There is a world of cultivating immortals in my box

Chapter 8 The Arrival of the Blood Cloud Sect

Chapter 8 The Arrival of the Blood Cloud Sect
Jiang Xuan ate something outside to fill his stomach and then went home. He wanted to continue observing the small world in the landscaping box.

There are many secrets in this box waiting for him to discover.

This is very interesting.

What is now shown in the landscaping box is still the scene in the cave, but the cave is empty and Qin Yanran is not there.

"Where is she? Where did she go?"

Jiang Xuan had an idea and wanted to find Qin Yanran's location.

As soon as this idea came to his mind, the environment of the landscaping box changed again, quickly shrinking until it showed the entire Qingyun Mountain, restoring the previous God's perspective of the entire map.

Jiang Xuan first looked at the sword training platform. The bottle cap he put in was still there.

At the same time, Qin Yanran, Yun Yao, and many other villains were there.

At the same time, there was a palm-sized boat-like thing suspended next to the cliff of Lianjianping. Many Qingyun Sect disciples were constantly moving various miscellaneous things onto the boat.

It looks like they are moving.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Xuan suddenly lost his composure. He approached and asked, "Where are you going?"


On Qingyun Mountain.

After breaking through the golden elixir stage, Qin Yanran finally had the ability to control the flying boat, so she did not hesitate to summon her disciples and announce her decision to move the clan.

After the sect's life-and-death crisis yesterday, she deeply realized how dangerous the Qingyun Sect's situation was now.

The Xueyun Sect is eyeing them. Yesterday, they lost a golden elixir. Next time, it might be the Nascent Soul Ancestor who comes to visit them personally.

For the safety of the entire sect, it is prudent to move.

Because the goal of the Blood Cloud Sect is actually the Qingyun Mountain occupied by their Qingyun Sect. This is the source of spiritual veins within a radius of thousands of miles, and is an out-and-out treasure of the Immortal Family.

As long as Qingyun Mountain is given away, the Blood Cloud Sect will not spend so much effort chasing them down if they leave this place.

The Northern Territory is so big, doesn’t it mean there’s no place for them to stay?
Next to the flying boat, Qin Yanran directed his disciples to carry some important things in the sect that could not be stored as magic weapons onto the flying boat.

As for the pool of spiritual liquid, she had no intention of taking it away.

Firstly, she did not have the means to store the spiritual liquid, and secondly, this pool of spiritual liquid was too valuable. Their Qingyun Sect had already inherited too many favors from that mysterious senior and it was difficult to take any more.

"It's a pity that I never had the chance to meet that senior."

"I don't know who he is."

Qin Yanran looked at the disciples who kept boarding the ship, sighing secretly and feeling a little regretful.

That mysterious senior saved the Qingyun Sect and saved her life. It was a huge kindness that she would never be able to repay in her lifetime.

It's a pity that the other party never showed up or told his name.

This made her unable to repay him in the future.

But thinking of this, Qin Yanran couldn't help but laugh at herself: "That senior is very capable, what can I repay him for?"

She is just a golden elixir monk and the leader of a down-and-out sect.

Qin Yanran sighed, stretched out her hand to caress her cheek, and bit her red lips, feeling a little confused.

Such a powerful existence is really fascinating...

"Master, we've almost moved everything."

Yun Yao walked to Qin Yanran and said to her.

Qin Yanran calmed down, regained her calm demeanor, and said, "Let all the disciples board the ship and prepare to set off." Yun Yao looked back at Qingyun Mountain, with a trace of reluctance in her eyes, and stretched out her little hand to hold Qin Yanran's. Sleeves asked with red eyes: "Master, do we have to go?"

"Why not ask that senior to protect us?"

After all, she was only a half-grown child, and she couldn't help but feel sad when she thought of leaving the mountain gate where she had grown up.

Qin Yanran sighed softly, knelt down and wiped away her tears, and said, "That senior protected us for a while, but he cannot protect us for a lifetime."

"If one day Senior leaves, we will still not be able to escape the threat of the Blood Cloud Sect, and many people will be killed or injured by then."

"Master is only in the Golden Core realm and cannot protect the entire sect. Leaving Qingyun Mountain now is the best choice."

"You have a single spiritual root and a natural sword bone. Now you are only ten years old and you are at the ninth level of Qi refining. Your future achievements are bound to be extraordinary. You have to practice hard. Whether our Qingyun Sect can regain its glory in the future depends on you."

Qin Yanran has high hopes for Yunyao, because she is the most talented disciple of Qingyun Sect in hundreds of years.

Tears flashed in Yun Yao's eyes. Hearing this, he raised his sleeves and wiped the tears hard. He choked and said, "Master, Yao'er will definitely practice well."

"We will never let anyone bully us again!"

The childish voice was full of determination.

Qin Yanran rubbed her little head, then pulled her onto the flying boat, preparing to drive the flying boat away.

But at this moment, a suspicious voice came from the sky.

"Where are you going?"

Upon hearing this voice, Qin Yanran's expression froze slightly.

Because she recognized the voice of that mysterious senior.

After looking around and still seeing no other people, Qin Yanran had no choice but to say respectfully to the sky: "Reporting to senior, this junior plans to move with the sect and leave Qingyun Mountain."

Outside the box, Jiang Xuan panicked when he heard this.

Because he discovered last night that the group of little people from the Blood Cloud Sect disappeared after leaving the area displayed in the landscaping box.

In other words, all he can see is Qingyun Mountain in the landscaping box and the surrounding land of about a hundred miles. Once he leaves this range, he will not be able to see it.

If Qin Yanran moved away with the entire sect, what else would he want to see?
All the fun in this box is gone!
Thinking of this, Jiang Xuan quickly said: "Why are you leaving? Isn't it nice here? Don't worry, no one can bully you with me here."

"If those guys from yesterday come again, I will shoot them to death."

Jiang Xuan completely regarded Qin Yanran and others as his pets.

The key is that they are not stupid animals, but a group of real people. Isn't this more interesting than hamsters, cats, and dogs?
Hearing Jiang Xuan's words, Qin Yanran was a little moved, but after thinking about it carefully, she still shook her head and said: "Senior, you have helped us too much. We still have to rely on ourselves after all."

"Besides, you can protect us for a while, but you can't protect us forever, and we don't want to trouble you too much."

"So I understand your kindness and I still want to leave this place."

Hearing Qin Yanran's refusal, Jiang Xuan became anxious for a moment.

The other party insists on leaving, what should we do now?

Just when Jiang Xuan was about to continue persuading, he suddenly saw five streams of light crossing the sky in the distance and arriving in an instant.

At the same time, there was an indifferent voice that resounded throughout Qingyun Mountain.

"Sect Master Qin, where are you going in such a hurry?"

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(End of this chapter)

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