There are no decorations or furnishings in the hall, except for a black statue standing in the center of the hall.

I walked along the stone steps into the main hall, wanting to see the statue up close.

As I got closer, I discovered that the statue was much taller than I thought, and it was carved lifelike, as if it were a real person.

As I looked at the statue, I became more and more confused. This statue has an unusual aura to it, and why does it look so familiar?

Suddenly, my mind exploded. This familiar black statue was actually me!

"Where is this?" I choked and took a few steps back, my mind in confusion.

Why is there a statue of myself here?
  At this time, I heard a voice coming from the door, "Eh? Why is this stone door open? I clearly remembered you closing it just now."

Another voice echoed, "Yes, I turned it off, it must be turned off. Isn't this place haunted?"

"Nonsense, aren't we just ghosts? What other kind of ghosts can we cause?" shouted the original voice, "Don't talk nonsense, just think that you forgot to close it, close the door now, or let the Nine Kings know , and inevitably being thrown into hell to clean up."

"Hey, tell me, Emperor Winter has been gone for so many years, and there is only one statue left behind. The same goes for the Nine Kings. They let us secretly worship it every day, but they didn't say when it will end. What if? He was discovered by several other great kings and emperors, but..."

As the two of them drifted away from each other, I walked out from behind the statue.

Emperor Winter?

I looked at this black statue and had mixed feelings in my heart. What happened back then?

Who are the Nine Kings in their mouths? Why are they enshrining my statue?

At the same time, their words also let me know where I am at this moment.

It seems that I went directly to the underworld this time! What a coincidence.

I looked at the statue carefully again and found that there was a circular black pattern on the palm of the left hand of the statue. I tried to put my hand on this pattern, and suddenly I felt a strong breath coming from this pattern.

There was something in my heart, and I tried to concentrate, trying to hear clearly the information contained in this breath.

As my energy became more and more concentrated, the surrounding scenes gradually became blurred, and only the breath became stronger and stronger.

Gradually, I heard a voice in my head.

"Emperor Winter..."

I was shocked. The voice seemed to come from the black statue. It was a female voice, and the voice seemed to be my own.

"Lin are finally back..."

As I listened to the voice echoing in my mind, I felt that my body began to become light and airy, as if I was about to fly.

"Don't panic...I won't hurt you, I've been waiting for you to return..."

As the sound echoed, my consciousness gradually blurred, and finally I fainted.

When I woke up, I found myself back in the real world. I looked around at my surroundings and found that I had returned to Liu Gensheng's home.

"You're awake." Liu Gensheng heard the sound of me waking up and came over to me and said, "I thought I would find the underworld."      "I..." I was about to speak, but found that my throat was so dry that I could hardly speak. By the way, "water..."

I forced out a sentence, Liu Gensheng signaled, and his subordinate handed me the water.

I drank a few big gulps, and my throat felt better. From his answer, it seemed that he didn't know where I had just been, so I decided to conceal the fact that I had just arrived in the underworld.

"How did I come back?" I asked strangely, "How did I come back?"

"Your soul separation this time was not completely successful." Liu Gensheng explained, "So your soul did not completely leave the body, but only left briefly. So you came back soon."

After he finished speaking, he looked me up and down and said to himself in confusion, "How could it be? The formation last time was not as pure as this one. It could send you away. Why can't you leave completely this time?" The soul reaches the underworld?”

I looked back at him pretending to be confused and said, "I don't know either. I found myself in a place where there was the sea and desert as far as the eye could see. Then I was walking in the desert and encountered a sandstorm. When I woke up, Here we are.”

Liu Gensheng frowned, "No, this formation can't go wrong."

I lowered my head at this moment to prevent him from seeing the flaw, "Maybe I'm not feeling well today? So I'm not suitable to go to other worlds. Why don't I rest for a night and try again tomorrow?"

I asked tentatively.

When Liu Gensheng heard this, he went crazy and said, "No, just for today, I will only give you half an hour to rest. We will continue in half an hour."

When I heard what he said, my heart tightened. Do it again? I don't want to try that feeling just now, it's so uncomfortable. Being crushed and torn apart was even more uncomfortable than being executed by Ling Chi.

Although I think so, I can't say that, after all, the lives of so many people are in his hands.

"Okay, then let me find a place to rest. Anyway, I can't run away on your territory." I followed his thoughts and said.

"You can only rest here. When you are tired, just lie on the ground." After that, he left with his hands behind his back, leaving me here alone.

A few minutes later, Gu Shenyan came down.

He took a few new charms and candles in his hand and placed them around to replace them.

He glanced at me and said, "What my foster father wants to do must be successful. Stop struggling needlessly and be obedient."

I looked at his skillful movements, and Youyou said, "Gu Shenyan, you don't even have the most basic moral bottom line when you follow him, right? You really do everything you can to survive."

"After all, if you don't do it for yourself, you will be punished by heaven and earth. I do this for myself and for my parents." Gu Shenyan said calmly.

I didn't expect him to have the nerve to mention his mother.

I was about to scold him, but I realized a problem. His parents are gone, why should he care for his parents? Could it be...

I thought of a very scary thing. I looked into his calm eyes and said, "Are uncle and aunt okay?"

"Okay." Gu Shenyan replied.

This time I was sure, and his answer was to tell me that his parents had been controlled by Liu Gensheng, so everything he did was forced.

"Since I changed my ways, they all got better. I also realized that I was paranoid at the time. My mother also did it for me. She loves me, but her way is a bit extreme." Gu Shenyan continued, "Okay, you Get some rest, there are still fifteen minutes left."

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