Chapter 106 Don’t faint

I need to rest.

Need enough food, clean water...

I still need a place to hide...



Only I know how much surprise there is in this spoken word, but this surprise comes from the shock.


Torrential rain.

My ears were filled with the sound of rain hitting the leaves.

At this time, I was walking forward with muddy feet. With my body unstable, I wanted to grab the vines hanging down the mountain with my hands, and just grabbed it...


Pieces of vines fell off according to my hand. If there was not a tree blocking them, they could have rolled down the mountain directly.

But, in that second, I saw the cave that could save my life!

A cave entrance completely covered by vines appeared in front of me.

I stood at the entrance of the cave and swallowed hard. Without knowing what was in the cave, I ducked in with my head down.

As a result, as soon as I entered the cave, the smell of blood filled my nose and almost escaped me...

I held on to the wall and began to retching, and the flies in the cave began to fly in swarms as if they were startled by me.

Immediately afterwards, I regained my composure, and just when I was about to look into the cave under the moonlight, my feet began to retreat unconsciously. I didn't stop until half of my body had retreated to the entrance of the cave, allowing the rain to beat continuously.

I saw piles of bones in the moonlight.

These bones were thrown aside casually, without burial or stacking.

I followed the white bones and looked into the cave. Inside the cave, a flat boulder was covered with fur. The moment I saw the black fur, I relaxed a little.

This shows that the pile of bones in front of you is probably not human!
I resisted the smell of blood in the cave and walked in. On the edge of the wall, I found a wooden frame used to tie things. Next to the wooden frame was a wooden barrel. The barrel was black but had the strongest smell of blood. The barrel was covered with a layer of flies.

It's an orangutan.

After I completely walked into the cave and turned over the black fur on the boulder, I could see where the fur came from.

On top of this boulder, there are at least a dozen orangutan skins, which look extremely soft.

I know what this cave is for. When I was in prison, I heard a man who was looking for antiques say that during the Ming and Qing dynasties, our country had the habit of demanding tribute for management of Annan. The tribute required was not Not gold and silver jewelry, but - orangutan velvet.

So, what is gorilla wool?
Simply put, it’s textiles dyed with orangutan blood.

After other things are dyed, the color becomes lighter with use, but gorilla velvet is different. Whether the dyed textile is used to make carpets or other things, the color will become brighter and brighter.

There will also be a red that looks very noble.

At that time, the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties asked Annan by name for thirty-six feet of orangutan velvet every year. This directly led to 'orangutan velvet' becoming a status symbol for my country's top dignitaries.

The antique dealer in the prison got in because of this thing. Even after I came out of the prison, he was still squatting inside.

It seems that he accidentally broke into the cave of a hunter who was hunting orangutans.

Now that I think about the situation when I discovered this cave, it seems to be true. Otherwise, how could the vines that had completely covered the entrance of the cave fall off with just a tug?Someone was clearly blocking the entrance to the cave with those vines.

However, judging from the dryness of the blood on the wooden barrels in the cave, it seemed that no one had been in the cave for a long time, and even the orangutan skins laid flat on the boulders were full of dust.

I tried to sit on the orangutan skin. As soon as my butt touched the softness, the strength that I had been holding on to with my teeth was completely withdrawn. Endless fatigue and pain all over my body surged out along the seams of my bones, and my brain There is only one thought in it: 'Lie down'.

And after I lay down, as soon as my eyelids closed, I completely lost all consciousness.

Pure bullshit.

Sleeping is a process, at least you have to feel sleepy.I didn't even notice that I was sleepy. As soon as I closed my eyes, I completely passed out.

Yes, it's coma.

If it weren't for the constant feeling of being touched on my legs during the coma, I wouldn't have woken up at all...

I suddenly remembered the words of the green soldiers in the mountains about breaking my legs, and for a moment, I opened my eyes.

It was already dark, the heavy rain had stopped, and the cave was filled with moisture pouring in from the valley. In front of me, a man in national costume was pulling down my pants.

My pants were scratched at some point, and the banknotes tied to my legs were exposed from the gaps...

I didn't dare to move my legs. I lay on the boulder and punched the man in the ear!


The man fell down with my punch, and then I immediately sat up on the boulder and saw an extra bamboo basket in the cave in front of me.

In the bamboo basket, a comatose gorilla was lying inside, and a hatchet used to cut branches in the mountains was placed beside the basket.

At that time, without even thinking about it, I jumped down from the rock and reached out to hold the hatchet. As for who the man in national costume was, could it have nothing to do with the park and the green soldiers... I love so and so!

I picked up the hatchet and hit the guy's head directly.

He slowed down, looked at the blade falling, and tilted his head hard. The stone behind his head split so much that sparks shot out from my head.

"Do not kill me!"

"I have no malice!"

It is Chinese!
I raised the hatchet again, and from the moment he spoke the first word, I struck again.

The boy raised his hands and held my wrist. In the small cave, one of us pressed down with a fierce look on his face, and the other raised up with a nervous look on his face, until the blade of the knife was stuck in his neck... …

He is still asking: "Why!"

"I just thought you were dead!"

Why else!
Because I want to live! !


The orangutan woke up, and after it woke up, it hacked Pulong's bamboo basket and escaped. He hit the wall crookedly for a while, fell down with his forelimbs weak, and walked out of the cave.

Wearing national costume, he took the opportunity to push me down. When I got up again, he jumped onto the high boulder.

So, holding a hatchet in my hand, I blocked the man in national costumes in the cave.

As for why I didn't continue rushing over and knocking him down...

Because I have no strength left.

Almost everyone who has had a fever knows this, that is, when you wake up from sleep, you will feel refreshed, but when you wake up for a while, especially when the high temperature in the body starts to burn again, you will feel Feeling weak.

What's more, I got into a fight with someone!
How powerless am I?
I can feel my legs getting weak.

After drinking the river water yesterday, I completely understood the reason why I should not argue with the 'old saying', because as the old saying goes, 'a good man cannot stand up to three splashes of water'!
Why is it that my eyes are starting to turn black at this moment?

Don't faint, don't faint now...

I can't hear anything.

 Let me tell you, this is very important.

  Generally, when reading, there is only one reason why chapters are repeated, updated chapters are wrong, and other similar situations, and that is that the plot that should be connected is blocked.

  In this case, you need to wait for the review. Even if the chapter is changed, you still have to wait for the review to be completed.

  For example, if Chapter 1 is under review, the content that should be in Chapter 2 will be in the order of Chapter 1. Because Chapter 1 is blocked, the system will automatically change it according to the order.

(End of this chapter)

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