After Gu Shenyan left, I was left alone. The door was locked. I looked at the prepared candles around me and wanted to kick them away, but I couldn't. I found a sofa by the wall, lay down on it, closed my eyes and rested, after all, I was going to experience painful torture again soon. .

Just then, I heard several familiar voices.

I turned my head and saw that it was Hu Tian, ​​Hong Mang, Xiaohua and the others!

"Sister Hong, Sister Hua'er, you...why did you come in?" As I said this, I instinctively looked at the door to see if there was any sound.

I have always been convinced that there is a barrier around here, so I cut off my contact with them. It is precisely because of this that I feel relieved to come here, because I don't want them to risk their lives by following me.

"We have been following you here." Hu Tianhong said.

"What nonsense." I was worried and angry at the same time. As I spoke, I looked towards the door, my ears froze, for fear that Liu Gensheng would suddenly barge in. "Will you not be discovered when you enter here? There must be a barrier or barrier here. Something is guarding it.”

"It's okay, don't worry. We checked around and found nothing." Mang Tianhua said. I looked at her and realized that she was dressed very formally today, wearing a silver battle uniform and holding a spear in her hand. She looked heroic. Even the long hair was tied into a small bun and tied neatly behind her head. It seems that he is ready for battle.

But her answer shocked me even more, what do you mean nothing? It’s abnormal to have nothing! As the saying goes, if something goes wrong, there must be a monster. I saw that there were still five minutes left on the clock, so I quickly urged, "Quick, hurry up, there must be an ambush."

Before I could finish my words, the closed door opened.

Liu Gensheng walked in from outside, looked at them with a serious face and said, "You are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

As soon as Hu Tianhong and Mang Tianhua saw Liu Gensheng, they immediately clenched their weapons and prepared for battle.

I looked at Liu Gensheng, and there were several people following him. Judging from their costumes, they should be Taoist priests.

It seems that they have really prepared for it, and their purpose is to contain my fairy family so that they have no time to take care of me.

"You guys leave quickly." I said to them immediately, "It's not safe here."

"We won't leave." Hu Tianhong said firmly, "We will stay here to protect you."

"I don't need your protection." I yelled, my voice sharp, "If you want to protect me, leave immediately, leave!"

The two of them seemed to be frightened by my reaction, and they both stood there stunned.

My blood surged at this moment, as if a force was about to break through my body. I didn't know if my state was scary or not. Anyway, the anger and worry bursting out from the bottom of my heart made me unable to control my emotions.

"Dongdong." Mang Tianhua murmured.

I turned to her and said, "Let's go."

"Leave?" Liu Gensheng said with a smile, with a hint of contempt in his tone, "Is this a place where I can come and leave whenever I want?"

After that, the Taoist priests behind him were holding mahogany swords, with a few more talismans in their hands, and they were walking in a staggered manner, muttering something in their mouths.

When I heard the incantation they were chanting, I became even more panicked. I knew they were setting up a formation.

"You guys leave quickly." I shouted again.

"Dongdong, we..." Just as Mang Tianhua was about to speak, I turned around and stared at them.

Liu Gensheng also saw my intention and immediately shouted, "Stop them."

At the same time, several Taoist priests behind him also immediately took action, the charms in their hands burned, and they surrounded us. I knew I couldn't wait any longer, I had to take action.

At this moment, the power burst out from my body, and I couldn't care if it would hurt them, so I pushed them out with one palm. Watching their figures disappear before my eyes, I finally felt relieved.

At the same time, I was the only one left in the formation, and the burning charms thrown by the Taoist priests were all directed at me instantly. I was ready to be burned, and then I felt a strong suction pulling me in.

The body was wrapped in a warm current, this breath was very distant yet familiar.

I raised my head and found that I was leaning in someone's arms, it was Gu Shenyan.

He was closing his eyes tightly, muttering something in his mouth, and holding a few charms in his hands.

"Gu Shenyan." I shouted.

"Li Dongdong, there's only so much I can do to help you." Gu Shenyan smiled slightly, with sadness in his eyes, "Do you remember? You need to help me once."

He paused and then said, "Help me rescue the ghosts of my parents and send us to reincarnation together. Then help me to save myself. I don't want to suffer so much in the next life."

As he said that, he let go of me and stood in front of me, fighting with the Taoist priests.

Seeing that several Taoist priests were restrained, time was up.

Liu Gensheng was very punctual and signaled a Taoist priest to lead Gu Shenyan out. Soon he and I were the only ones left in the room.

"Li Dongdong, the time has come. I think you haven't changed your mind yet?" His voice was very calm, but full of threats.

I raised my lips and smiled, "Of course, I've rested, please continue."

Having said that, I sat in the formation, looking at the rows of candles in front of me and the formation spells on the ground. I had a vague feeling that there was something different about this formation, but I couldn't tell yet. Something is different.

Liu Gensheng didn't seem to feel this way. He muttered something and relit the candle on the ground.

In an instant, the formation started, but it felt very different from just now. I noticed that a barrier seemed to have been erected in the entire room. This barrier isolated the room. As Yin Tong saw it, a small black vortex rolled up in the room.

The whirlpool grew bigger and bigger, and could eventually swallow a person. But I didn't feel any strong attraction. It seemed that the candle formations in front of me isolated me from the suction of this vortex.

I was shocked. This formation was changed by Gu Shenyan?

Liu Gensheng seemed to be aware of this. He seemed a little struggling at the moment, and his clothes and skin were somewhat deformed by the strong suction. But I could see that a powerful force on his body was fighting against it. He still stood motionless.

"Liu Gensheng, you can forgive the sins committed by God, but you can't live with the sins committed by yourself. God's way is reincarnation, so you can enjoy the feeling." I said with a smile.

Liu Gensheng gritted his teeth and said, I could hear him smiling, but his facial features were so distorted that it was impossible to see his smile, "Li Dongdong, I will hold you even if you die."

After he finished speaking, he raised his arm with difficulty and pointed it at me. In an instant, I felt a strong attraction sucking me in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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