Chapter 114
Where my eyes focus is on people wearing national costumes.

They were doing their work quickly and unmoved. Occasionally, the corners of their mouths would be slightly raised, like noble people enjoying a tenor singing in the auditorium.

They looked at this group of people with shock in their eyes, as if they were watching a performance.

The most interesting thing is that the arrogance you often see on the streets of China, in places with complete legal protection, can never be seen here.In this village, no one would puff out his chest and shout at the green soldiers: "What can you do to me!" unless he was crazy.

"No, brother, you said we didn't say we wouldn't pay back the money. Look, what are you doing..."

A woman started to talk softly, but the green soldier still raised the muzzle of his gun without mercy and fired the gun directly.

She fell straight to the ground, and the rest of the people didn't have any nonsense. They immediately walked to the little happy one and each picked the smallest one, which was easier to swallow.

If what I saw in the park is called "evil deceit", then what I saw here can only be called "cruel". The cruelty is not oblique at all, it is so straightforward that you cannot accept it.

Those people, unable to resist, began to riot, and two people even scolded each other for the joy of grabbing the smallest bag.

Very capable.

It’s time to become more capable!

"Start work, start work!"

The first batch of things to be moved out was packed, and all the people in national costumes started to get up and run towards the second thatched hut. I was deliberately late and watched the group of people get into the car and was sandwiched by three green pickup trucks. It took a greenskin soldier to kick him and stand up.

Good thing I'm pretending to be deaf.

I also heard him saying something unintelligible to another greenskin soldier. I guess it was: "It's really hard to make a deaf mute." or something like that.

That thatched house contained another kind of small happiness, all of which were crystal blocks. These crystals were wrapped in plastic bags one by one and put into woven bags.There is also a table in this room with various experimental utensils placed on it.

I don't have much recognition for this thing, and I don't really know what those colorful liquids are.

My understanding of this thing all comes from state propaganda and the big brothers I watched when I was in mixed society.

By the way, I have another source, which is an American TV series called "Breaking Bad". At that time, I felt that the TV series had few lines and was not exciting, so I gave up after watching it for a while.

We carried the crystals out of the thatched house and rearranged them under the pergola. Amu and the others started to pack them naked again, using the same weight scale and laminating machine, but this time, there were no mules to transport them. Goods.

We loaded the packed goods directly from the shed into the truck, covered them with rainproof cloth, and then blatantly pulled them out of the village.

I don't know where these things are shipped to, but I know that this place will continue to produce them.

At that moment, it was dawn.

"Eat, eat!"

A group of Wa women came over carrying wooden buckets, and others carried wooden bowls and spoons.

Needless to say, the food here is better than in the park. The green soldiers provided us with a bucket full of curry rice and a bucket full of sour honey meat. The third bucket also contained a lot of cucumbers mixed with chili peppers.

I secretly took a look at the food of those green soldiers, and they ate exactly the same as our group.

I seem to know why those people came to serve as soldiers. At least I can't keep my mouth shut here.

I was busy eating when the young man came up to me, holding the rice bowl and asked very carefully: "Did you open your mouth to speak?"

There was no one next to us, so he said the Chinese sentence in his lowest voice.

I didn't dare to answer, I just shook my head.

"Just now a soldier asked me if you were really deaf and mute. I was shocked."

"Remember, no matter what, you won't be able to open your mouth even if you're beaten to death, do you hear me?"

I nod again.

After finishing the meal, everyone got an hour's rest. At that time, a lot of people fell asleep under the pavilion, and the men and women were just lying there casually. No one cared about whether they were wearing clothes or not.

When I woke up again, I saw a few people in white coats entering a room full of glassware. At the same time, the group of green soldiers selected a few Wa people who could be named and walked in to help, and we should Boil the poppy, boil the poppy, and continue to work hard and work hard when it is time to work hard.

I stayed busy until noon, and after getting enough goods from those rooms, everyone stopped working.

"Everyone!" An officer came out of the village, holding two stacks of U.S. dollars in his hand.

When he opened the dollar bills in his hand, the two green soldiers behind him immediately took out a whole bucket of white powder and a whole woven bag of crystal nuggets.

"Today's work ends here."

"As we agreed before, you will each be paid $50."

"However, the general is very satisfied with the progress of your work and is willing to increase the price to $100 per person!"

Can you blame them for being willing to work for drug lords?
In Meng Neng, a soldier can't make much money in a year, but here in the drug lord's place, one person can earn one hundred US dollars by working for one night and taking out for one morning!
"Or, you can choose goods of equal value and take them away."

Eminem immediately stood up and said: "I don't want money, I want goods." At this time, I almost understood what the other thing being traded in her small restaurant was.

Obviously, the price of this thing here is ex-factory. As long as it is taken out, there will be a huge profit gap.

When almost everyone chose to take the goods, he walked towards the officer and stretched out his hand normally.

He chose money.

And everyone else’s scars healed and they forgot about the pain!

The officer did not hesitate, took out two bills and handed them to him: "This is for the two of you. Well, don't you need to ask him whether he chooses the goods?"

Without saying a word, he turned around and handed me the one hundred dollars.

This group of green-skin soldiers treat the Wa people pretty well. They don't beat or scold them at work, or even push them, and they will never withhold money when it's time to give them. No wonder many people are willing to act as spies for them.

I held the hundred dollars in my hand and continued to squat under the pergola with everyone else. The women who entered the pergola finally began to put on their clothes after being inspected by the green soldiers. At this moment, outside the village, another woman The team team is back.

These vehicles were covered with mud, as if they were going off-road in the mountains, and the green soldiers on the vehicles jumped out one by one after the vehicle stopped.

The greenskin soldier who handed out the money asked the leading soldier in the car: "Have you caught anyone?"

"Where can we catch him? There are more than 100 visible hills in our area. Isn't it easy to hide someone?"

"What should I do?"

"What else can we do? Can he hide in the mountains all his life? Won't he appear on the street sooner or later? With this kind of person's understanding of Meneng, as long as he appears on the street, he will be caught. Don't worry Bar."

"Could he have escaped?"


"If you want to escape from the mountains, you can only pass through us. Have you seen anyone?"

He slowly walked up to me and said, "I'll catch you."

I quickly lowered my head, pretended to be stupid and twisted my body, found a straw stick under the pergola, and scribbled on the ground randomly.

"wait for me."

The officer who handed out the money walked over to us and said like a pig: "Now, everyone, get in the car. The driver will send you back. Everyone get in the car."

And I watched helplessly as he rushed towards another boy and muttered: "Send him away tonight and kill him on the way!" It was Burmese.

"rest assured."

The two of them were talking and got on the back of the pickup truck. At this moment, a golden watch fell to the ground with a 'click' sound.

The officer responsible for distributing money to them bent down and picked up the watch. At that time, I saw nervousness written on their faces.

"Which of you two owns the watch?"

"When someone went to your village, what did they exchange for this thing?"

"This is a fake watch, you let people deceive you."

(End of this chapter)

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