The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 135 A desperate counterattack!

Chapter 135 A desperate counterattack! (Thanks to Deng Xianghan for another 1666 tip!)
"did not find?"

"You fucking called me back just to tell me you couldn't find it?"

"Then do I need to drive to find it myself?!"


Lao Qiao held the phone and kept roaring like a lion. At that moment, I felt that Lao Qiao not only took the big boss seriously, but also started to feel pain.

In fact, all the plans laid out by Lao Qiao are very good. Whether he uses me as a fishing line to catch the big boss, or uses his power to force the big boss to submit, these are all using an invisible hand to hold the big boss's neck.

All he had to do was tilt his head and he would be behind bars.

But who knew that the big boss didn't play by common sense? This time he actually went out of his way and spent a lot of money to contact the boss of the Wa State!
Old Qiao is a little confused about what he is going to do, and he doesn't even know what this kid will do next. With his character, he will never allow anyone beyond his control to appear within his sphere of influence, so the big boss must die. .

In other words, Lao Qiao started to cheat.

In the game of 'Fried Golden Flower', you see that you only have 300 yuan left in your hand, and Lao Qiao directly introduces [-] yuan in the last move, so that even if you have the confidence to win, there is nothing you can do. and.

"He didn't go deliver the goods."

Lao Qiao finally squatted next to the doghouse and said this as if he had figured out something.

"What he wanted from the beginning was to use his strength to defeat me completely!"

When Lao Qiao looked back at me, his eyes revealed incomparable confidence. He firmly believed that he had touched the big boss' pulse this time.

"He knows that he can't defeat me in Meng Neng, but he is reluctant to give up the park and everything he has built with his own hands. He wants to bet his life on me!"

I really didn’t understand and asked, “What is he betting on? How can he bet!”

At that time, I really didn’t think that the big boss was qualified to sit in the same card game as Lao Qiao. Their ranks were not matched.

"His bet is always Zhu Yuanzhang! His bet is on the 90% purity!!"

I still don't understand.

Lao Qiao stood up immediately, grabbed my lapels with his hands and said, "You are so fucking stupid!"

"I've killed so many drug lords, and now there are so many unqualified cooks everywhere. Even if they can't produce good products, which cook can't test the purity of our products?"

Us, I heard the words that made my eyelids jump.

"As long as he is not in my signal blocking area, the entire process of testing the purity content can be clearly seen in the video. This time, you don't know who this kid is video chatting with, right? ?!”

Big boss!
The answer is already there.

Since he can contact the Wa State, he can naturally talk to Mr. Bao. Even if he is not qualified, the net content of more than 90% is definitely qualified.

If Dabao has seen this test, and it is still in the video that is not fake at all, what will be the next step?
He will send someone from Wa State to Menneng to pick up the big boss, taking with him the five kilograms of goods!

As long as this step is completed, the big boss will be alive, and the war in the entire Wa State will begin...

If the big boss wants to do this, he just needs to spend a lot of money!

Lao Qiao walked in a circle in the courtyard, but his eyes were fixed in one direction, as if his brain was constantly running rapidly while his body was moving mechanically.

Beep, beep, beep.

At this moment, the satellite phone in Lao Qiao's hand rang again!

When he picked up the phone, he looked at me carefully.

"Hello?" When his eyes fell on my face, he answered the phone and said this in a calm tone.

"Old Qiao? Me."

The sound insulation effect of the satellite phone was not very good. I walked away from Lao Qiao and entered again. When the other party said the first sentence, I immediately recognized that it was the big boss. Then I took a step forward and stood next to Lao Qiao.

"I'm on my way to the border now..."

There was no sound of traffic, he was lying!
"Getting ready to send the goods across the border."

"What, I suddenly remembered something." The big boss's voice didn't waver at all, and it sounded like he was chatting with an old friend.

"What's more important than delivering goods?"

Lao Qiao was deliberately delaying time.

"It's really more important than delivery." The big boss said calmly: "Last time I went to the village, I saw a deaf-mute man serving you, do you remember?" "I felt something was wrong at the time, but he I didn’t think much about wearing Wa costumes.”

"At that time, you let a group of soldiers rush in and shoot randomly. My brain was stunned. After I came back, I always felt like I had forgotten something. Just now, I suddenly remembered it."

"Do you remember that I reported someone who escaped from the park before? His name was Xu Ruifeng."

"I also ask you to search from the village to Menneng. We will search from Menneng to the village. We must catch him no matter what."

"it's him!"

"Absolutely him!"

The corners of Lao Qiao's mouth cracked and he revealed a cold smile: "What do you mean?"

"It's not my intention, but I am [-]% sure that the little mute next to you is Xu Ruifeng, who is wanted by a reward in our park!"

"Isn't the person still with you? If you don't believe it, arrest the person and interrogate him."

"Old Qiao, this man is very dangerous. He is a promiscuous person in China and has been in prison for ten years. He must have some purpose in hiding with you..."

Old Qiao's hand holding the satellite phone turned white at the joints!
He hated the big boss so much that he almost crushed the phone to pieces! !
What do you mean by putting off talking about such an important thing until now?
Do you think Lao Qiao is stupid?Just like a child, try to find something to trip up Lao Qiao so that you can quickly test the purity, right?

"Okay, I'll take control of this person right now, and we'll interrogate it together when you come back."

"Okay, then I'll deliver the goods and drive directly to the village."

The two of them were better at playing riddles than me, who was pretending to be mute, and both sides were really distracted.

At this moment, when I heard a "click" in my ears, I realized that I had gritted my back molars. I hated the big boss so much that my teeth were itching, because my life was at stake here!

He abandoned me like dog food and hoped to see Lao Qiao wagging his tail, even though I felt like I had no loopholes at all.

"Old Joe..."

When I shouted these two words, Lao Qiao suddenly stopped and turned to look at me.

"Is there a map?"

"Meng Neng's map."

Lao Qiao was staring at me, his eyes motionless.

I swallowed nervously and said, "I can find him!"

I was now pretty sure I could find him, and besides, the big boss had no idea how much I knew about it!
But the reason why Lao Qiao stared at me was not this.


I should timidly ask at this time, 'If I can find him, can I save my life?' At least that way I can know for sure that I can survive.

I am also sure that Lao Qiao will definitely agree!

This has reached the critical moment that he cares about most.

But after getting along with people like A Da, Big Boss, and Lao Qiao, even if there was a lump in my mind, I should be enlightened by now, so I didn’t ask for anything!

Do you know why?

Because as long as I say the words "If I can find him, can I save my life", even if I am completely out of the circle of Lao Qiao, I have become a trader, standing outside the circle and watching. People in the circle; but if you don't tell, the safety factor will be greatly improved. Whether it is for revenge against the big boss, or sincerely helping Lao Qiao, it doesn't matter, Lao Qiao won't care.

"Yes, the map."

I don’t know what Lao Qiao saw in my eyes, but the moment he turned around, he was full of determination.

Old Qiao turned around and returned to the house. He bent down and personally pulled out all the cardboard boxes from under the bed. He found a dusty map before he walked out of the house and laid the map flat on the doghouse.

When I saw Meng Neng, Meng Bo, and even the entire Wa State on the map, I stretched out my finger and pointed at a key point on the map.

"Here, he must be in this area."

Lao Qiao took one look at the map and immediately rejected me: "Impossible!"

Because although the place I was pointing to was also the border, it was too close to Menneng. Lao Qiao didn’t believe that the big boss would be so stupid.

"I'm sure!"

(End of this chapter)

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