But the long whip changed shape at any time in my hand. At this moment, it turned into a golden long sword. I picked up the long sword and stabbed straight towards the evil king.

When the Evil King saw this, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he immediately flew away.

I also took the opportunity to fly towards the Evil King, brandishing my sword and slashing at him.

But the sword was a hard object, so he easily dodged it.

Just when I was thinking this, the moment the Evil King dodged it, it turned back into a long whip, turned and hit the Evil King.

Wherever the whip struck, thick black smoke immediately erupted, and he screamed in pain.

He looked at me angrily and suddenly shouted, "Do you think you can defeat me like this?"

After saying that, a powerful black aura erupted from his body again, and at the same time, lightning flashed frequently in the sky, and lightning struck at me one by one. I was busy dodging the lightning, but ignored the approach of the black aura, and was instantly hit by the aura. Flying out, the long whip also came out of his hand. The moment it landed on the ground, it transformed into a long sword again and was stuck straight into the ground.

I fell to the ground, blood spurting from my mouth. At this time, I suddenly heard a voice, "Emperor Winter, please help me."

who?who is talking?
  At this time, I suddenly saw the golden sword stuck on the ground, which emitted a powerful light.

It is it, it is communicating with me.

I smiled slightly and said, "Since I'm asking for help, I'll help."

Having said that, I immediately flew towards the Evil King, forming seals with my hands and chanting mantras in my mouth.

At this moment, the golden sword turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the evil king.

Before he could dodge, the stream of light passed through his body. He suddenly stopped and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

We both stood up with blood at the corners of our mouths. I suddenly laughed and sat cross-legged on the ground. Then, a white lotus bloomed under me and held me up in the air.

It was Ye Zeyi, who turned into a lotus at this moment.

"Emperor Winter, you haven't needed me like this for a long time." His voice was very soft and gentle. If it weren't for the words "Emperor Winter," I would have even thought that Ye Zeyi was back.

I also spoke with an indescribable emotion, "Can you call me Dongbao?"

The lotus flower beneath him was silent for a long time and said, "Dong Bao."

Listening to the familiar voice, I smiled slightly, "This time, I will definitely take him away, but I don't know where to go. You have to guard this Mingshan Mountain carefully and wait for my return."

After saying that, I closed my eyes. Sitting on the lotus seat, he began to recite Buddhist scriptures. At this time, a powerful golden energy burst out from my body and shot straight into the sky.

When the Evil King saw this, a flash of shock flashed in his eyes, followed by anger and murderous intent.

"Do you think you can defeat me like this?" He roared angrily, and the black energy around him surged again, condensing into powerful black whirlwinds and sweeping towards me.

I did not dodge or attack, I just sat quietly on the lotus seat and recited Buddhist scriptures.

The black whirlwind surrounded me and tried to engulf me, but as they approached me, they were pushed away by a powerful golden energy.

Seeing this, the Evil King became even more angry. The black aura around him became even stronger, as if it was about to swallow up the entire underworld.

At this time, I didn't care about his anger and murderous intent, but began to silently gather all the power in my body.

I know that I will definitely win this battle.

"Evil King, do you realize your mistake?" I said lightly, my voice echoing in the air.

The Evil King was stunned for a moment, then chuckled, "Wrong? What's my fault? It's God's fault that I was born in this underworld!"

After saying that, the black aura around him instantly condensed into a huge black sickle and struck at me.

I did not dodge or launch an attack. I just waved my hand lightly and the black sickle was shattered by a powerful golden energy. Seeing this, the evil king's eyes became even more murderous.

I know that this battle has reached a critical moment.

I took a deep breath and chanted Buddhist sutras faster and faster.

As I chanted, suddenly dark clouds filled the sky, and streaks of golden lightning flashed through the clouds.

When the Evil King saw this, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

At this time, I have finished reciting the mantra. I waved my hands, and as if feeling my will, the dark cloud condensed into a huge golden energy beam and rushed towards the evil king.

The Evil King wanted to dodge, but the beam of light was too fast and surrounded him.

He also seemed to know that if he did not break through at this moment, he would not be able to leave.

As a result, the black energy around him surged, constantly colliding with the barrier formed by the light beam.

Seeing a crack cracking in the corner of the barrier, I knew that I couldn't escape this disaster.

I stood up from the lotus seat, jumped over, rushed into the light pillar, and hugged the evil king.

In an instant, all the attack power was poured on me.

But I had no other choice but to hug him tightly. I needed the door of reincarnation to open to send him away.

Just when I could no longer hold on, a black secret door appeared above my head. Inside the secret door, I saw countless blades, enough to cut apart a person's physical and spiritual bodies.

Perhaps, this is my destiny. I closed my eyes and a tear fell.

"No. Dong Bao." I opened my eyes and saw Ye Zeyi transformed into a human. He wanted to rush over anxiously. In his eyes, I saw reluctance.

I closed my eyes again and communicated my last bit of consciousness with the magic whip. I let it follow Ye Zeyi, protecting him, guarding him, and watching him avoid falling into the devil's path.

Then, a strong suction sucked me and the Evil King in.

At this time, I saw a black figure, it was Xiao Meow.

It jumped up and lay on my head, and its tail happened to fall in front of my eyes...

"Dongbao, Dongbao..." a familiar voice sounded.

I took a sharp breath and opened my eyes.

I saw the familiar Ye Zeyi, and Ao Zhan, who had a cold face, but his eyes were full of concern and nervousness for me.

I was in a daze, not knowing which world I was in, but tears flowed out unsatisfactorily.

Ye Zeyi hurriedly wiped me dry, stretched out his hand and rubbed my head lovingly, "Dong Bao, why are you crying? I did something bad and frightened you. I hope you will never shed tears."

Hearing this, I suddenly cried again. Tears blurred my vision, but I couldn't stop it.

I saw Ye Ze's helpless look, and in the end he could only hold me in his arms and comfort me.

I don’t know how long I cried, but I said, “Where am I?”

"Ye Mansion." Ye Zeyi replied.

I looked at the familiar environment and simple decorations around me, and put down my mental calculation, "How did you find me?"

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