Chapter 103 Lost (Thanks to Wang Chaoyang.aC for the reward)
I'm wrong.

I thought that the most difficult thing about jumping off a building would be the hesitation in your mind before taking off. I never expected that the most difficult thing about this thing would be how to land at the point where you want to land.

As for the free fall process in the middle...

Many people say that the most important person will appear in their mind at that moment. I think that should be the thought of those who commit suicide.

And I, aiming at the sand pile in the distance, felt the panic of the distance gradually shrinking while leaping hard with my ears filled with wind.

My landing was like a grenade thrown into the sand, kicking up countless grains of sand. The most important thing is that the place I landed was not right.

What the thief was talking about was inserting his toes into the edge of the sand pile and sliding down. I was different. I jumped over and pushed my heels to the back of the sand pile. Only then did I kick up a lot of flying sand grains. The river sand in the sand pile slides downward and slides.

At that second, I felt as if all the internal organs in my body had been displaced in an instant, as if they were all blocked in my throat. Then, the moment I stepped on my feet, with the generation of shock, these organs began to vibrate within the body. .

The most critical thing is the moment when my body leaned back. When my body slipped down, my feet began to slide down, and my whole body began to lean back. First, my back hit the sand pile hard, and finally the back of my head hit the sand pile. His vision went dark and he completely lost all consciousness.


I couldn't estimate how long I had been unconscious, let alone describe how my body felt when I woke up. It seemed like that part of my memory was missing.

Later, I fell in love with many things, such as medicine and psychology. In the process of learning these things, I got the answer to that memory loss.

Psychologically speaking, it is very painful for women to give birth, but they will soon forget this pain.

This is because when pain has a certain impact on mental strength, the brain will automatically delete that memory. Therefore, if a woman dares to grit her teeth and stamp her feet under the sweet talk of a man, she will agree to have a second child.

Psychology also says that after giving birth to a child, during the most painful six months of raising a baby, all negative emotions will be completely deleted, including negative emotions about many things in life. This will allow us to have a better life in our later years. Being able to tell these things as if they were jokes.

So, think about what is the deepest impression in your memory?
It's definitely not happiness, but the occasional embarrassing scenes that will make you still upset after a while.This is the impact of those negative emotions on people.

If the brain does not help us delete these things, who dares to imagine how a person who can remember all the negative things can live?

By the way, there is another term in psychology called 'habitual helplessness', that is, a person will immediately choose to give up when encountering difficulties...

For example, experiments that failed several times in a row;
For example, children who are still in school will feel that they have no talent for learning after failing several exams;
For another example, when we choose a direction, we will directly deny it because of the difficulties that appear in front of us without thinking about the solution.

These are called habitual helplessness.

So where does this habitual helplessness come from?
Psychologically speaking, it is probably related to the deleted negative emotional memories.

Like being ridiculed by loved ones after failing at something;

When you fail at a simple thing, you are laughed at by the crowd;
I was suppressed by the teacher when I couldn't answer the questions in class.

This unacceptable emotion will be quickly deleted by the brain, and when difficulties arise again, you will already feel the consequences of failure.

Think you don’t have the talent to win.

After returning to China, I read a lot of things and understood the meanings of many words, such as 'to rot'.Why is it so messed up?
Do you really not want to stand at the top and experience the feeling of shining?


It's really not.

It is that we know that the result of failure is not proportional to the probability of success, and the loneliness when walking alone.

In fact, the accurate term for failure should not be called failure. It should be called me choosing the 'minimum loss in life'. I am not willing to take risks. I feel that after failure, I will face ridicule instead of help, so I... Isn’t it okay if mom doesn’t fight anymore?

If you are awesome, then go ahead and live in the spotlight.

I hid in the hut and was quite happy watching videos on my mobile phone. I could live on 4000 yuan every Wednesday.

Isn't that okay?
What is the world like?
In order to succeed, those people do everything they can to manipulate your mentality and emotions. As long as they can win, he can't wait to take off his pants and walk around with his butt exposed.Is this called ability?Is this called patience?Are you comparing your strength?
Then I don’t want to argue with you, so why can’t I speak more noblely?

So, I quit because I thought you were disgusting, and I made it so that I could lie down, okay?
Sorry, it's getting too far.

Now back to me.

I don’t remember what I felt at the time, but when I woke up, I found that I had vomited, not only vomit, but also blood.

This made it impossible for me to tell at the moment whether it was damage to the internal organs or a concussion, but, conservatively, it should be both.

Fortunately, it was still dark at the time and my legs were not broken. However, when I tried to stand up, I felt numbness in my heels.

But I still stood up and hid behind the sand pile to take a look at the park. After there was no movement in the park, I simply moved behind the sand pile twice until my legs gradually recovered and no longer hindered my movement. , and rushed towards the forest in the mountains!
Looking back now, I must not have been that fast at that time, but at that time, I felt that the rabbits were all my grandchildren!
After I plunged into the mountains, I started running in the opposite direction along the forest, because the mule ran past me in the forward direction, and someone shot me down while I was running.

I didn't dare go too deep into the forest, thinking that the whistle must be hidden in the most inconspicuous place in the mountain;

I got stuck halfway up the mountain and ran from darkness to dawn.

I still remember the feeling of being in the jungle, especially when the sun came up.

At that moment, the coolness in the Southeast Asian jungle was instantly driven away, and the water mist accumulated at night was exhaled on my body as if it had been evaporated. I felt as if my crotch was stringing, and my whole body was sticky.

I just want to get out of the mountains quickly, even if I can see a road, or if not, let me see a river...

But the surrounding jungles became more and more dense, and the surrounding ecology became more and more primitive. My sight could not penetrate these forests at all, and the only thing that could accompany me was the rugged mountain road.

I...maybe I got lost.

 I'm really sorry that I only saw the reward today. I'm sorry!

  Well, there will be no update tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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