The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 131 Piao Piao Piao 1 Piao Piao

Chapter 131 Piao Piao Piao Piao Piao Piao (Thanks to Sakyamuni1666 for the tip!)
"what happened to you?"

"Take out that thing of yours and test it for me again to see how pure the stuff you produce is!"

I squatted in the room and stared with half my eye along the window sill. After hearing what Old Qiao said, I basically looked at the cook as if he were looking at a dead person.


"After mass production, I conducted comprehensive testing!"

Lao Qiao squatted down next to the cook viciously and cursed: "Then you mean, I'm so old and I'm just teasing you?"

The cook got up from the ground and rushed into the house quickly. After entering the house, he turned around and saw fish food on the floor, an overturned fish food basin, and me squatting in the corner. generate suspicion;
When I opened the plastic bag again, I found that the goods were exactly the same as what I had brought.

The cook immediately turned around and said, "Old Qiao, the purity of this batch must be over 90%!"

"I dare to put my head on it!"

Listening to the cook's roar, Lao Qiao walked into the room and took out a small piece that he secretly put in the plastic bag. This piece was almost invisible in the five kilograms of goods and could not be found at all.

"I bet you!"

"You are testing in front of me now!"

The cook frowned as if he was taking a gamble: "Just wait!"

He turned around and rushed to the color steel room and took out all the testing equipment.

When the cook smashed the crystal that Lao Qiao took out with his own hands, melted it and dropped it onto the instrument for testing, and when the value on the instrument came out with a result of 88.35%, he was completely stupid on the spot.

This is impossible.

I looked at the twisted expression on the cook's face and shouted these four words in my heart for him!

"How many?"

Lao Qiao stood next to him and tried his best to disrupt his thinking. The moment the cook fell into a state of confusion: "I ask you how much this is!!" Lao Qiao's voice shook him.

"No, Old Qiao, this is definitely not right. I personally inspected this batch of goods when they left the laboratory!"

"Then test it again!"

Old Qiao acted even more anxious than him, as if what Old Qiao cared about was not his life at all, but the purity of this batch of goods.

The cook didn't listen to Lao Qiao's words, and muttered as if he was possessed by a demon: "This batch of goods is mass-produced, and the purity should be consistent. I still remember that when I just tested it, the purity of the entire batch was 91.43%. This number It’s still dazzling in my eyes now…”

When, when, when.

Lao Qiao tapped the detection equipment with the muzzle of his gun and asked, "Then what's going on?"

"I asked you something!"

The cook rubbed his cheeks with his hands to wipe the sweat off his forehead and nose, then turned his head and looked at the plastic bag on the table.

He was very sure that the plastic bag was the one he took out, and even the general arrangement of the goods in the plastic bag had not changed;
Lao Qiao also took out the small pieces of broken crystals from this plastic bag. Everything is correct!
Why is the purity different? !
"wait for me a while."

The cook turned around and walked towards the color steel room. He began to check all the equipment over and over again. He was so nervous that he couldn't find the problem at all. He completely stayed where he was after checking the equipment.

He even thought about all the production procedures and still couldn't find the problem, so he kicked the trash can anxiously!
There was a 'boom' sound in my ears.

Lao Qiao did not move.

The green-skinned soldiers in the courtyard were ready with guns in hand!
Half an hour later, a shocking roar erupted in the Caigang room: "Isn't this more than 90%?"

The cook came out again with a tray, and in the tray was the crystal that had just been made!
At that moment, the cook was so angry that he trotted into Lao Qiao's room as if he had taken advantage of him!
He angrily poured the newly crystallized contents in the tray onto the table, and then said to Old Qiao: "Look!"

Immediately afterwards, he quickly completed the test according to the test steps. After finishing everything, he threw the test instrument in front of Old Qiao!

90.89%! !
The cook pointed at the number on the instrument and asked, "Is it more than 90%?"

"is not it!"

Lao Qiao asked him very carefully: "Is this...produced after checking every production step?"

The chef responded very seriously: "This was produced after I checked step by step, thought through all possible problems, and solved them again!"

"There is almost no difference from the products produced before!"

Lao Qiao casually swept the 88.35% goods from the table to the floor, then stood opposite the cook and said, "That's OK."

The cook didn't understand: "What do you mean?" He turned his head again. My legs were almost numb from squatting and I was about to stand up. Halfway through, I was a little embarrassed to stand up because the cook was staring at me.



The cook quickly opened the plastic bag containing five kilograms of goods, took out a small piece of crumbs, dissolved it in water, and tested it again...


When this number was displayed on the instrument, the cook felt like he was struck by lightning!

The next second, a green soldier walked into the colored steel room. From the colored steel room, he took out another magnetic card and handed it to Old Qiao. Old Qiao put the magnetic card into his pocket: "Don't tell me. .”

"You put your skills in bed every day and see if I can figure out what's going on here."

"Ha ha ha ha……"


Lao Qiao is too arrogant, as arrogant as a wolf that has to smack you after it has bitten you!

"The original purity of my goods is over 90%?" The cook looked at Lao Qiao and asked.

He seemed to be unwilling to ask about this matter thoroughly.

"Yes." Lao Qiao responded directly.

"It's you who mixed in substandard goods."

Lao Qiao pointed at him and said, "That's what you did before. Didn't you see that the conditions are the same?"

The cook asked again: "All this is just for me to demonstrate the whole process?"

"No, it's for you to check the entire process and solve all possible problems. I gave away the process you made, but this video is my instruction manual for solving all problems in the future."

The cook's face turned pale!

He looked at Lao Qiao: "Why!!"

This is not a problem, why is he clear in his heart!

But Lao Qiao replied: "Because if I ask you directly, you can't tell me."

"Because even if I tie you up and torture you every day, you will have to tighten your mind and think that as long as you get through it, I won't dare to kill you. After all, you represent money."

"Then how long do I have to struggle?"

The cook was unwilling to give in, especially unwilling: "But I have already made the previous products, why didn't you do it at that time?"

"Don't you have mass production yet?"

"Even if it's mass-produced, I guess you still have to hide your secrets."

"Only when you are scared, when you want to save your life, when you are so nervous that you feel like you are going to die if you don't prove yourself, can you show your true skills."

Beep, beep, beep.

the phone is ringing.

Lao Qiao reached out and picked up the satellite phone in the room. After listening to a few words, he replied: "Done?"

"Okay, Yang Rong, please bring everyone back." He hung up the phone casually.

The cook stared at Lao Qiao for a full minute and said angrily: "I..."

The gun went off.

Lao Qiao didn't even give him a chance to say his last curse words, he lifted up his clothes, took out his gun and pulled the trigger.

When he saw the body falling down, he stood in front of the body like an old naughty boy and sang: "Piao Piao Piao Piao Piao Piao..." After singing, he said to me: "What the hell are you singing about?" Son?"


(End of this chapter)

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