I light incense to worship the gods

Chapter 255 Huangquan Road

Ao Zhan closed his eyes. He looked fairy-like in his white clothes and white hair, but he didn't deserve a beating because he didn't speak.

"Speak, don't pretend to be dead, we are just grasshoppers on the same rope now, we have to be honest with each other." I said.

Ao Zhan took a deep breath and slowly opened his eyes, "I really don't remember."

"Are you addicted to lying to me? When I mentioned him just now, there was something obviously wrong with your expression." I said a little angry and in a bad tone.

"I simply think that person is familiar." Ao Zhan said, "When you mentioned that person, I just felt that I had some issues with him, but I don't remember what it was."

I stared at Ao Zhan for a while and saw that he looked calm. I believed that he was telling the truth.

The next time was spent on the boat. I curiously walked to the deck. The cold wind was raging outside, and the ice sheets on both sides of the boat were still moving quickly, but none of them hit the boat.

At this time, Ye Ze came over, put his arm around my shoulders, and said, "We're almost there."

"Old Ye, I always thought that the underworld was the biggest. It turns out that the underworld is just a part of it." I looked at the dim sky and the cold surrounding environment and said, "This world is really magical."

"Yes." Ye Zeyi also let out a long sigh.

"Lao Ye, what's wrong? Did something happen? You don't seem to be in a good mood." I grabbed his hand and asked.

"I'm thinking about what to do when we get to the reincarnation office later." Ye Ze said.

"What? It's hard to handle reincarnation? You guys are working in the same system, right?" I asked with a smile.

Ye Ze nodded, "It is indeed a bit difficult to deal with. Meng Jiuniang, who handles reincarnation, is a person who sticks to principles and rules, so it is difficult to deal with it."

"It's okay. The boat will be straight at the front. Don't be afraid." I comforted with a smile.

At this time, I saw the ice in front of me suddenly disappear.The boat sailed to an extremely dark place. In just an instant, the darkness disappeared and the surrounding scenery changed again and again.

"The place has arrived." The black-robed boatman said, and then lowered the ladder.

The three of us climbed off the boat.

There is only a path ahead, and a sea of ​​red flowers are planted on both sides of the path. This flower has no leaves, is red, and is very beautiful.

"Lao Ye, it's so beautiful here!" I praised.

"Yes, this is Netherworld Spring." Ye Zeyi said.

"Is this the only way to reincarnate? But it's much prettier than the road I took when I came to the underworld." I said with emotion.

"Yes, this is the last way to leave that world, so it is naturally more beautiful." Ye Zeyi said.

We started to move along the path. After walking for a long time, we finally reached the end of the path. I looked and saw a bridge at the end. Under the bridge was a red river, and the bridge was just above the river.It looks like a broken bridge, because there is a pavilion in the middle of the bridge, and a woman is sitting in the pavilion.

I walked to the bridge and saw a black wooden sign hanging on both sides of the bridge, with two bright red words written on it - Naihe.

"Lao Ye, Naihe Bridge, this is actually the Naihe Bridge." I said excitedly.

Ao Zhan's contemptuous voice came from the side, "I have never seen the world."

"Of course I haven't seen it before. I haven't died yet." I argued with him.

"How is it possible that you have never died? You don't know how many times you have died, but you can't remember it after drinking Meng Po soup." Ao Zhan refused to admit defeat.When I was at war with him, Ye Ze took my hand and said, "Okay, let's go."

Then the three of us climbed onto the bridge.

The moment I got on the bridge, countless pictures flashed through my mind, including pictures of my birth, pictures of me going to college, and people who had been in my life. They all rushed in at once. in my mind.

I looked at those faces and couldn't help but shed tears.

"Dong Bao, what's wrong?" Ye Zeyi's voice penetrated my ears. I looked at him blankly, and when I touched my cheek with my hand, I realized that I was crying.

"It's okay, I just felt a little sad suddenly." I said, and then I took a step forward.

As a result, the picture rushed into my mind again, and then it seemed that some less important things were quietly slipping away from my mind.

This felt very strange. I immediately felt the seriousness of the matter, stopped and stood still.

"Dong Bao, what's wrong?" Ye Zeyi asked.

I looked up at him, and his appearance gradually blurred, "I will forget some things when I get on the bridge."

I expressed my intuitive feelings.

Ye Zeyi was stunned for a moment, and then looked at me solemnly, "The so-called Meng Po Soup only helps people forget the deepest and most unforgettable things. Walking on the Naihe Bridge is the beginning of clearing memories. I used to think it was a fake , after all, when I walked onto the bridge, I didn’t forget a single thing.”

"That's because your obsession is too deep." A charming female voice sounded.

I looked up and saw the woman sitting in the gazebo with her back to us turned around.

She was wearing a pink dress with a tea bowl on her waist. Her face was beautiful and lovely, her eyes seemed to be able to speak, and her beauty was undeniable.

"Ye Zeyi, long time no see." She greeted with a sweet smile.

"Meng Jiuniang, long time no see." Ye Zeyi greeted politely, and then introduced me, "This is Meng Po, Meng Jiuniang."

Meng Jiuniang tilted her head and looked at me, "She has begun to forget you. It seems that you are not an important role in her heart."

Listening to Meng Jiuniang's words, I felt a little guilty. Indeed, after taking only two steps, Ye Zeyi's appearance started to appear in my mind. Is it because he is not important?As my husband, even a man can't stand it.I wanted to refute, but found that I didn't know how.

"I have never been the most important in her world." Ye Zeyi said with a smile.

Looking at his calm smile, I was a little distracted for a moment, but he didn't mind.

"I know, why are you waiting for her for so long?" Meng Jiuniang poured a bowl of tea, walked over and handed it to him, "My new milk tea is sweeter and more powerful than the previous tea. Do you want to continue with us? A bet?"

"If I haven't forgotten her after drinking, do you also have to promise me to do something?" Ye Zeyi asked.

Meng Jiuniang's eyebrows were as bright as the bright moon. She raised her eyebrows slightly, but hesitated for a moment before replying, "Okay, if you still can't forget the person in your heart after drinking this milk tea, I will promise you a condition, any condition will do." , including, committing to you.”

Meng Jiuniang's last words were a little charming, and I actually felt a little jealous in my heart. I said without thinking, "He is already married, and my wife is me. Don't think about useless things."

(End of this chapter)

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