There is a world of cultivating immortals in my box

Chapter 4 Mineral water is spiritual liquid?

Chapter 4 Mineral water is spiritual liquid?

Jiang Xuan slept until about ten o'clock the next day.

The first thing he did after waking up was to open the cardboard box and check whether the Little World in the landscaping box was still there.

It wasn't until he saw that everything was as usual inside the landscaping box that Jiang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief and felt inexplicably happy.

"It turns out last night was really not a dream."

The appearance of this peculiar landscaping box brought a little change to his ordinary and boring life, making it no longer so boring.

He didn't want this to be just a fantasy due to his exhaustion.

"Let me see what they're doing."

Jiang Xuan lay on the landscaping box and observed the situation inside.

The corpses left behind by the battle between the two sects yesterday have been cleaned up. Only the remaining blood stains and traces of the battle prove yesterday's fighting.

Some of the Qingyun Sect's disciples were patrolling the mountains, some were healing their wounds, and some were practicing. Everything returned to normal.

Jiang Xuan saw the brave little girl named Yunyao from yesterday practicing sword practice on the cliff of Qingyun Mountain, with the vast sea of ​​clouds in front of her.

The morning sun was rising, and its brilliant rays of light shone on her body, as if she had been coated with a layer of gold foil.

Yun Yao's sword dance is very impressive, every move is fierce and powerful, and the sword is full of energy. Even if Jiang Xuan is not familiar with swordsmanship, he can still see that he is quite extraordinary.


Jiang Xuan nodded and couldn't help but praise.

On the cliff of Qingyun Mountain, Yunyao, who was practicing swordplay, suddenly heard a voice of approval ringing in her ears, which startled her.

She looked around warily, and finally turned her gaze to the cloudless sky, and asked cautiously: "Senior, is that you?"

She recognized that the voice was that of the mysterious senior from yesterday.

Jiang Xuan did not deny it and said, "It's me. Your sword dance is very beautiful."

After confirming that it was the senior who rescued them yesterday, Yunyao relaxed her vigilance and said with a happy face: "Thank you for the compliment, senior!"

The scene where Jiang Xuan took action yesterday was deeply etched in her heart.

In her opinion, this mysterious senior was infinitely more powerful than their Qingyun Sect's missing Nascent Soul ancestor!

Being praised by such a great monk proves that her efforts were not in vain.

After being happy, Yun Yao couldn't help but asked curiously: "Senior, where are you now and why don't you show up?"

Although Jiang Xuan's voice could be heard, he was still nowhere to be seen.

This made her feel a little confused.

Jiang Xuan said: "It's not convenient for me to show up now."

Yunyao blinked her eyes and did not continue to ask any more questions.

Although she is young, she has a clever mind.

She understood that such a strong man must have a reason for his actions, which was not something that she could understand in her small Qi refining period.

So she stopped worrying about this issue and said with a smile: "Senior likes to see junior dance with swords, so junior will continue to dance for you."

After that, he started practicing his sword hard again.

Seeing Yunyao being so sensible, Jiang Xuan felt a pang of affection in his heart. After all, who doesn't like such an obedient and well-behaved little loli?

Seeing her sweating hard look, Jiang Xuan thought for a moment, picked up a bottle of mineral water, capped it, and placed it on the sword training ground where Yunyao was.

"Let's take a rest and drink some water first."


"Let's take a rest and drink some water first."

Yunyao only heard the mysterious senior say something like this.

Then, she saw a giant hand surrounded by wind and thunder and a hundred feet high appearing in the sky, heading towards Qingyun Mountain!

That huge feeling of oppression.

She forgot to breathe for a moment!
Only this time, the giant hand did not come to attack her, but placed a red round millstone on the sword training ground.

When the giant hand disappeared, Yun Yao could see clearly what it was putting down.The red round object is not a millstone, but a huge container, which is filled with a pool of crystal clear liquid, exuding amazing spiritual energy fluctuations.

"This is...spiritual liquid?!"

Yun Yao was completely stunned and froze on the spot.

In the world of cultivating immortals, in addition to absorbing the spiritual energy floating between heaven and earth, monks also have many ways to absorb spiritual energy.

For example, through spiritual stones, spiritual medicine, spiritual food, etc.

One of them is the spiritual liquid that contains rich spiritual energy. It is the mildest and most suitable for human body to absorb, but it has always been relatively rare due to the difficulty of storage.

But now...

Yun Yao looked at the entire pool of spiritual liquid in front of her, feeling as if she was in a dream, and her brain stopped thinking.

"Earthly liquid? What spiritual liquid? Isn't this just water?"

Jiang Xuan was also stunned. He just poured a bottle of Nongfu Sanquan mineral water to Yunyao. How could it turn into spiritual liquid?
He picked up the bottle of mineral water with some suspicion, observed it and then took a sip. It was indeed ordinary mineral water.

"Junior sister Yun, what happened?"

A group of Qingyun Sect disciples also rushed to Lianjianping.

After all, the momentum of the giant hand's appearance just now was so amazing that it was difficult for them not to notice it.

Yun Yao came back to her senses after hearing the sound, her little face turned red, and her eyes were filled with excitement. She pointed at the huge bottle cap and said stumblingly: "Just now...senior gave it to me... A pool of spiritual fluid!”


All the Qingyun Sect disciples were also confused.

A pool of ectoplasm?
They all turned their attention to the huge red container with a strange shape, and then saw a pool full of spiritual liquid in it.

Everyone couldn't help but gasp!
It’s really ectoplasm!And there are so many!

I don't know who reacted first, took the lead and bowed deeply to the sky, and said with great excitement: "Thank you, senior, for giving me the spiritual liquid!"

"Thank you, senior, for giving me the spiritual liquid!"

All the disciples bowed to the sky and paid homage.

Everyone’s face was filled with joy!
Outside the landscaping box, Jiang Xuan looked at the mineral water bottle in his hand, then at the group of excited little people in the box, and couldn't help but scratch his head.

What's the situation?
How about... pour them some more?
Jiang Xuan thought for a while, but still didn't do it because he didn't have a second bottle cap, and other water containers were too big for these little people.

So he coughed lightly, put down the mineral water bottle and said, "'s okay. You just like it. Drink it slowly. There's still more."

"Then what, where is your sect master now?"

He remembered that the beautiful lady wearing a purple skirt yesterday was his favorite among the group of villains.

Well, the main thing is that I look good.

Although Yunyao is good-looking, she is only over ten years old and is just a little lolita, not comparable to Qin Yanran.

"Reporting back to senior, Master, she is recuperating in seclusion in the back mountain."

"Can you heal Master? We can do without this pool of spiritual fluid." Yun Yao asked with hope.

Although this pool of spiritual liquid was precious, in her young mind, master Qin Yanran was the most important.

"This one……"

Jiang Xuan didn't know how to answer her.

First of all, he is not a doctor, and secondly, the other party is a group of villains, about the same size as bugs. They don't know whether the drugs in the human world are suitable for them.

What's more, what's in this box seems to be from a world of cultivators. He, a mortal, doesn't know how to heal a cultivator.

However, looking at Yun Yao's pleading eyes, Jiang Xuan's heart softened and he could not say the words of rejection.

"I'll go take a look."

Jiang Xuan could only say this, and he didn't know what to say.

But Yunyao was very happy when she heard this and bowed deeply again: "Thank you, senior!"

(End of this chapter)

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