The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 113 Now you are no longer human

Chapter 113 Now you are no longer human

The green soldier said he had never seen me!

In other words, the green-skinned soldier was more familiar with this village than I imagined. He might have come from this village...

Judging from the escape process along the way, my captors not only entered the mountain from the 729 Park, but also searched backwards from the mountain. Then, they must have known that a stranger ran out of the park. Later we entered the mountains.

At this time, the boy who sent me all the way into the mountains must be in a nervous state of being exposed and confused. If I say the wrong thing at this time, it will be equivalent to committing suicide...

So I used the international language!


"Aba, aba aba, aba, aba aba aba!"

I talked and gestured all the time, imitating the little mute I had seen in prison, and finally pointed a finger at my ear and kept moving my hand.

He let out a long breath and didn't dare to stand next to me until now: "Ge Gang, he learned to make orangutan velvet from me, and he is mute."

"Ge Gang" is not a name, but an honorific for soldiers, just like the "Wu" in front of the name in Myanmar does not represent the surname, but refers to the gentleman, and "Du" refers to the woman.

Obviously, they know each other.

The green-skinned soldier walked over and said excitedly, "Have you started taking on apprentices?"

"It seems that you have indeed made a lot of money from the orangutan velvet thing."

He quickly lowered his head, fearing that others would see his nervousness after telling a bad lie: "No, our family still owes a lot of money for fireworks."

The green-skinned soldier shrugged and said, "Who can afford to pay back the money for fireworks? Isn't it that we who join the army can take some free for the elderly at home every month?"

After that, he continued working and shouted to everyone: "Get in the car, everyone get in the car!"

The young man and I got into the same car. A long army-green pickup truck pulled away all the men and women in the village almost instantly, turned around, and drove down the mountain road.

I even saw searchlights rising up about two mountains behind me on the mountain road. It seemed that the 729 Park's search for me was not over yet, but they could not go any further.

The pickup truck plunged into the valley between the mountains while swaying, and finally moved forward along the mountain road at the bottom of the valley.

There, I saw a huge village across the middle of the valley. It almost occupied the flattest position in the valley. It was almost impossible to cross here and continue north into Bangkang.

"Open the door!"

The gate of the village opened, and when green pickup trucks filed in, the entire village was already brightly lit with lights.

"Get out of the car and get out of the car."

I jumped out of the car and saw green soldiers all over the mountains and plains. It was impossible to tell how many people there were. They stood casually in the village chatting with cigarettes in their mouths, and would look at us from time to time. At first glance, but after one glance, he would turn his head away, as if he had already become accustomed to all this.

"Get ready to start work!" No one assigned work, these villagers all looked like skilled workers.

The women all walked towards the cauldron where the black substance was being simmered over a fire. When they got closer, they began to stir;
The men walked to the nearby house, picked up the woven bags one by one, and moved out.

When I followed him into the room, I saw white bags all over the room and masks on the table next to them.I really wanted to reach out and get it, but I saw that no one here was wearing a mask at all, so I could only lower my head and grab a bag, put it on my shoulder, and followed the group out.

Without anyone to guide them, the people in front took the initiative to walk under a straw shed. Someone was already working in that straw shed. Eminem, who got off the car late, was standing by the straw shed taking off his clothes.

She took off her clothes until she was completely naked before entering the straw shed. In this case, after watching a group of us place the bags on the table, we took over the weight scale and laminating machine sent by the green soldiers. .

When the entire thatched shed was filled with woven bags, it was so full that Amu and the other workers had no place to stand. Only then did we, a group of men, squat on the edge of the shed to rest. Then, it was the work of the women.

They were very fast, and in almost an hour they turned the bags full of little joys into long, oily yellow packages. These were all put aside, and the cruelest thing happened at this moment.

A group of green soldiers broke into a thatched hut and drove out a group of people. I could get a few words from these people: "What are you doing!" ', 'Aren't we talking about compensation! ', 'My family is already raising money, and I will soon be able to repay the money from the casino.' I analyzed the identities of this group of people, because I understood every word that each of them said.

Even though some people still have accents.

Then, the green soldiers walked into the grass shed carrying a cardboard box. Our group of people wearing national costumes and those wearing ordinary clothes were clearly divided into two groups.

"Put these on first."

The green soldiers poured a bunch of things like "Zero Degree" and "Du-Les" on the table. Amu and the others picked them up casually. After tearing the outer packaging, they picked up the wine funnel and poured the white wine into it. powder.

After everything was packaged, three or four more covers were placed on the outside of each small ball. Some people with lazy hands almost didn't want to hold up the hard-to-open thing after just one more cover.

When the cardboard box was full, the green soldier took it away and put it in front of the person in front of him: "Here, swallow all these things, and then enter the country. After entering the country, someone will pick you up there and take the things away." Come out and the debt between us will be cleared."

The group of people looked at each other, but no one was willing to move first. It was obvious that they had all seen this behavior on TV.

The green-skinned soldier was not used to it at all. He raised his hand to the sky and pulled the trigger, saying in broken Chinese: "Hurry up!"

One of the men took a step forward and tried to pick up the smallest package and put it in his mouth. As soon as he put it in his mouth, he spat it out and squatted on the ground vomiting wildly.

The green-skinned soldier ignored him completely and said to the others: "You'd better be careful. If it breaks while swallowing, even the gods can't save you."

"I will not eat!"

A very strong man came out and said: "I would rather go back and commit fraud!"

When he opened his mouth, another person also stood up: "We are human beings after all, and what you are doing is so inhumane!"

They may have felt that the saying that "the law does not punish the public" is still valid here, and they wanted to rely on the courage of the first person to join the group to keep warm. Who knows that this green soldier ignored life and directly shot the second person? Then he looked at the corpse coldly: "You are no longer a human being."

Then, he held the gun and looked at everyone: "I am indeed inhumane. So, will you eat me?"

(End of this chapter)

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