The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 116 The less important the better

Chapter 116 The less important the better
I'm stuck here.

When I was led to the thatched house by the officer, there were two more green soldiers standing guard outside.

The food was delivered by a special person, and it could not be delivered into the house. It was only delivered to the door and then passed into the house by the two green soldiers.

In this environment, I took over the food and replenished my energy.

The man in the white coat must be a cook.

The so-called cooks are people who understand chemistry and can make poison. They make ice, and the requirement above is that the purity must reach 90%.

As for me, I serve the cook.

Because I was a 'deaf-mute' and a 'Wa' nationality, and was brought back from the village by these officers, they placed me next to the cook.

Thinking of this, I immediately put down my rice bowl, turned around and looked through the window behind the thatched house. Sure enough, there were two green soldiers standing there behind the house. One was smoking with his foot on the edge of the barrel, and the other was holding a cigarette. He was holding a gun and talking to the man next to him.

In other words, I am serving the cook, and I am actually being escorted by four greenskin soldiers...

There seems to be something wrong with this, right?
It was late at night, and I lay in bed tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep. I didn't even close my eyes until dawn.

This night, the green soldiers at the door changed three times, which means there were twelve green soldiers looking at me. I am just serving the cook, am I that important?Didn't they already know that I was a 'deaf mute'?

In the early morning, I climbed out of bed on time. The moment I opened the door, the two green soldiers at the door were ready to follow me.

I slowly walked towards the house that the officer took me to. As soon as I entered the house, the stench that filled the house made me squint my eyes.

There are wine bottles everywhere in this house...

Vomit can be seen everywhere in this house...

I fucking suspected that the cook was in the house!

I opened the door to let the early morning air enter the room. After a long time, I turned around from the door and got in again, and started to collect the wine bottles all over the room.

The wine is not in Chinese, I can’t understand the words on it at all, but I’m definitely not in English;

On the table, there are excellent salmon sashimi and tempura, and I am certain that even in Mongneng, there is no restaurant that can serve island cuisine, at least in the neighborhoods I have seen. Not inside.

How much does it cost to transport this table of island dishes to a place like the mountains?
This kid can be said to be the most popular person in the village, right?
I just don't know if people can satisfy him as much as they do now when he wants to live.

After cleaning up the outside, when I walked back into the house, I saw three people lying on the bed in the back room at a glance, a man and two women. I even took a second look curiously, because I was vaguely in the room. , I seem to have seen a woman with stubble...


I heard the cough at the door, but I didn't look back until I felt someone kick me on the back, and then I turned around and looked over.

I warned myself last night that I must remember my identity as a "deaf-mute". Turning back at this time is almost like courting death!
This is not a park!
I looked at the green-skinned soldier with horrified eyes, then quickly bent down to pick up the filthy things on the ground, and then backed out of the room. When I came back in, I covered the vomit with a handful of soil. on and slowly remove it.

During the whole process, the green-skinned soldier was always there. It wasn't until I gently cleaned the entire room that I withdrew.

Sometimes I really wonder, what are these green soldiers trying to do?

With this little work, what can't they do by themselves?
Wouldn't this reduce the chance of leaks?

After finishing the work, I was led back to the room by the green soldiers. I spent the whole morning like I was in prison, and then I saw a Wa woman carrying a wooden bucket to deliver food.At that time, I wanted to test how well I was being watched. I stood at the window and shouted excitedly at the door: "Abba, Abba, Abba."

Then he opened the door and walked over quickly.

It wasn't until I took the bucket from the woman and ran back into the house that I saw the woman saying mockingly: "It's been a long time since I've eaten."

The green-skinned soldier responded with the same mockery: "He, since he was detained yesterday, he was so scared that he couldn't sleep all night. How can he not be hungry until now?"

But what I felt was that these two green soldiers didn't seem to be super tight on me. Otherwise, the moment I rushed out, they would have picked up their guns instead of lazily following me.

Even when I was walking back with the barrel, these two people should have looked nervous, and they should never have been chatting so casually.

In this way, almost every one of these soldiers knows the 'unimportance' of my being here. All they want to ensure is that 'I exist' and do their 'job' well.

Fortunately I'm not too important...

This is the first time in my life that I am glad that I am not important!
After finishing the meal, I placed the painted wooden barrels at the door. The two green soldiers just looked back at me.

I didn't dare to explore further. Even if the idea of ​​"sending the barrel to the kitchen to try" came into my mind, I stopped it abruptly.

I have to be careful and careful.

Everyone has fled here from the park, and no accidents are allowed!
Dusk came as promised, and after I walked out of the thatched house, I appeared in front of the house again. When I walked in, except for a few pieces of clothes on the floor, this room actually didn't need much cleaning.

Because there is almost no one here all day long. This is what the quilt on the bed that has not been folded and untouched tells me, because when I came in the morning, the cook had not woken up, so I had no way to fold it. quilt.

There is also the ashtray that I cleaned out in the morning and is still clean without a trace of ash, which also proves all this.

I packed up the house again and walked out of the room with the pile of laundry. When I was about to go to the river in the village to clean the clothes, the man in the white coat was followed by a green-skinned officer. Walked back.

He held a satellite phone in his hand, and I could understand every word he said on the phone, but I couldn't make any reaction.

"Old Qiao, I have told you many times that in this environment, it is impossible for me to make products with such high purity!"

"I need a better environment, an absolutely sterile environment!"

"What? You're already preparing the lab?"

"Then don't rush me. Before a sterile laboratory is built here, it will be impossible to produce such a high degree of purity."

"There's no point in urging me!"

"You should always remember that high purity is the result of every bit of scientific rigor, not just talking about it!"

"Also, it's best to get all your dogs away. I don't like having to be watched when I do anything!"

"If you still treat me like a prisoner, then I will do the same as last time and tell everyone in the village the simple synthesis method of this thing, so that this group of people will be like the green-skinned soldier before. Whatever treasure I got, I will turn around and betray you!"

"Anyway, once it's in your hands, it's almost the same as death!"

(End of this chapter)

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