"Ambassador in Black Robe." Ye Zeyi said, "Your previous whereabouts were hidden. If Ambassador in Black Robe hadn't found me and told me your location, I wouldn't have known what to do..."

Seeing him blaming himself, I hugged him back. Ao Zhan beside me finally couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Can you two stop being so tired?"

I quickly got up from Ye Zeyi's arms and wiped my tears, "Ambassador in black robe, why did I tell you my location?"

I remember this black-robed ambassador, I saw him in the Nether Palace.

"He said that we still have unfinished business to do, and you must come back now. He also gave me a pill and said that he would take it when he finds you." Ye Zeyi answered.

"By the way, Lao Ye, let me ask you something. What is the role of this black-robed ambassador?" I asked.

Ye Zeyi replied, "He is considered a close associate of the Ten Emperors. He has a relatively high status and knows a lot."

I nodded and continued to ask, "Old Ye, can I still go back? Why do I remember that before I fell into coma, they said I was a dead vessel."

Ye Zeyi hesitated for a moment and said, "If you can go back, we brought you out, and you can go back. And the pill we gave you can extend your life."

Hearing this answer, I felt a little uncomfortable. I had a premonition that this extended life would probably not be long, so I said, "Tell me honestly, how long have you been extended?"

Ye Zeyi sighed and said nothing.

Ao Zhan on the side opened his mouth and said, "One month."

My heart skipped a beat, what can I do in one month?

My nose was sore and tears flowed out again. Is this vulnerability to death?

"Dong Bao, it's okay. Even if you lose Yang Shou, you will live a good life in Ye Mansion. Don't be afraid." Ye Zeyi comforted me. Seeing that my mood had stabilized, he took me back to the underworld.

The moment I opened my eyes and saw the sun, everything seemed like a world away, everything was so kind yet so strange.

"It turns out the air is sweet." I said.

Ao Zhan walked beside me and said, "The air is both sweet and poisonous. Otherwise, why would humans die so early?"

"If you don't breathe air, you can't live." I said.

Ao Zhan nodded seriously, "You are right, so you people can give birth to a child in ten months of pregnancy, and your life span is only a hundred years. Our dragon clan is different..."

Having said that, he stopped going on.

After waking up, we said goodbye to Miao Qinghe and the others, and we set off on our way home.

Sitting on the train this time, my mood was different.

I was silent all the way and didn't know what to say.

Ye Zeyi was teasing me.

"Lao Ye, why are you acting like a child?" I said.

After saying that, I suddenly thought of Ye Zeyi in Ming Mountain, who looked like a child.

"As long as you can be happy, that's fine." Ye Zeyi replied.

At this moment, I suddenly wanted to share everything I saw with him, so I said, "Lao Ye, when I was just unconscious, I went to a place. I don't know if it was a dream there or if it is a dream now. . There, I saw a younger version of you, a lotus flower." Speaking of this, I saw Ye Zeyi's body suddenly shake, and his pupils suddenly contracted, as if he had experienced some kind of fright.

"I also met Wu Bufan, but at that time he had completely different personalities than the one I met. There was also a black cat named Xiaomiao, which was quite cute." I said, "We seemed to be very familiar there. , but, in the end, I died together with a big bad guy. I have also seen that bad guy..."

Having said this, I looked out the window of the train, "Although those people are still you, I can't tell you what it feels like. Lao Ye, I can't tell the difference between dreams and reality now..."

"Dong Bao, don't think about it, just let nature take its course. Whether it is reality or a dream, we can live well." Ye Zeyi comforted, "If it is a dream, you will wake up one day. If it is reality, As long as you have a clear conscience.”

I smiled and nodded, "Okay, I listen to you, Lao Ye. No matter what, I will cherish my relatives and you in this life."

The train continued to move and I was silent again. Soon, the train arrived in City H. I took another train and went back to my hometown.

When I opened the door and saw my parents, I burst into tears again. The most difficult thing in this world to let go of is family love, and it is the love of my parents who are dedicated to me.

They knew I was coming back, so they prepared my favorite meals early, and I ate deliciously. After eating, I watched the news broadcast and TV series with them, and chatted for a while. We didn't go back to the house to sleep until about ten o'clock in the evening.

In this way, I stayed at home for ten days, and there were less than twenty days left before the one-month deadline. I thought about it, said goodbye to them, and got on the train back to City H.

I know that what is supposed to come will eventually come. As soon as I got off the train, I saw an unfamiliar face.

He stared at me closely and followed me out of the station.

I turned around feeling guilty, wanting to see who this person was and whether he was here to pick me up.

As a result, I saw that unfamiliar face.

Although he is unfamiliar, his temperament is very unique. He is very similar to the black-robed ambassador, with an aloof and otherworldly appearance.

"Are you Li Dongdong?" He suddenly spoke.

I nodded, "I am, you are?"

"The ambassador in black robe asked me to come to you. He said that you still have something to do." The man said, "After you finish this matter, you can go back."

"What are you doing?" I asked alertly.

"Find that person and eliminate him," he said. "Eradicate him, and then you can go back."

I was a little confused, "I have committed a crime and made meritorious service? What crime am I guilty of? Where should I go back? Mingshan Mountain?"

The man shook his head, "I don't know, I don't know..."

He kept repeating this sentence, and then he fainted.

I quickly stepped forward and felt his pulse. It was a ghost pulse. He was caught by something!
  I was a little overwhelmed, but at this moment, Ye Zeyi and Ao Zhan happened to appear in front of me.

"I met a strange person?" I said quickly, "But he fainted. I have already reported to the emergency center, but I feel that his fainting is abnormal and indicates a ghost pulse."

As soon as Ye Ze squatted down, his fingers slightly touched his pulse, and then he pressed it a few times quickly, and the man woke up immediately.

But after waking up, his state was completely different from before. He looked at me nervously and said, "Who are you? Where are you? Why am I here?"

"This is the station. I don't know why you are here. You don't need to know who I am. I came here to see you when you fainted. I have already called the emergency center. A car will take you there in a moment. You go." (End of Chapter)

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