The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 102: Brother, I am determined to save her, believe me!

Chapter 102: Brother, I am determined to save her, believe me!

"I won't talk to you anymore!"

I held a plastic bag filled with popsicles in one hand and threw it on the ground. Then I put the boy on my shoulders with two hands, picked up the plastic bag, and walked to the elevator while pretending to be very relaxed, whistling.

This is not my plan, don't be blind.

My plan was to carry the popsicle to the big bed room, which I hadn’t been to for several days, and persuade Nan Nan to help me.

Because she owes me and wants to leave just like me.

But the young man's appearance and Ada's order completely disrupted my plan.

I can't appear on the eighth floor twice in one night, and there is no need to appear on the eighth floor twice.


When the elevator door opened, I saw the green soldier sitting on the eighth floor again. I nodded familiarly and said, "Brother, this guy has some issues with me. Can I go in first and beat him up?"

The young man was very cooperative, even though he didn’t know anything: “Lao Xu, I’m going to fuck your mother!!!”

But I understand him.

I took out the red magnetic card from my pocket and stuffed it into the green soldier's hand: "It's all mine to eat, drink, and have sex tonight. I just want to vent my anger."

The green-skinned soldier nodded silently and put the magnetic card into his pocket. I knew that as soon as he got off work, he would wipe out all the money in the magnetic card, and then load up the goods and transport them out.However, I don't mind anymore.

"Don't stay too long."


The iron door was opened.

The moment I watched the young man walk in, I immediately felt that the eighth floor today was completely different from usual.

Today's eighth floor suits me very well. There is not a single woman in the entire eighth floor!

It seemed that even God was helping me today. I picked up an electric baton standing on a shelf by the wall and walked towards the windowed room where the mule once lived.


When I pushed the iron door open, I threw the young man to the ground. My first move was to open the window. Then I took out the ice cream bags one by one and opened them. Regardless of whether the camera saw it or not, I put the things on the rebar welding port. .

This is the moment I have to take a risk, because the last mule incident has proven that Ada can not only see the situation in this room, but also hear the sounds in the room.

I can only bet that when that bastard wastes all his energy on Jiang Rong, he will become poisonous.

As for why I don't go to another room?
Oh, unless I want to jump directly from the eighth floor to the road, otherwise, I can only come here.After all, the windows in the other rooms are all oriented north-south. Only this one is oriented east-west and can appear directly on the roof of the connecting building.

"Are you going to run?"

The young man only glanced at me and immediately understood what I was doing!
He taught this move, how could he forget it?
The young man struggled to stand up against the wall with no support in his legs. When I asked, "Don't you want to run?", he sniffed hard.


"How do I run?"

The young man said: "Jiang Rong is in their hands, how can I run away?"

I didn't speak, and waited quietly, waiting for the noise that might come from the silent Building 2 at any time.

"Old Xu, can you rescue Jiang Rong?"

When he asked this question, I looked back at him and nodded at him: "I can."

"I beg you, I beg you to rescue Jiang Rong. Let's run together. If you leave Jiang Rong here, I will blame myself for the rest of my life!"

The moment he said this, he was very serious, but he immediately raised his head as if in a daze. The young man did not think that I would agree.And I followed his words and responded: "Brother, I understand you."

"That girl came to 729 Park because of you, you have to be responsible."

The young man nodded vigorously and stretched out his hand to wipe the blood on his face.

I could see that he could hardly stand.

His leg that could still support Zhu's body kept shaking, and his back, which was leaning on the wall, kept sliding down.

But the more I spoke, the more righteous I became: "For a man, it is indeed true for a woman to suffer this crime for us..."

I picked up the electric baton and hit it directly on the young man's chin. The young man didn't even react. He tilted his head and fell to the ground without saying a word.

Then I lowered my voice and said to the unconscious young man: "That's your fucking business!"

“It’s not my business!!”

The guy must be put down.

I'm afraid that he will threaten me with any conditions at this time. I'm afraid that he won't wait for me to fight back before he screams out. I'm afraid that I will lose this hard-earned opportunity.

I want to be human.

But this world didn't give me a chance.

One, and another.

I waited until the two ice cream sticks melted into soup, then immediately pushed the ice cream down along the gap, and then used an electric baton as a crowbar to pin it to the rebar welding joint.

Ah Da has tried to kick it directly but it cannot be opened, but he certainly has not tried the method of adding leverage.

I stood on the window sill and secretly observed the quiet 729 Park. When I saw that no one was paying attention, I violently raised my foot and kicked it down - Dang!

The next second, I jumped down from the window sill without even daring to see the result. I used all my strength in that kick, and I could already feel the moment when the rebar was pushed aside.

And I was hiding in the house for fear of being discovered, not even daring to poke my head out.

for a long time……

The still quiet 729 campus gave me some confidence. When I quietly raised my head and looked outside, I found that no one was paying attention to the place. I stopped kicking the second rebar and pulled back the electric baton to push it hard. The rebar, whose welded joint had completely collapsed, pushed the steel window like front teeth protruding from the inside out, and jumped out directly along the window.

Knowing this second, I was still extremely cautious, for fear of any accident at the critical moment, I walked close to the wall and walked to the street. When I stood on the edge of the roof of the sixth floor, I once again concentrated on looking at the piles of sand in the construction site. , the experience in prison plays a crucial role at this moment.

When I was in prison, I once had the same cell number as a thief. This guy set a record in the cell, that is, during the robbery, he had the owner of the house locked in the house on the seventh floor. As a result, he jumped from the seventh floor without any harm. .

At that time, many people didn't believe it, and some even asked the guards specifically. After the guards confirmed it, we, as a group, knew it was true.

Later, almost everyone with the same number asked him about it, but the thief kept silent until I came out and asked him again, saying, "Brother, I'll let you go right now, just tell me what happened." "That's when he told the secret.

The reason why he was safe and sound was all because of the sand, but the sand had to be wet river sand, because wet river sand could be moved by pedaling;

Also, when he falls, he must not insert his legs directly into the sand. They will definitely break when inserted. He has to insert his toes on the edge of the sand and slide down along the flow of the sand to relieve the force.

I thought it was ridiculous at the time and asked, "Did you prepare it before jumping?"

The thief chuckled and responded: "I didn't finish it after I fell to my death!"

But anyway, it’s time for me to jump.

This time I stepped back to the edge of the connecting floor. Remembering the locations of the piles of sand outside, I picked the one with the heaviest color. Then I stepped hard with both legs... and jumped up at the edge of the connecting floor. when……

(End of this chapter)

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