The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 105 The Suspected Soldier's Plan

Chapter 105 The Suspected Soldier's Plan
I chose the right mountain, but the wrong road.

After returning to China, I checked the route I was traveling on at that time, and based on the map analysis, I should have been in the mountains next to Menneng County at that time.This place borders Shan State to the west, Bangkham to the north, Yunnan, China, to the south, and the hinterland of Myanmar to the east.

But after I got out of 729, I headed north because I had no other choice.

First, I have a fever;
Secondly, almost everything in the mountains looks the same. From the moment I wake up the next day, I can no longer tell the difference between east, west and north.
Finally, when the constant roar of cars came from behind me, I was like a chicken with firecrackers tied to its tail. I always felt that danger was behind me, and I couldn't tell the route at all, so I could only go to a less dangerous place. escape.

Ha ha……

While the group of greenskin soldiers were desperately searching the mountains beside me, I ran wildly on another mountain.

The so-called running is just a longer stride and a faster speed between the mountains. In fact, every step you take, you have to use your hands to grab the trees that can keep your body balanced.

When it was most dangerous, I happened to cross an unobstructed flat land on the slope of the mountain. This flat land was like a bald spot on a person's head, with no grass growing at all. But at this moment, when I turned my head and looked at the mountain covered with green soldiers, In an instant, I happened to see a man in military uniform peeing at the foot of the mountain.


I can clearly hear his whistle!
This is Menneng County, which includes ten towns in the judicial district and has a total area of ​​3417 square kilometers. The altitude of this place is between 700 and 1600 meters. The county is mountainous and the mountain roads are rugged. It is rainy, with the rainy season from May to October, and the temperature is around 5°.

But that's a town, not a mountain!
What's it like in the mountains?
Under the scorching sun, even the shade of trees can cause humid heat waves;

On the way, when you grab a tree with your hands, you will always get sticky resin on your hands;

It was obviously in Southeast Asia, but I couldn't find a river in the mountains. I couldn't drink a sip of water, so I could only rely on unknown wild fruits on the trees to quench my thirst.

Because of that wild fruit, I saw the monkey eat it.

Because if I didn’t put the fruit that was completely ripe but still felt sour after entering my mouth, I would have to endure the feeling of smoke in my throat.

"Company Commander, is there someone on the mountain opposite?"

I could hear them talking, and when I turned my head to look over, I couldn't see each other at all.

The forest here is too dense, and if they move even a little bit, they will be completely covered by green leaves. Plus, those people are wearing green military uniforms...

"500 million!"

"Company commander, that's my 500 million!!"

I have a new nickname.

Da da!

Da da da!
Gunshots rang out.

When I heard the gunfire, I shrunk my neck, lowered my head and started running for my life. The scene in my mind at that time was that the surroundings were dust splashed by bullets, and the leaves above my head were all shot down by bullets...

But when I turned around, I could see clearly where the gunshots were heard from the mountain opposite, and the flames were rising into the sky.This must be because after I moved, I was also covered by the shade of the trees in the mountains. They couldn't find me, so they had to fire randomly to gather all the greenskin soldiers.

"The man has been found!"

"In the mountains near Bangkang..."

I don't know what communication device those people are using to talk to whom, and I don't want to know, I just want to run for my life!

Walking around the mountains, under the scorching sun, I slid down the mountain with my feet, rubbing the ground with my feet. I finally slid along the mountain to the foot of the mountain, and the sound of gurgling water came to my ears.

When I raise my head...

The river you had been looking for for two days in the mountains was flowing right in front of you. The water was crystal clear, but I could only wade across it.

I was really angry. The moment I crossed the small river and was about to plunge into another mountain, I twisted my body and turned around. I lay on the edge of the river and fully penetrated my head into the river water. I opened my mouth and kept swallowing.I was so thirsty and hungry. There was a little water in my stomach, and I felt like my stomach was swimming even when I walked.

But the clear river water was so cool. Even if I had a fever just now and my head was a little swollen, the moment I put my head into the river, I was stimulated by the coolness and woke up.

I still have to go up the mountain, but I can’t go up the mountain like this.

Once those greenskin soldiers know which mountain I am on, they will send troops to surround the mountain and search you as much as they want.

You can't take off your clothes, and you will suffer at night after taking off your clothes.

Thinking of this, I suddenly remembered the money tied to my legs. I took out a few coins and ran all the way up the mountain, throwing them all the way to the mountainside. I turned back from the other side and rushed towards the valley. There is an endless mountain range at the far end and Saya is running wildly!
In other words, I created the illusion that I had climbed the mountain in a hurry.

As for how many people this illusion can confuse, and whether it can confuse people, I have already climbed another mountain, and I don't think about it at all. There is only the road in front of me, the road to survive.

cough, cough.

Started to cough.

It must be that the feverish body reacted after being stimulated by cold water.

At this time, if anyone asks me how I can survive in such a difficult situation, I will definitely give him a reply.

How to survive?
Just endure it.

How else can I endure it?
Could it be that after you encounter any difficulties in your life, a glorious image will first appear in your mind, or perhaps you will think of an embarrassing past?

That's not the case.

Anyone who can get out of the thorns, even if there is no injury on the body, will have broken molars in the back.

Being able to overcome such hardships and obstacles all depends on whether your back molars are strong enough.


"Company commander, I saw the money!"

"This kid must be in a hurry on the mountain, otherwise how could he not even know how to pick up the dropped money?"

"Call everyone over immediately to surround this mountain. I don't believe we can't catch him!"

"Tell our people, whenever you see this kid, stop saying nonsense and break your legs first!"

When there was an extremely excited voice behind me, I was already deep in the jungle.

At that time, my face was covered with sweat and my body was covered with dirt. Even if I moved a little, I felt like there was something dirty on my skin.

But I finally got out of that tense atmosphere, and I dared to move forward boldly.


At this time, there was a muffled sound of thunder in the sky. The moment dark clouds gathered overhead, the stuffy air began to become thinner.But I didn't dare to look forward to the rain at all, for fear that my unbearable body would be destroyed by a heavy rain.


My unsatisfied stomach screamed as if to prove what it means that "the house leaks and it rains all night long", and my whole stomach was twisted so hard that it hurt. When I took off my pants and squatted in the mountains, I felt from the process of defecation. Got the second bad news.

(End of this chapter)

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