There is a world of cultivating immortals in my box

Chapter 5 Obsessed?Recite the Tao Te Ching!

Chapter 5 Obsessed?Recite the Tao Te Ching!
After chatting with Yunyao, Jiang Xuan wanted to find Qin Yanran.

But how to find her became another problem.

Because although the world in this landscaping box is not big, these little people are even smaller, and they must be practicing and healing in a house or cave.

He can only look down from God's perspective, but he is not a clairvoyant. How can he find it?
Is it possible to just call the person out?
But in this case, the fun of peeping... ahem, observing would be lost.

"never mind."

Jiang Xuan shook his head and was about to give up.

But at this time, he found that the scene in the landscaping box suddenly changed violently, and he quickly approached and zoomed in on a cave in the back mountain.

Soon, the scene presented in the landscaping box was no longer an aerial view of the entire Qingyun Mountain boundary, but changed into the appearance of the interior of the cave.

The furnishings in this cave are very simple.

A stone table, several stone benches, and a stone bed.

Nothing but that.

But it wasn't these that attracted Jiang Xuan, but the figure sitting on the stone bed.

It's Qin Yanran!
But perhaps because of the enlargement of the area, Qin Yanran has also become many times larger than when looking down at the entire map.

If Qin Yanran was a villain as big as an insect before, then she is now a large figure with a height of more than 20 centimeters!
"Damn it, does this box still have this function?"

Jiang Xuan was really shocked now. He didn't expect that this landscaping box had a zoom function similar to that of a camera.

Are you so considerate?

If that's the case, wouldn't he be able to see Qin Yanran clearly when she takes a shower?

Thinking of this, Jiang Xuan felt a little expectant and excited.

"Why do I become more and more perverted the more I think about it, no, no, no..."

Realizing his unreasonable thoughts, Jiang Xuan quickly shook his head, silently recited Amitabha in his heart, and then turned his gaze to Qin Yanran who was meditating on the stone bed.

She had changed into the tattered purple dress stained with blood yesterday, and now she was only wearing a white gauze, with the skin as white as snow underneath looming, attracting people's imagination.

"It's so beautiful."

Jiang Xuan looked at it carefully for a while and couldn't help but sigh.

It felt like Qin Yanran now was like a finely crafted real-life figure, which even made him want to touch it.

Of course, he was just thinking about it.

Qin Yanran was meditating and practicing at this time. Jiang Xuan could vaguely see an invisible spiritual energy entering her body from all the orifices of her body. At the same time, there was some mysterious meaning in her breathing and breathing. .

"Is this cultivation?"

This scene is very novel for Jiang Xuan.

The world in the landscaping box is a world of cultivating immortals, so the cultivation of the people in it is naturally real.

He didn't expect that one day he would actually see the scene of the immortal cultivator in the novel, and he would see a top-notch female cultivator!
Just when Jiang Xuan was distracted.

Qin Yanran, who was practicing calmly, suddenly groaned, her orifices began to bleed without any warning, and her delicate body was trembling even more.

The spiritual energy that was originally running smoothly began to gather crazily towards her Dantian, and she felt like she was out of control!
Qin Yanran gritted her teeth and frowned, trying to suppress the out-of-control spiritual energy in her body.

A beautiful face full of pain.

"What's going on here?"

Jiang Xuan was startled by this sudden change.

He was fine just now, but suddenly he was bleeding from all his orifices.

Could it be that he has become obsessed with cultivation?

Jiang Xuan instantly thought of many scenes described in novels and TV series. Qin Yanran's current appearance seemed to be really possessed.

If that's really the case, that would be troublesome.

In novels, the end of being possessed is usually very tragic. Even if you don't die, you will be severely disabled, or you will become a black man.

Qin Yanran was already injured, but now something went wrong in her practice. It seemed that she was more likely to die.

"No, I can't just watch her die."

"Otherwise I won't see any beautiful women in the future."

After Jiang Xuan came to his senses, he quickly calmed down.

Seeing Qin Yanran's painful look, he decided that he couldn't just sit back and watch, he had to do something.

So he took out his phone and clicked on Edit.Then he typed a sentence in the search box with a serious face.

"What should I do if I go crazy while practicing?"

After editing, click OK to start searching.

Soon a bunch of answers appeared on the screen.

"It is recommended to wrap it in bread crumbs and fry it. The kids next door are crying." "I think No. 42 concrete should be accompanied by pasta." "It's hopeless. Just wait for death. Say goodbye." "Just go to the club and have your feet massaged." "...

"They are all a bunch of idiot netizens!"

Seeing these unreliable answers, Jiang Xuan almost wanted to smash his phone.

But for Qin Yanran, he could only patiently continue to scroll down, hoping to find some useful information.

After all, there is no other way now.

Soon, a netizen's answer called 'Eighth strong wind' caught his attention.

"First of all, there are two states of being obsessed. One is that there is something wrong with the performance. This situation is basically hopeless. Just wait for death."

"The other is to fall into the 'devil's barrier', which is the so-called corner. Cultivation is an act of purifying one's mind and seeking oneself inwardly. It is easy to be affected by some things or external objects, and thus fall into a situation of self-difficulty."

"In this case, either one's own willpower is firm, the demonic obstacles are eliminated, and the cultivation state of mind becomes more diligent; or one is defeated by the inner demons, falls down, and suffers some injuries."

"In the first case, unless someone with a higher level of cultivation comes to forcibly stop the practice, they will at least be seriously injured; in the second case, you can silently recite the Tao Te Ching or the Buddhist Surangama Sutra, which are the supreme heart sutras that break away demonic obstacles. "

"The above content is for reference only, thank you for your invitation."

After reading this answer, Jiang Xuan frowned, feeling that he had found a way but not yet.

Because he doesn't know what kind of obsession Qin Yanran is!

"Forget it, let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor!"

"No, she's just a living horse... Then let's use the living horse as a dead horse doctor!"

Jiang Xuan is too lazy to think so much. After all, time waits for no one. If he delays for a little longer, Qin Yanran will be in more danger.

The answer said that if you are possessed, you can recite the Tao Te Ching or the Surangama Sutra silently, but Qin Yanran will definitely not be able to recite it in her current state, so Jiang Xuan decided to read it to her personally to see if it would help.

He quickly searched both scriptures on Baidu.

Then between the two he chose the Tao Te Ching without hesitation.

There is no other reason. The Surangama Sutra is too difficult to pronounce and he can’t understand it.

Jiang Xuan cleared his throat, then looked at his phone and began to read the Tao Te Ching word for word.

In order for Qin Yanran to hear clearly, he even moved closer to the landscaping box.

"Tao can be Tao, very Tao. Name can be named, very famous."

"The beginning of the nameless heaven and earth; the named mother of all things..."

Jiang Xuan read while observing Qin Yanran's condition.

Then he was surprised to find that the words he read turned into golden words in the landscaping box, floating in the air, exuding a purple-gold color!

It’s the Tao Te Ching!
These words seemed to be spiritual, automatically arranging and combining in the air, rotating around Qin Yanran.

Her entire body was enveloped in the misty purple energy emanating from the Tao Te Ching, full of mysterious and ethereal meaning!

At the same time, the look of pain on her face gradually disappeared, her delicate body no longer trembled, and the violent spiritual energy in her body gradually calmed down.

In the end, she showed a completely relaxed posture, as if she were in harmony with the world and in harmony with nature.

"Really useful!"

Jiang Xuan felt excited after seeing this.

Although it is unclear why the words of the Tao Te Ching he recited appeared in the world inside the box, it is enough that it is useful to Qin Yanran.

It is indeed the supreme book of Taoism!

Jiang Xuan gave the Taoist ancestor a thumbs up in his heart, and after observing Qin Yanran's condition for a while and confirming that she was fine, he covered the box again.

After observing the aquascaping box for so long, it was almost noon now, and he had to go find food first.

But what he didn't know was that shortly after he left, Qin Yanran in the cave had new changes.

At the same time, the entire Chinese mainland outside the cave.

Everything has been turned upside down!
(End of this chapter)

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