The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 115 Her fascinating outlook

Chapter 115 Her mysterious views
In an instant, the faces of the four people in the car changed drastically at the same time.

The first one is me!
I have never carried a Rolex, even if it was a blue code, and it is impossible for me to have the awareness to distinguish the authenticity of a Rolex;

The second one was him, he looked like he had been tricked, his face was full of embarrassment, and the moment he turned to look at me, he was full of anger;
The third thing is that he always murmurs about the Wa young man, who glares at him;
The fourth one is Eminem.

"Ge Gang, you said this watch is fake?"

The officer immediately said: "It must be fake, I am the real one."

He unbuttoned his cuffs and showed his wrist. On his wrist, a shiny gold watch was hanging there, but the watch chain was a bit long.

"This is a reward from Lao Qiao. At the previous martial arts competition, our camp came in third place. We got such a watch without getting the first million."

"After I got this watch, I looked at it every day. I know exactly what it looks like. If you look at your watch again and look at the English letters, it's obviously different from my watch."

"Could it be a different model?"

"Except for the details, is there anything different between our two watches?"

The two young men stared at the officer for a long time and said to each other: "This letter is indeed a little different..."

"Do you understand this time?"

"Next time, don't be stupid and exchange things with others. I heard that such fake watches can cost up to several hundred yuan in Yunnan."

"But there's nothing valuable in your village, so it's not really a loss."

At that moment, I made the cheeks of the two young men and Eminem look hot. The most important thing is, how did I know that the seemingly heroic and heroic Rolex tossed by the big boss of the park was actually a fake!
"let's go."

The officer pushed the two of them into the car, and then shouted at the village door: "Open the door!" in Burmese. The moment the group of green soldiers slowly opened the village door, the first green car When the pickup truck drove out smoothly, I had already clenched my fists.

I thought about it, as long as I got out of the car, there would be a fierce fight. Shouldn't these two boys just throw their big rural fists at me the moment the green soldiers disappeared?
That village is someone else's territory, and if there's a fight, a group of people will probably swarm us. This situation is almost the same as when I went to the countryside to collect debts as a blue code.

"Wait a moment!"

Just when the car we were riding in was about to pass through the village gate, the officer from before ran towards the village gate. The driver, who had not closed the window, braked and stopped the car at the village gate. I He turned around and watched the officer catch up with the car.

He asked breathlessly: "Was there a deaf-mute just now?"

No one in the car spoke.

I saw clear fear in his eyes!
The officer spoke again: "Speak, is there a deaf-mute person?"

The moment those words I didn't understand came out of the officer's mouth, everyone in the car turned their heads, as if they were resisting this job, and his eyes were full of worry, as if he was afraid of what would happen.

The next second, Eminem suddenly stood up with angry eyes, pointed at me with his index finger and said: "He, he is the deaf-mute!"

Eminem's face was full of anger and she looked like a tigress. She obviously already knew the origin of this watch. When she deliberately said this sentence in Chinese in front of me, even the officer was stunned. For a moment, the officer seemed unable to understand why the woman suddenly spoke in Chinese.

What I can't understand is Eminem's values ​​after knowing all this.

She understood every word and every request he said to his son from the beginning. I was the only one who couldn't understand Burmese at that time.In that situation, this woman didn't even realize that it was very dangerous for someone to seek out her son for murder. Instead, after the watch was discovered, she burst out with all her anger.

What kind of chaotic outlook does it take to create such a woman?
The officer hooked his hand at me and said, "Get out of the car."

I turned my head and looked around, my heart was beating wildly, I had no idea what the situation was.

At this moment, his pupils were dilating, and he was obviously worried that someone like me, the 'mule', would discover my true identity. At the same time, he looked at Eminem in surprise, his face full of the feeling that someone had suddenly messed up his plan. Then I was caught off guard.

I stood up slowly and walked to the car in confusion. Before I could jump down, the officer pulled me down and shouted toward the door: "Let's go!" neatly.

I looked back, at the three people staring at me in the back of the pickup truck, and watched them move away from me and disappear into the jungle after the car turned the corner.

This is a moment that no one can stop. Those Wa people have no ability to refuse the greenskin soldier's request, and neither do I.

They cannot reveal my identity as a deaf mute, otherwise, they will be working with me to deceive these greenskins;

I couldn't even open my mouth to speak. Almost all of us were lying in an inexplicable lie, forming a complete closed loop!
A self-inflicted closed loop!Now, I finally understand what the old man's saying 'telling the truth is always the least expensive' means.

"Let's go."

The officer yelled at me when I was least interested in looking at him.

I never expected that this kind of thing would happen so suddenly. I was still preparing for what would happen after the pickup truck entered the village, but I found that I was not even qualified to go back.

"Hey, I forgot, you're still deaf."

He walked up to me and grabbed my arm with his hand, and I turned around as if to react. This time the officer didn't even say a word and pulled me forward.

Along the way, no one looked at me twice because of the Wa costume I was wearing;
And my eyes seem to have just grown and are completely inadequate.

I saw the generator humming in the thatched house;

I saw a group of officers barbecuing and drinking outside the house;
I saw someone cleaning a gun, and someone standing next to a barrel wiping their body with a towel...

Only I don’t see where the road ahead should lead.

He led me outside a very ordinary thatched house, pointed to the broom at the door, and then brought it to me, seeming to have forgotten the fact that he was deaf, and said, "Cleaning, okay?"

In fact, I am almost deaf. After all, I can’t understand the Burmese he speaks.

The officer was so anxious that he scratched his hair that had not been washed for several days and thought for a long time. He pulled me closer to the thatched hut and demonstrated it to me personally.

He first simply swept the floor with a broom, then wiped the table twice with a rag. After completing these two gestures, he pointed at me and asked, "Do you understand?"

This fool could understand, and then I quickly took the linen cloth, and while wiping the table, I turned back and smiled at him.

He was very satisfied: "Yes, yes, yes, yes!" He then snatched the linen from my hand, threw it on the table, and led me out of the thatched room to the innermost part of the village. .

There are several tile-roofed houses here, which are very grand. He tried his best to make me understand: "You, come here and clean them at six o'clock every morning."

"Clean again before the sun goes down in the evening..."

As we were talking, the man in the white coat we had seen before came back. When he entered the room, he sat down on the chair angrily, with a look of reluctance on his face: "I quit!"

"You, what about you!"

"Call your general here tomorrow and tell him that I quit and let him destroy me."

"There is nothing here, but he told me that he must produce ice with a purity of over 90%. Are you treating me like a juggler?"

"I'm a cook!"

“It’s hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice, do you understand?”

After hearing this, the officer looked at me again and responded in blunt Chinese: "We can't decide what you said, but we can help you convey it."

"Then go and convey it!"

After saying that, he pointed at me and said, "What does this mean?"

"Looking for someone to watch me?"

The officer immediately explained: "This is the person we hired to help you clean up your room. He is deaf and can't speak yet, so he is relatively safe."

"A bunch of idiots."

I looked at the officer's angry eyes, then glanced at the angry man opposite, and lowered my head silently.

I seem to know why this officer left me behind, and I also understand why he said before that the officer began to pay attention to the word 'deaf-mute'!
(End of this chapter)

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