Chapter 130 teaches you a trick (Thanks to Sakyamuni for the two rewards!)
When the cook took out the five kilograms of food, the boy's chin was raised to the sky, and even the ditty he hummed became "piao piao piao piao piao piao".

If I remember correctly, the source of this song should be Jay Chou's "Initial D". Of course, there is also a photography master in it who has sparked national interest.

At that time, I was lying on my stomach in the thatched house, lying on the window and looking at the entire village. From the machine gun position guarded by heavy machine guns at the entrance of the village, I could see the apron that was built at a large cost, but I didn't really look at the plane.

Yes, there is a helipad in the village that can park a helicopter;
Just like the cook dared to quarrel with Old Qiao today, everything seemed so unequal.

"Old Joe."

He stepped into the room, and I no longer had to worry about whether being attracted by the sound would turn my head away to show that I was not deaf-mute.

The cook threw the goods directly on Lao Qiao's Eight Immortals table, and then said excitedly: "It's ready for mass production. The total volume of the first mass production has reached five kilograms!"

"Haha, let's send it!"

Lao Qiao was holding a basin and stirring fish food. He turned around and said, "Have you tested it?"

The cook said happily: "Not only have I tested it, I also drank a pot myself!"

I kind of know how he dared to do the whole "rat licking the cat's pussy" thing.

"Good job."

Old Qiao's hands were all sticky with fish food, but he had never touched the things on the table. The mass production of something that could bring him huge wealth was worth saying to this old man, "Well done." '.

The cook was very dissatisfied with Lao Qiao's state and was about to argue, but Lao Qiao glanced at my room from a distance and waved at me.

"Yang Rong."

The officer walked over before me, and Lao Qiao said to 'Yang Rong': "Let's arrange it for him, find a courtyard, and let him play as he wants."

Yang Rong nodded seriously, grabbed the cook's arm, and left.

When I entered the room, Lao Qiao thrust the fish bowl into my hands and said, "Come on."

I sat in his room and stirred the fish food in the fish bowl until it became more and more sticky, while Lao Qiao himself slowly walked into the colored steel rooms. When he came back, I saw that he had something in his hand. I got a small card-type thing. I have seen this thing in a digital camera.


The green soldiers who had been guarding outside my thatched house walked in with guns on their backs. Old Qiao handed over the magnetic card without any hesitation about my presence and said: "Send them back to Meneng and let them follow the steps without making any mistakes." , when you make the product with 90% purity, give me a call."

The green-skinned soldier left. He left the yard and shouted at the door. Dozens of people shouted out. The group of people drove four pickup trucks and rushed out of the village with a cloud of smoke and dust.

Lao Qiao looked at me unmoved and asked a little disappointedly: "Why aren't you surprised at all?"

I didn't even raise my head: "What's so surprising?"

I'm not surprised at all, because this is the old Joe I know!

He couldn't have installed the color steel house at night to give the cook a surprise. He just wanted to prevent the cook from seeing it when the color steel house was installed and setting up the cameras. Otherwise, how could this old man go to bed so early every day and suddenly stay up late to work? live?
Moreover, I believe that everything the cook and the officer said would fall into his ears, but it didn't make Old Qiao murderous. Isn't it strange?

Could it be because your cook is handsome?

Pull it down!

He is waiting for you to finish shaking off all the work in your hands! !

Isn’t it true that just after the goods were mass-produced, the cooks were kicked out in the name of rewards?

How reasonable is it for an old man who doesn't want his own small courtyard to be too noisy and lets his subordinates who have made meritorious deeds go to another courtyard to enjoy wine and meat.The idiot-like chef is still flying!
I looked at the flaming clouds on the horizon and slowly curled my lips. The cook was probably not quite sure that his life had reached dusk until this second, as if the sky was the same.

"Aren't you just afraid that if you don't kill him, he will have a hand in this?"

Lao Qiao looked at me with a wicked smile on his face: "Then what do you think I should do to make this kid show off all his spare hands?"

I shook my head. I really didn't expect that one was the cook who knew that he would die if he told all the answers, and the other was the mighty king who knew that even if he was tortured, he would not be able to tell the other person. How could he guess this?
Lao Qiao pointed at the tip of my nose and said, "I'll teach you a trick today."

He waved to another greenskin soldier at the door, and waited for him to come closer: "Go and bring over those batches of goods that were not pure enough before."

Those batches of goods that are not pure enough?
I think of those things that are very close to 90%.

After the green soldiers brought these batches of goods, Lao Qiao casually took out a piece and threw it into a plastic bag. After stuffing the extra goods under the bed, he said to the green soldiers: "Bring me the cook." , remember, put the gun to your head and don’t smile at all, bring it back!”

At that moment, I slapped my thigh!
"You're sick, you fucking scared me!"

Lao Qiao turned around and opened his mouth to scold me, but the scolding was worth it. This is something that others will never teach you. This is called the art of the emperor!
"stand up!"

Lao Qiao shouted to me: "Squatting on the edge." He pointed to the corner.

I squatted in the corner holding the basin.

Lao Qiao took the lead and said with joy: "I've been holding it in for a while. If you dare to show a smile, you will ruin the show. Be careful of those who eat by themselves."

He sat down slowly.

I spread a little fish food around and put the basin on the ground.

At this moment, Lao Qiao finally nodded at me. He may have felt that this was an angry scene.



"What are you doing!"

"What did I do to you!!!"

"Believe it or not, I asked Lao Qiao to kill you all!!!"

When the cook was brought back, he basically howled like a pig. Who do you think the green soldiers care about?One pulled his hair, others raised their limbs, and one pulled the gun bolt in front of him, making a "click, click" sound that was endless.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, the cook threw the greenskin soldiers to the ground.

Lao Qiao took off his clothes on the spot, took out his gun, and opened fire at the cook lying on the ground!
boom! boom! boom!
The cook lay on the ground and covered his head, not daring to move. It wasn't until the dust from the bullet settled in front of him that he raised his head in panic.

"Son of a bitch!"

Lao Qiao rushed over angrily, grabbed his hair, and put the muzzle of the gun between his eyebrows: "You want the island's national cuisine to be shipped to you by plane from Yangon, and you want the sterile laboratory to force these people under my command." Soldiers who know how to shoot will install a colored steel house for you. Damn it, if you want to play shemale, I will satisfy you. This is how you repay me!"

"what happened to me!"

The cook looked up with aggrieved expression!
 I have something to go out and will get home late today, so the other two chapters will be updated at twelve o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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