated. Anyone who breaks into Netherworld Palace without permission will lose his soul!"

"How is it possible?" I was so shocked that I broke into a cold sweat and asked, "Didn't you say that you can go to trial? How is it possible that you will die there?"

"Trial? That means filing a complaint!" he said.

I generally understood, and turned to look at Ye Zeyi. Ye Zeyi took my hand and told me not to be afraid.

The black-robed boatman spoke again, "It's impossible for him to know this. These are controlled by the Ministry of Hell and are two independent systems from the Ministry of Hell. How could he, an official of the Hell, know about us?"

After saying that, he seemed to have remembered something, "By the way, there is a price for the Netherworld Ferry. You need to get money, otherwise you will be thrown into the River Styx to work as a porter to pay off your debt."

"So these little guys are willing to work here to pay back the money because they can't afford the boat?" I asked back.

The black-robed boatman nodded, "Not bad."

"You have to pay money to reincarnate. You guys are really stupid." I complained. "I don't want to reincarnate. I want to go to the death ship and return to the earth. Don't tell me it's impossible. You must have a way. Tell me. I see. Let’s see what to do.” I said directly.

The black-robed boatman was silent for a moment, "Death ship, are you sure? If you get on the death ship, your two friends cannot follow."

Thinking of Ye Zeyi and Ao Zhan, I hesitated, "Then if they join me on the Netherworld Ferry, does that mean they will also be reincarnated?"

"That's not necessary. After all, one is a dragon spirit and the other is an official, so they can leave." The black-robed boatman replied.

"Okay, let's go." I found a chair next to me and sat down, "Old Ye, take the money."

Ye Zeyi took out a stack of banknotes from his pocket, with Tiandi Bank written on them, and handed them to him. He asked for money. I still have a lot of money at home.

"Then let's go, let's go to the reincarnation office." The black-robed boatman went to the driver's cab, and the boat began to move quickly.

I approached Ye Zeyi and asked in a low voice, "Old Ye, can you be accommodating when the reincarnation office comes soon?"

"Try your best." Ye Zeyi replied.

Then I approached Ao Zhan again, "Tell me, what does that man in white robe have to do with you? Stop hiding it, he is obviously trying to harm me. This will either send me to reincarnation, or send me to death, or nothing. You want me to leave well." (End of Chapter)

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