The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 112 Why haven’t I seen you?

Chapter 112 Why haven’t I seen you?

"What are they talking about?"

I looked at the woman in the room and asked. The woman obviously understood what I said. She opened her mouth and then closed it again.

That's when the orangutan's cry came.

When I walked to the window to see what happened, I saw him standing next to an orangutan, covering the orangutan's wound with a piece of textile, and the other end of the textile went into the barrel, bit by bit. Orangutan blood is released.

This is the first time I have seen the dyeing process of gorilla velvet. It turns out that the small pieces of gorilla velvet are not dyed by soaking in blood, but by using the blood splashed from the injured area to flow down the textile.

In this way, the blood will soak into every fiber of the textile, including the woven roots.

No wonder it doesn't fade.

"Amu, do you still want orangutan meat?"

When he carried the wooden bucket full of blood into the house, I saw the orangutan wool floating in the blood. I guessed that there should be follow-up to the craftsmanship of this thing. If it is so simple, it does not take that long to learn.

"We want the meat, but please keep the fur away from us. That thing will bring us bad luck."

"I'll handle it."

After the woman finished speaking, she suddenly looked at me.

He didn't feel there was any secret in these words, so he spoke in Chinese, and the woman responded in Chinese. The moment I didn't realize there was anything, her psychological defense line was touched.

He walked into the house with his hands full of donated blood, sat next to me and said, "Just take a rest here. My friend will be back before dark."

"Is it safe here?"

He looked at me and nodded heavily.

This time, he opened his heart and said: "If we calculate it by region, we should be in..."

He used cutlery on the table to make a picture for me. In the picture, Meng Neng is the largest bowl on the table. 729 is next to Meng Neng, and where we are, he uses another bowl to represent it. Tell me, that bowl is the base camp of the drug lord, and its sphere of influence is very large, completely covering our location.

We are now within the sphere of influence of drug lords, so we pass by places like mines and meat factories.

Here, the people in the park and the green soldiers in charge of the park are not allowed to enter. Even if they suspect that someone has escaped into this area, the ones who come to arrest them are the green soldiers from the drug lord's lair.

As for this village, it used to grow poppies for drug lords, so they are very close to the drug lords' base camp.

Many villagers in the village even used to process small pleasures for drug lords in their villages. However, the rise of modern technology has meant that drug lords can no longer use so many people. This has left many young people to work as soldiers or in their spare time. There was no choice, otherwise Nawu would not have been able to take away so many people at once.

This Amu's house is the only restaurant and trading post in the village. Every time he goes into the mountains, he will bring some food and daily necessities from here, so he owes a lot of money.

But the surprises don’t end there!
"The Nawu group you mentioned are coming in and out here. Aren't the drug lords afraid of exposing their positions?"

I asked puzzled.

He looked at me puzzled: "Who are you afraid of being exposed?"

In one sentence, all my questions were put back in my stomach.

All the power belongs to Lao Qiao, and the people in the mountains are his weapons. In this place where one hand covers the sky, what does it mean to be exposed?

If you go to report someone in the mountains who is manufacturing or selling drugs under such circumstances... what is the difference between that and seeking death?
Even if the matter is made bigger through the Internet and public opinion, the worst case scenario is that Old Qiao puts on his mask of justice, sends troops from Meng Neng to wipe out the villages in the mountains, and then finds a scapegoat, it is just a show. In a scene, who is the unlucky one in the end?
Then he seemed to understand what I was going to say and asked, "Why should we be exposed?" He looked at me with wide eyes and asked seriously.

There is no concept of law in his mind. Even though he knows that drugs are not a good thing, what he thinks in his mind is that all drug users have no ability to control themselves.

Why doesn't he smoke?

He doesn't even think that fraud is a crime. I can see this from the attitude of the entire village towards 'red tickets'.

Do you still remember that after the Mekong River Massacre, how many local people protected him during the arrest of Nuo Kang?

What's the difference between this and today's Lao Qiao?
"You should take a rest first while I take care of the orangutan skin."

He went out.

I lay down on the spot, resting my head on my hands and thinking about their lives.

They have been accompanied by evil, poison, hatred and death since they were born. What they see in their eyes are winners and losers, the rise and fall of drug lords one after another. Who else can they regard as heroes?
I closed my eyes and couldn't imagine how I would live in such a village and family if I was born. Maybe I would be like this group of people, disregarding the law and morality in order to make every penny more.

No, from the simple and naive eyes of these people, I can see that they seem to be unable to understand the meaning of similar words at all, or in other words, these words have never existed in their minds.

They just want to live.

I am asleep.


When the sound of gongs woke me up, lights were already lit in the wooden house, flashlights were shaking continuously in the village, and the roar of cars was right next to my ears.

I woke up with a start. After I got up, I squatted by the window. I saw green pickup trucks parked outside the window. In front of the pickup trucks, green soldiers were beating gongs in the village.


He came just in time. When he entered the house, he was carrying a piece of national clothing. When we met, he said to me: "Hurry up and return the clothes, hurry up!"

I started to change my clothes in a hurry, not knowing what was happening!
"what happened?"

He replied: "In the past, if a drug lord received a large order with a relatively large shipment volume and a tight delivery time, he would hire all the surrounding villagers to help with production in the village. However, this situation has been going on for a long time in recent years. It’s never happened before, and I don’t know what happened this time.”

He stuffed the clothes I took off under the dining table, then took my hand and walked out of the courtyard.

At that moment, I happened to see many people in the village walking out of their houses after the sound of the gong.

"Everyone, listen up. Now we need you to work in the village. The working hours will last until tomorrow night. The men will be responsible for the physical lifting work, and the women will be responsible for packaging and cooking. The fee is fifty dollars a day."

I couldn’t understand what the green soldier said, but I saw everyone in the village’s eyes lit up. Some even shouted: “Count me in!”

"It's not that you are counted as one, but that one is counted as one!"

"Now, everyone get on board!"

Just as I hesitantly looked at the villagers crawling towards the green pickup truck, a man in a green military uniform came over, slapped his huge palm on my chest, and asked: "Who are you? ?Why haven’t I seen you?”

(End of this chapter)

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