Chapter 136 The brightest boy (Thank you Z888-88888 for another 1666 reward!)
I was taught another lesson. Through his words and deeds, Lao Qiao told me how to use people without suspicion!

"Can you find it?"

This is what Lao Qiao asked me.

When I nodded solemnly...


Lao Qiao shouted outside without any suspicion.

The green-skinned soldier I was familiar with appeared, his dark skin shining in the moonlight, standing in front of Old Qiao with a gun on his back without saying a word.

"Take people and follow Xu Ruifeng to arrest people, and listen to him in everything."

"Who is Xu Ruifeng?"

"Little dumb!"

Only then did Burea realize that the person calling was me.

"Old Qiao, he can't leave the village!"

Of course Brea was thinking about Lao Qiao. After all, during the process of the cook making poison, the only people closest to the laboratory were me and Lao Qiao.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

He would never think of Lao Qiao's level, but I was almost touching the edge.

When Lao Qiao hired people, he used the legacy of Wei Wu!

Do you know why Lao Qiao dares to use me?
Because the big boss and I are mortal enemies, he will definitely not hold back. Using me is called revenge, and there is no need to worry about betrayal or not.

This is called employing people without suspicion. He uses people based on their human hearts.

"do not let me down."

The moment Lao Qiao looked at me, his eyes flickered with expectation. This had nothing to do with trust. He was also betting on time!
And the reason why I know where the big boss is on the border right now is because of the map I saw when I was searching the building! !
Drawn on the map is the route used by the big boss to ambush Wenwen. The reason why he is willing to do this must be out of familiarity.

Let me ask, in this situation, when the big boss is being controlled by Lao Qiao, and when he has the only chance to leave Meng Neng and fight back, should he go to a place he is familiar with or a completely unfamiliar place? ?

Do you know why the police start with relatives when arresting wanted criminals?Because familiarity brings the most fatal attraction to people. Familiarity is often equated with safety in people’s impressions!
But if you follow that road on the map to the end, it is the border between Menneng and China. Where else can the big boss go at this time?

Where else could he go!

In addition, the reason why I dare to so directly determine the hiding location of the big boss is that the location is above Menneng and closest to the Wa State. Once he persuades Mr. Bao, that is where the Wa State can best Send troops to pick him up quickly.

I don’t believe that Dabao will always start a war in his own territory just by relying on a video. This will make other areas deeply uneasy, and may even lead to a situation of continuous war.But if someone delivered this batch of goods to him, that would not necessarily be the case.

"Hurry up!"

I yelled at the driver from the passenger seat of the pickup truck.

At this time, I was more anxious than anyone else.

"Drive the fuck faster!"

Burea spoke again in Burmese, and the green pickup truck rushed out with a roar, roaring and speeding on the road.

After the vehicle in front accelerated, several vehicles behind the pickup truck also accelerated. This time, there were five vehicles following me. There were nearly [-] soldiers with live ammunition sitting on our six vehicles. There was also a vehicle-mounted machine gun on the roof. .

The vehicles rushed out of Lao Qiao's exclusive cargo channel. When passing the 729, I saw thick walls and high barbed wire.

I even turned my head...

"Don't you want to see the place where you have been?" Bujea asked me after knowing my identity.My answer: "I just wanted to take another look at the place that kept me alive."

He thought that I didn't look at the park because of the pain inside, but he had no idea that I looked to the other side of the park, looking for the pile of sand that saved my life.

Unfortunately, the sand pile turned into a mark, and the unfinished building on this construction site was already nearly ten stories taller than before!
As the vehicle approached Meng Neng, the speed became faster and the road began to become smoother and smoother.

It's finally here.

When the pickup truck rushed past on the street, countless Wa people on the street turned to look at it.

They watched the military vehicles pass by without knowing what happened, and then watched the vehicles disappear in the smoke and dust.

That's Lao Qiao's hotel...

The place where the big boss took me to take a bath...

In addition to these two places, I actually saw a villa area under development in Mengneng...

Villa area!
villa! !
I am struggling painfully to survive, but Meng Neng is developing villas!
The dogs in the park may be howling at the top of their lungs, but the entire group of powerful green soldiers moved for the will of one person...

Who can tell me what justice is?

Who can tell me what kindness is?

But everything here is telling me what it means to be insignificant, and why being insignificant should be ignored! !

As the vehicle drove out of Meng Neng, there seemed to be a wild beast roaring crazily in my heart, with the smell of blood in the roar.

Originally, there was no beast in my heart, I was sure of this, but at this moment, it appeared out of nowhere inexplicably. It did not need anyone to incubate it, nor did it need to grow. It just began to show its power naturally.

When Lao Lin's park arrived, the convoy rushed past the edge of the park without stopping and headed straight for the border.

My heart is beating wildly at this moment, because I know clearly that if we can't find the big boss, neither Lao Qiao nor I will face a disaster.


At the foot of the border mountain, I shouted this to the driver. At this time, the entire convoy had passed the surrounding ports and continued to extend far along the border.

At that moment, I saw a mountain so high that I could see everything around it.

The driver braked and stopped the pickup truck at the bottom of the mountain. I turned my head and said to Bujea: "Take a few people up the mountain with me!"

I'm not interested in searching for a needle in a haystack from mountain to mountain, but I know that if the big boss wants to do a test, he needs electricity and light. So why don't I find a mountain to climb up and stand on the top of the mountain to find the light source?

Just like those green pickup trucks looking for me from hill to hill with their searchlights on.

"You two, come with me!"

I quickly led them up the mountain, not caring how tired I was. Finally, at the moment of reaching the top, I was panting and looking at the mountains.

On a gray night, the mountains are pitch black. Let alone lighting a lamp at this time, even if you light a cigarette, you will become the brightest person in the mountains.

But the big boss must take this risk, and he must take it here, because Meng Neng is Lao Qiao's territory. Once Lao Qiao reacts, he will never be able to escape. What's more, at this moment, the big boss doesn't dare to gamble on his own. As luck would have it, he had no chips left to bet on.

Burea's expression remained unchanged behind me, and he stood without even breathing heavily. Deep down in his heart, he wanted to ask why he climbed the mountain. I could tell from his face, but I didn't want to explain. I used my eyes to look at the crowd. Searching deep in the mountains.

At this moment, I hope that God, who never shows up, will be on my side.


At this moment, a bright light appeared on the hilltop diagonally opposite where I was. The light was not a torch, but a strong flashlight. There was even a ray of light shining through the shade of the trees towards the sky.

I laughed!
(End of this chapter)

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