There is a world of cultivating immortals in my box

Chapter 7 The clan moves, Qin Yanran’s thoughts

Chapter 7 The clan moves, Qin Yanran’s thoughts

In the cave, Qin Yanran opened her eyes.

At this moment, her face was full of confusion. She looked around and then at her body, very confused.

"How am I still alive?"

She failed to forcibly break through the golden elixir, suffered spiritual backlash, severed her meridians, and was certain to die, but now she is still alive and well.

What made her feel even more strange was that instead of feeling weak or painful, she felt stronger and more fulfilled than ever before.

This is not at all like the state a seriously injured and dying person should be in.

In order to understand her current situation, Qin Yanran took an internal look, but she didn't know what she was looking at, and she was immediately stunned by the sight.

In her Dantian, a bright golden elixir slowly rotated, emitting powerful fluctuations, continuously providing her with strength.

What surprised her even more was that the broken meridians had been repaired at some point and became stronger than before!
All the injuries suffered before have disappeared without a trace!
Now her condition couldn't be better!

"I-I broke through the golden elixir?"

Qin Yanran said in disbelief. If the golden elixir in her dantian hadn't been real, she would have felt like she was dreaming.

But what exactly is going on?
She has obviously failed to break through, but now not only is she not dead, she has also broken through to the Golden Core Realm, and all her injuries have been healed!
Simply incredible!
This surprise and happiness came so suddenly, Qin Yanran took a long time to digest it.

After calming down, she began to try to remember everything before.

She remembered that after she came to the cave, she took a top-quality spirit-gathering pill, and then started trying to condense the pill.

At the critical moment, she suddenly felt that she was being watched, so she became distracted, resulting in failure in condensing the pill and being seriously injured and on the verge of death.

But in a daze, she seemed to hear a void and ethereal voice coming from the sky, like an immortal preaching to her.

What the immortal said is...

"Road to Road, very Avenue--"

Qin Yanran blurted out with happiness in her heart.

As she recited six words, the golden elixir in her body shook, emitting brilliant golden light, and the speed of absorbing and converting spiritual energy was ten times faster than the previous moment!

Qin Yanran was surprised, but at the same time she also instantly understood why she did not die after failing to condense the pill, but succeeded in breaking through.

It was because someone preached for her!

Although she didn't remember the rest of the content, she only remembered the first six words, but this was enough to prove everything!
But who preached the message to save her?
Qin Yanran immediately thought of someone. She looked around and asked carefully: "Senior, did you save me?"

When she was condensing the pill before, she felt someone was watching her, so she was distracted and failed to condensate the pill.

The only person in Qingyun Mountain who could spy on her and have the strength to save her after she failed to condense the pill was the mysterious senior!
However, after she finished speaking, she did not receive any response.

"That senior shouldn't be here now."

"I don't know how long I have been in seclusion this time. Let's go out first to see the situation in the sect."

Qin Yanran breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to stand up.

But when she noticed what she was wearing, her fair cheeks instantly turned red, and she was extremely shy.

In order to absorb spiritual energy conveniently and get rid of all the obstacles of clothing, she only wore light gauze to practice on the stone bed.

In other words...she was seen through by that senior.

But after this thought came up, she immediately condemned herself in her heart.

"Qin Yanran, you are really a villain. If my seniors weren't already dead, how could you be so narrow-minded?"

If Jiang Xuan knew what she was thinking, he would probably refute it.

Narrow-minded?It's not narrow at all, it's very big and raviney.Qin Yanran quickly took out a new set of clothes from the storage ring, dressed them neatly, and then disappeared into the cave.

She flew over Qingyun Mountain and found that the disciples were gathered on the sword training ground, surrounding a red circular container.

"What are they doing?"

Qin Yanran frowned, then flew to the sword training ground.

At this time, the Qingyun Sect disciples on the sword training platform were queuing up to take the spiritual liquid from the bottle cap. After drinking, they sat directly on the ground to practice.

Yunyao maintained order on the side and distributed spiritual liquid to all the disciples.

After Qin Yanran landed, Yun Yao noticed her immediately, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared on her face.


Yun Yao cheered and threw herself into Qin Yanran's arms.

During the day and night Qin Yanran spent in seclusion, she was so worried that she couldn't even rest well.

Qin Yanran stroked Yun Yao's little head, with pity in her eyes, and said, "Yao'er, thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard! Master, just be fine!"

Yun Yao shook her head vigorously, then took Qin Yanran's arm to the bottle cap, and said happily: "Master, see what's inside?"

Upon hearing this, Qin Yanran turned her eyes to the huge red round container in front of her, and saw that it was filled with a pool of transparent liquid, exuding rich spiritual energy.

"Where did so much spiritual fluid come from?!"

Qin Yanran couldn't help but be moved. She had never seen so much spiritual fluid in her life.

This pool of spiritual liquid is worth at least hundreds of millions of low-grade spiritual stones!
Yun Yao blinked and said, "It was all given by that senior. I was practicing swordplay on the cliff this morning. Seeing my hard work, senior gave me a pool of spiritual fluid and asked me to drink it."

"By the way, Master, I told Senior that you were injured in the back mountain. Did he help you heal your injury?"

Hearing Yun Yao's words, Qin Yanran was speechless for a moment.

Seeing how hard she worked practicing swordsmanship, why did you give her a pool of spiritual fluid to drink?

No matter how big the Immortal Cultivation Sect is, they would not dare to be so extravagant!

After calming down, Qin Yanran touched Yun Yao's head and said, "Don't worry, Master's injury has healed and he has broken through the Golden Core Realm."

She now understands that it was probably because Yun Yao told the mysterious senior about her injury that the mysterious senior went to find her and what happened next.

But no matter what, I have received a great kindness from others.

"Master, have you broken through the golden elixir? That's great!"

"There was an amazing vision in the sky an hour ago. Night fell and the sun and moon were in the same sky. Could it be caused by your breakthrough, Master?"

Yun Yao looked at Qin Yanran with admiration.

Before that mysterious senior appeared, Qin Yanran was the person she admired most and the most powerful person in her heart.

Qin Yanran was practicing in the cave and was unaware of the vision outside. Hearing this, he flicked her forehead and said, "What are you thinking about? How could the Golden Core realm cause such a vision? It should be Some strange treasure has been born."

"Okay, go and gather all the disciples in the sect. Master has something to announce."

She was not in the mood to pay attention to the vision.

She has to do something more important now.

That is - moving the whole family!
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(End of this chapter)

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